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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 05:57 PM) Because he would not get a ring if the Dodgers win, silly. (Apparently we will give him a ring if we win even though he will no longer be on our team when we win). Ahh thank you for making it clear for me.
  2. QUOTE (kev211 @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 05:52 PM) KW knows that we will be facing the Dodgers in the World Series, and this way Thome will get a ring no matter which way the series goes. So why not just keep him then instead of giving him away?!?!?!
  3. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 05:29 PM) We will miss his bat when the playoffs roll around....no question about it. I just hope we still have enough offense to bring another World Series championship to the south side this season. lolz Anyways, think of it as us getting Hynick for Thome and nothing for Contreras.. we shouldn't have gotten anything for either but hey, maybe he can be something.
  4. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 02:21 PM) "There is a new WWE championship belt in the works to replace the current spinning one." Source: The Sun. wrestling-radio.com excellent
  5. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 01:46 PM) Apparently the spinner title belt is going away and a replacement is coming, another thing wwe is doing right. Maybe they finally decided to switch some things up... I couldnt stand that belt So they: Got the belt fixed the tag team division into one titles and going smackdown becoming a solid show (still some problems) now just gotta fix the other 100 problems Where did you hear this? I HATE the spinner belt.. although, it doesn't even spin now anyways.. it still looks cartoonish
  6. QUOTE (tommy @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 11:38 PM) I was just going to ask.. have we waived the white flag? More like throwing in the towel as we weren't planning on keeping either of them anyways and didn't effect our 2010 plans. I always viewed the white flag as selling off pieces we had use for still.
  7. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 06:36 AM) Your logic is pretty twisted. "Get players who perform." So if the players have a past success of quality performance before Kenny gets them and they start to under perform once Kenny does get them it's on Kenny? So if Peavy goes 5-15, 5.62 ERA next year that's on Kenny? I don't think so. Who is it on then.. When a team trades prospects for an expensive player who does not perform for the team its not going to come back to the GM who acquired him? Ive already said the players are number one, my logic is fine here you guys just don't read
  8. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 07:20 AM) Um, the players he got aren't performing. How is that Kenny's fault? It can't be on anyone else BUT the players. That is flawed logic. No s*** dude, ive already said the order of blame was 1. Players 2. KW I was explaining to someone else WHY Kenny would get some blame here. And the fact that you say "Um, the players he got aren't performing. How is that Kennys fault?" What the f*** do you think the GM job is? No GM would ever get fired if that wasn't their fault.
  9. This upcoming PPV just reeks of disappointment.. Yeah right, like John Cena is EVER going to say "I Quit".. Im going to avoid buying it to save myself to face palm of seeing Orton get Super Cena'd. And I agree, how the hell do they plan on keeping the strap on CM Punk. You cant have the Undertaker submit. Maybe have him catch a GTS and then get put in the Anaconda Vice but since he is "knocked out" Punk wins it? That seems very unlikely. Lastly, the Hart Dynasty is so far away from being in a PPV match with DX that's not even fathomable right now. There is no way to even get that ball rolling, especially since they are tied up with Legacy right now. Legacy is starting to get built up pretty well, its only a matter of time before they beat DX in some fashion.
  10. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 01:14 AM) No way it's on Kenny. Kenny filled a lot of holes, it's just players aren't nearly living up to their potential. Dude that's why it IS on Kenny.. His job is to get players who perform, the players aren't performing (not living up to their potential) so how can it be on anyone else? This may just be a bad stretch right now, they may start performing. Thats why im not saying KW needs to go or anything.. however, if there was blame to be placed it should be on the person who CHOSE the players to be on this team that aren't getting the job done. Ozzie is only asked to make dinner, he doesn't get to shop for the ingredients. And its not like we are a small budget team that doesn't have the resources to build a contending team either.
  11. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 10:44 PM) AARON ROWAND IS BAD AT BASEBALL. Seriously people stop this. So who said to bring Rowand back? What exactly are people suppose to be stopping? Saying he was a lot better than Brian Anderson?
  12. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 06:17 PM) Ozzie's handling of Brian was terrible, and there's a great chance Konerko doesn't come back after 2005 without the Thome trade. With the exception of 2007, which was a lost year for the Sox, Rowand's numbers have been very pedestrian. His handling of him may have been terrible but its still up to Brian to produce. He was given plenty of chances and did nothing with them. And while Rowands numbers may have been pedestrian they were still significantly better than anything that has been in CF since. a .270 avg and a .330 OBP with good defense is so pedestrian yet we haven't even gotten close to that since Rowand left. And im not saying you are wrong, im just saying its a glaring hole that only one man can fix, KW.
  13. Is it Ozzies fault we trade Rowand for Thome and then had nothing but Brian Anderson for years holding out hope he would one day turn the light on? We had a CF problem for years, has nothing to do with Ozzie.
