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Everything posted by T R U

  1. There are only 30 of these positions available in the world. The number of good managers that would take this job far outweighs the ones who wouldn't. The problem is the man responsible for hiring them to do so.
  2. 6-25, how has Grifol not been fired? This is catastrophic levels of failure, professional baseball teams just aren't this bad.
  3. Hes been pushing my buttons, that's for sure.
  4. Offense stinks. Pitching stinks. Defense stinks. Manager stinks. For the love of god please make a change.
  5. Or they're GONNA?? We've been there all season.
  6. He's for sure a prospect, not a top one, but a prospect none the less.
  7. Of course, 95% of us knew this. I still believe that Getz thought the roster he put together would be WAY closer than what has happened so far.
  8. I would still rather have him on our AA or AAA roster as opposed to cash considerations though.
  9. The only thing that makes sense to me is Getz actually believed the moves he made this off-season would have this team competitive this year in the division. As soon as the season started off as bad as it possibly could, he pivoted to "rebuilding". They never once talked about rebuilding in the off-season, they flat out said they weren't going to do that and they believed they could compete now. The Mena trade aligns with that, the Thompson trade aligns with that. Moves made to help the MLB roster now. I honestly believe that now, he really thought that signing some washed defensive players would turn this around over night.
  10. A 23 year old SP prospect, ya know, the kind of player a rebuilding team should be hoarding not discarding. Thompson: 2.77 ERA in AA currently. Horn: Given away for practically nothing one month into the season after putting up an 11 ERA in AAA. Mena: 4.03 ERA in AAA currently. Fletcher: Demoted one month into the season after being unable to play defense or hit.
  11. That's true, but the age is only relevant when you consider you could have a 21,22 year old kid at a premium position instead. Either way, if the Bears offense is as good as some believe it will be he may not even get that much work as it is.
  12. Why even rush it at this point. Mid may is like 2 weeks away anyways.
  13. im shocked at the Astros % They would need to play 30 games over .500 the rest of the way just to get to 92 wins.
  14. I don't get drafting a 27 year old punter with a 4th round pick, but that's me.
  15. Yes I do realize this. And again, I wasn't trying to imply he hasn't been good.
  16. Well, comprehension isn't one of your strong suits from what I have seen around here buddy.
  17. For sure, I wasn't trying to say he's actually been bad. Its just in comparison to "one of the best pitchers in baseball".
  18. Im not discouraged, im just saying there's no need to jump on people for being a hater or trying to make negative spins when its such a small sample size for someone who was awful in their MLB career previously. I hope he keeps it up, he will return a wonderful package of prospects.
  19. Its been 6 starts and he has a 4.02 FIP. Lets not act like some skepticism is just "haters"
  20. Im sure that was part of his consideration when signing with the White Sox. If you believe in yourself and perform to a certain level it is almost a certainty you will be traded to a contender come July.
  21. Its not that I am actively rooting for them to lose, I just don't really care if they win. It would be a different story if the #1 pick was on the line. Its not, so it doesn't really matter if they win 60ish games they'll be picking 10th no matter what. Jerry already proved last year that if things get really bad, he will be forced to make a change. That's what I am most interested in this year outside, of course, getting maximum value for whatever assets we have left.
  22. I watched Major League the other night for the first time in a long time, and they were all creaming their pants because Rick Vaughn threw 96 MPH.
  23. Whats so hard to understand? We have one of the worst managers in baseball leading this team. Anything that can accelerate his removal is whats best for this team now and in the future. We all want the Sox to win and be a good team, but they aren't a good team and they aren't going to be doing a lot of winning. Sometimes the best decision isn't always the most popular.
  24. Im not so sure about that, but there's only one way to find out.
  25. Was it fun though? I personally don’t get any enjoyment watching a bunch of losers who 80% of won’t even be here next year win some meaningless games. There silver lining is they can’t screw up their draft position, but I want this thing to go nuclear to force radical changes. That’s where the real win will come from.
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