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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Sep 7, 2009 -> 09:30 AM) He signed a big contract a season ago right? People say that Wilfork and Ty Warren are more important to their D, so maybe they thought Seymour was expendable from that point of view. And remember they last guy they traded for a 1st rounder, Deion Branch, he didn't exactly light it up for Seattle. No Seymour will be a free agent after the season I believe. Deion Branch also wasn't a multiple time Pro Bowl player either. He was a guy who had one ok season and won the Super Bowl MVP. Now that was a great deal.. this one I am not seeing it.
  2. QUOTE (Molto @ Sep 6, 2009 -> 03:07 PM) I just bought Madden, and it's pretty good, but one thing I can't figure out for those who have it ... how do you edit a playbook? I'm not talking creating plays, but having it so that certain players are only in certain sets/formations? I haven't been able to find out how to do it, but I'm assuming it has to be somewhere. If not, that's just retarded. Any help? You can only change the depth on formations while in the act of selecting the play. I think its done with the stick, but when you are on the formation there should be an option somewhere on how to flip people around or use the backup etc. I believe that's the only way it can be done.
  3. I guess im the only one who thinks the Patriots are dumbasses for trading Seymour for a 2011 1st round pick. The Patriots have already lost a bunch of people off their defense this offseason now they trade away a pro bowl DE. They are a team that was already in position to contend for the Super Bowl why make that trade? And they dont know how Oakland is going to be in 2 years, its quite possible they lose out on a good pick now for a later pick in a couple seasons. Of course, I don't know if that's all Oakland would give them and refused this one. Either way, its a little puzzling as to why they make this move.
  4. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Sep 6, 2009 -> 12:10 AM) Just seen this on Gerweck: From Taylor Knippa: Possible Armageddon Name Change‏ I was on ticketmaster buying Armageddon tickets and they list the event as WWE Tables Ladders and Chairs. It's not on wwe.com yet but I thought I'd send it in. nail in the coffin, if this happens, I give up, Wont read a dam thing til royal rumble / wrestlemania time i give up... It did indeed happen, its now TLC themed PPV. And incase you didn't already know, there is a Hell in a Cell PPV coming up a couple months after this Submission PPV. I do not care for it either, but oh well.
  5. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 03:29 PM) I know it is only Western Michigan, but damn, they look good. Forcier looks like hes about 5'7
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 02:17 PM) Didn't they draft one and trade him to Denver as Billups's backup? I think so. I am almost 100% sure they drafted 4 guards though.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 02:03 PM) The more I think about it, it's actually an interesting gamble in a number of ways. What's the Bust odds on a #5/#6 pick at that level, first of all? 50%? They've got 2 shots. Second, by Rubio staying over there, they draft him, but save money and cap space on him while he develops. They get the chance for both PG's to play and develop. If Flynn busts, then they can bring Rubio over. If Flynn is solid, then they have a very useful trade chip in his rights. Since this wasn't exactly a strong draft, I'm not sure it's that big of a hurt given all the ways things could work out. Yeah but I was mainly talking about the like 3 other guards they took after that..
  8. QUOTE (zenryan @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 01:18 PM) Big 10 isnt off to a good start. Yeah thank god a real Big 10 team is gonna be on ESPN in a few minutes here..
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 4, 2009 -> 11:31 AM) The Wolves should only be mad at themselves. It's not like they weren't warned that Rubio wanted no part of that franchise. It's completely within his rights to decline to play. They are dumb for drafting all those guards anyways.
  10. QUOTE (danman31 @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 02:14 AM) You're right, but that really shouldn't be the case. As much fun as it can be to root for these "mid-majors" Boise doesn't deserve to be anywhere in that conversation. It's a little harsh IMO. My thing is that the fans can say whatever and the player is supposed to take it. Granted, he should take it and not listen, but still the fans don't get in any trouble for being complete a-holes. Punishment aside, that was a damn good punch. Athletes usually look awful in fights. Oh believe me, I don't wanna see Boise State get demolished by Oklahoma or Florida but starting at #14 and beating #16 this early, they go undefeated and they might be right there at the end. I thought it was a pretty sweet punch too and at first it looked like he knocked that dude out cold. When they showed more of it, he pretty much got right back up and didn't look glass eyed. Either way, he deserved it. There is nothing more angering than someone taunting/talking s*** after you just lost. Especially when you touch him, THEN run your mouth you are asking to get knocked out.
  11. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Sep 4, 2009 -> 07:36 PM) He seems like a guy that would quit the team now that he has nothing to play for. I also thought that until I saw he was being kept on scholarship. Why would he quit and have to PAY for school? Plus this way, he can still practice and what not so he can possibly salvage a shot at the NFL. Either way, how much work could he possibly get in practice now that he is worthless to them?