  14. QUOTE (stretchstretch @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 05:34 PM) I voted Guillen, as I explained in detail in a few other threads. I'm a little stunned how many baseball knowledgeable people blame the 5 varied 40 man rosters we've had from 2005-2009 for collapsing in the final two months of the season, when they've all been driven by the same manager? When a club is underperforming, people say what does a manager do anyway? well if there's one thing he does is right the ship when it veers off course, and that means keeping the athletes focused, confident, hungry and driven. how do they do that? well, the good/great one's know, the lesser ones such as Ozzie clearly don't. in short, if we had the same guys for 5 yrs, that'd be one thing, but too many players from outside organizations have come here and caught White Sox Fever in August/September along with the rest of the club.... It's not KW, it simply cannot be the collective 5 x 40 man rosters, that leaves one Venezuelan constant Yes, Ozzie needs to man up and tell Dye to stop hitting in the low .100s That should fix him right up. Maybe if he gives Linebrink a special massage he will start pitching better too. OR, do you think the problem is that these 40 man rosters over the past 5 years have had the same problems every season that weren't properly addressed?
  15. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 05:10 PM) Cause on paper it isn't a mediocre team, it's actually a pretty solid one. You're right, that's why the players have to be the number one blame. The fact that they aren't producing, and KW is the person who put it all together, is the reason why he should also be blamed. Like I said though, im not blaming KW right now.. I guess there is still some chance we remove our head from our ass and get back in it but I wont hold my breath for it. I just know that KW put this team together, and even if the players don't perform he shouldn't get a pass. Its his job to bring in players to get the job done, not put together a great looking team on paper.
  16. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 05:02 PM) I'd blame it on everyone except Kenny Williams. Putting any blame on him is quite funny to me actually. Really? He is the one who put this mediocre team together. Im not blaming him, but, to say that he shouldnt be blamed at all and if he is its funny doesn't make sense. If you were going to make a list at who should be held accountable for this teams performance ide prolly have it 1. The Players 2. KW 3. Ozzie
  17. I agree with Fathom For a team that was coming off a division title with expectations to do it again trading a starting OF and SP and getting nothing in return to help your MLB team was not very good. And yes, im aware we cleared salary and got prospects.
  18. Its the players, just about every one of them is slumping horribly right now and recently
  19. How can you blame Ozzie for Dye hitting like .120 since the break? Is it Ozzies fault Buehrle has been garbage since his perfect game? The players performance is what is hurting this team most, more than Ozzie making a bad lineup or bad pitching change.. Thats the problem, the players aren't getting it done.. thats Kenny, not Ozzie.
  20. QUOTE (rangercal @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 02:59 AM) That's not exactly finding my quote. Your not going to sell me on putting a guy in the top 3, who had a 82 Qb rating not too long ago. To put that in perspective, Jason Campbell had a 84.3 rating in 2008. So is he top 3 if he blows his load this year? Sorry. Phil Rivers is close to top 5, but not top 3. That takes more than 1 season. You didn't make a quote that said exactly that, what you said was Rivers needed to accomplish more than Chad Pennington to be considered in that top class (And you name Brees and Brady in said class) while, according to you and your EXACT WORDS, Brees and Brady technically haven't accomplished more than Chad Pennington has either because they only have one 100+ season as well.. thats what I was saying. So was that your exact quote, no. Was that you contradicting yourself, yes. I said Rivers is a top 5 QB for sure, I never said hes top three and that's that. Rivers first year starting was a 92 rating, but I like how that was ignored to try and squeeze your poor Jason Cambpell example into this. I can play this game too. Oh, Drew Brees? Last season was his first 30+ TD season in his career how can he be considered a top 3 QB in this league? Tell you what, if he can get his career QB rating over 89 maybe ill put him in that top class.
  21. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 01:06 AM) I actually think Tom Brady is kinda overrated. I think he's a great QB and all. But when people put him in the same class as Montana/Elway/Marino, I want to behead something. Exactly, just look at his stats. He had that one freak season when he had Moss and they ran a spread offense anytime they threw the ball. Other than that he is a low 60's comp% 25-28 TD 12-14 INT QB. His career rating is only 92 even with that 117 rating season.. hes not even a career 90+ rating QB without that year. Tom Brady is considered elite because he was on really good teams. The Patriots "dynasty" was not all Tom Brady.
  22. QUOTE (rangercal @ Aug 28, 2009 -> 09:58 PM) Please find my quote where I say 100 is the line. Tom Brady and Drew Brees have more impressive seasons than Phillip Rivers. YOU said that he needed to accomplish more than Chad Pennington blah blah.. Then your reason was he needs to do it more than once to be considered along the lines of Peyton, Brees, and Brady.. but your entire logic here makes no sense when Brees and Brady only have one 100+ QB rating season in their careers as well.. And once again, if you would look at Bradys career season avg's they aren't any better than Rivers.. I haven't looked at Brees yet either but ide venture to guess the same would apply.
  23. Im out. Doesn't mean im not gonna keep following them, just means I have come to the realization that they prolly aren't good enough to take the central. Still hope they do though.
  24. QUOTE (rangercal @ Aug 28, 2009 -> 10:48 AM) do it for more than 1 season is the point. It was a fluke for CP. Even without his injury, I doubted he would ever top 100. Philip Rivers probably can and will top 100, when he does I'll give him his props as a top 3 guy. No way he is in the same category as Peyton,Brady and Brees. Its funny you should mention that because Brady and Brees also only have one career 100+ rating season.. but please, continue trying to justify your point to apply only to Rivers.
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