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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 01:30 PM) Stop crying like a baby every year then. You wouldn't know obviously
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 18, 2009 -> 01:55 PM) It's the crying, fake soap-opera, fake-retiring and drama around it year after year after year. Hes not ready to give it up yet, so what.
  3. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 18, 2009 -> 07:49 PM) When was that? I didn't see all of Raw. Chavo and Hornswoggle had a falls count anywhere match and almost immediately Swoggle ran to the back and Chavo followed and was looking for him.. Well he heard a noise behind a door and opened it and a paint can on a rope came swinging down and hit him in the face and knocked him out and Horny came out the other door and pinned him. So then he gets up and Mark Henry is standing there and hes like "It was you??" and he says "No man it wasn't me." and walks off and then it closes up to Chavo and then he looks again and it pans out and McCaulley Culkin is standing there and said something like "Thats not funny man." and walks off.
  4. Im surprised no one mentioned the McCaulley Culkin appearance on Raw
  5. I don't get whats with all the hate for Brett Favre.. If he wants to play, whats the big deal.. You're only upset he went to the Vikings
  6. It doesn't really matter what happens now, what is going to matter is the two series with Detroit at the end of September that is going to decide it. So it doesn't really matter that we spanked NY and LAA and then look pathetic against Cle and Sea.. Those two series is whats going to decide it so that when we need to be rolling and that's all that I am really concerned with right now..
  7. I wish people would shut up about that Cardinals team already..
  8. THE OFFENSE TONIGHT MAKES ME ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, Pena gets a pass tonight.. score a f***ing run when there is a man on 3rd and no outs and the game wont need to go longer than 9.
  9. Do you think they are going to risk keeping him and then not being able to move him in the offseason when no one wants to eat that contract? If they were smart, they would take this opportunity to lose that contract.. Doesn't mean they cant try and get something in return, but I think it would be foolish to miss a chance to have it gone right now.
  10. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 11:42 PM) Is there really anything more evil than women? No, no there isnt.
  11. T R U

    Films Thread

    Im about to go see G.I Joe right now I know im gonna like it
  12. QUOTE (winninguglyin83 @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 06:55 PM) What I don't like is that Kenny consistently overpays in these trades. We traded Swisher and Vaz and got table scraps. maddening to me. I thought we got a great return for Vaz to be honest with you
  13. QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 06:49 PM) There's no guarantee that Richard could keep throwing 8 inning 1 run ball either. Torres is better than Colon or anyone else in AAA right now. Right, but the point being he prolly gives us a better chance at winning games than Torres does.
  14. QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 06:44 PM) They're only pitching Carrasco tonight because Torres couldn't come up from AAA yet. There is no guarantee that Torres is going to give us what he did in his debut everytime either. This basically looks to me like KW said well we may just have to concede this season to be set up for next year and beyond which is unacceptable to me.
  15. How did we get so lucky that when we have to start Carrasco our opposing pitcher is Mitre? We may still have a chance in this game afterall
  16. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 06:39 PM) Kenny expects him to make his first start at the end of August. Yeah well see about that And how many games do you think well be out by then if we keep running Carrasco out there? I dunno, just not liking it
  17. Not a fan only because hes not going to help us THIS year
  18. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 02:40 AM) ^^Just what we need,another old guy^^ yeah f*** him and his .320 avg, .370 OBP, and .800+ OPS
  19. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 10:17 AM) When you got around 13 PPV's a month, thats 13 PPV's to sell, and their best sellers are them. Right, but they wouldn't be the ONLY best sellers if they would actually build other people up instead of having Cena bury them in under 5 mins.
  20. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 05:09 AM) They didn't have a redbox there? Blind buying DVD's is so pointless these days. I always blind buy DVDs when they are like this movie. The unrated comedy type movies generally seem to always end up being at the very least a decent buy, especially for $14. However, this one was a great buy as I thought it was very funny and really enjoyed it. I would recommend it to watch for others as well, I don't know how it didn't last in theaters because I thought it was pretty funny.
  21. QUOTE (Stocking @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 01:01 AM) This is entertainment. Wise> Fields/BA. I hope it doesn't end here, what a f***ing joke. Whats a joke? That we are gonna dump two of three players who are pretty much as equally worthless? The difference between Anderson and Wise isn't so huge that it should be an issue and to be honest with you ide rather have Kotsay than either of em anyways. Anderson, Fields, and Wise have done bare minimum to help this team this season.. I don't think anyone should be upset over losing ANY of them and at least Anderson and Fields could potentially get us SOMETHING that MAY help the team this year where as there is no way that Wise would net us anything.. and that is why I believe he is the one still here.
  22. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 07:53 PM) wwe's a joke, why do you intelligent people watch it anymore? You guys are better then that, stop supporting a show that does the same thing every single year, and caters to kids. They still get some things right from time to time, and im not gonna lie for the most part I am still entertained with it.. I think im just getting tired of the Cena/HHH/Orton picture.. more so because its been HHH and Cena in the same spot for years and years now.. can we please just have Cena do something else for once?
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