  12. QUOTE (zenryan @ Sep 4, 2009 -> 06:35 AM) Wow, what a MAJOR letdown last night. Those games sucked. Congrats to Boise for securing their BCS bid which is a joke. That schedule of theirs is pure garbage. IF they go undefeated I think they started ranked high enough to maybe sneak into the National Title game with a few bounces their way..
  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 09:22 PM) I've seen Favre make many blocks, and I remember them because Madden whips out his boner when they happen. Exactly, point being how many times has he made those blocks put out like a WR like that.. None, so yes it was a chop block and yes it was a bad choice but nah, I wont completely blame Favre for that one. And good lord Sean Smith had a NASTY Interception tonight, look up the replay it was one of the best ive ever seen.
  14. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 05:40 PM) Don't tell me that one of the oldest active QBs with 2 decades of football experience doesn't know how to block or doesn't know that a chop block is physically dangerous. I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but that's a damn dirty play. Yeah, I forgot how many times that guy has been split out wide like that. Thats the nature of the block a QB is taught how to make, I never said it wasn't a dirty play but that Favre was just put into a bad situation. Although it really doesn't matter to me at all what any of you think about the play anyways so ill leave it at that.
  15. Hes not on the Sox anymore, who cares what he does
  16. QUOTE (Markbilliards @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 11:28 PM) My mom doesn't shave her bikini line when she goes swimming and it shows. Makes a son want to throw up all over the place. This was totally unnecessary to share.
  17. QUOTE (kev211 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 07:03 PM) The wait for CoDMW2 is taking it's toll on me. Yes, still a little over a month but soon it will be here
  18. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 12:10 PM) As do I. I think the Wildcat will die out rather quickly once guys like Ray Lewis or LaRon Landry injure their star QB spreading out wide. Miami used the wildcat in two different games against the Ravens last season and no one was destroyed by any defensive player. At any rate, I think it would be highly unlikely that Ray Lewis as a middle linebacker has anything to do with a QB split out wide at WR. I dont know what the Vikings were doing, but thats not how Miami runs it so maybe they were just trying something new. The QB also isnt running down the field on a route either, so again, it should be ok. The only time Pennington ever did anything split out wide was go backwards to receive a pitch and then throw the ball.
  19. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 12:19 AM) I don't think he purposely intended to hurt him, but he did mean to throw a chopblock, which always has a high chance of hurting a player. That's why that type of block is illegal. So don't tell me he's innocent. If you throw a chopblock, you know the territory that goes with it. It's the preseason! There's no need for doing something illegal that could hurt another player. If it were a regular season game, I could understand it more b/c he's doing anything it takes to win. But this game didn't matter, so why go low on a guy on his blindside? dude, the only time QBs ever block is going low like that.. In the middle of the play going through his head was prolly not "Im gonna chop block this guy" Im not saying hes innocent, just saying that he didn't mean to hurt him and he prolly wasn't intent on doing a chop block. Its just the nature of the type of block hes use to adding in the fact he was split out like a WR. Either way, im not arguing that it wasn't wrong he was just put in a bad situation.
  20. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 11:24 PM) I was watching the game last night when it happened, and it pisses me off. I mean, it's the f***ing preseason, and Favre is making blindside chop-blocks like that? Go f*** yourself, Favre, you 40 year old b****. Stay retired. I'm not a Texans fan or anything, but that's bush league. Oh please, I wonder how many times Favre has been split out wide and asked to block like that. There is ZERO chance that Favre did that with the intentions of hurting Wilson.
  21. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 07:14 PM) Oh, well I can't speak to the size of it, as I haven't really watched ECW in months. I'm speaking solely of the black and silver look. Ok, well the "look" is pretty cool.. however, they made it like this XXL belt for when Henry was champion and never changed it back. Thats what looks goofy about it, if it was normal sized, it would look pretty nice.
  22. QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 07:19 PM) at the same time, kw's job to to put the best possible sox team on the field, not do favors for good guys. as soon as they traded him a bad sox team got worse. this strikes me as a more impulsive move than i'm used to seeing out of kw. Would getting some other players ABs to see what we may have for next season while being out of it for this season change that? There is no reason to have a 39 year old DH when were done.
  23. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 05:03 PM) I like that news. Does anyone else think the ECW belt is f***ing awesome? No its too big.. I cant believe they didnt change it after Henry was done with it. Either way, its way too big and looks goofy.
  24. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 02:37 PM) No one's going to beat this, the first response. SouthsideDon just beat it
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