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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 08:26 PM) youarenotrede. Nixon is killzig. haha what is that? is that one gamertag or two? Or none, and something weird im not getting
  2. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 27, 2009 -> 08:33 PM) I'll probably get a 360 for college.... but the problem is, I'm addicted to the show. The past week+ has been hell for me. Lets be honest here, there is really no difference between the 360 and the PS3 aside from some exclusive games and the Blu Ray player which I find to be pointless anyways. Sure, Blu Ray looks nice but you have to buy Blu Ray DVDs which are pricey anyways and unless you have a huge HD TV (Which I doubt you will at college) whats the point? I personally find watching HD Movies On Demand from Comcast cable perfectly satisfying in terms of quality. The main thing I see here is that Sony isn't as generous with its customers as Microsoft is. Like I already said, my XBOX died on me and Microsoft fixed that b**** for free and quickly. There was no questioning me about what happened, I just said I got the three flashing red lights and they said send it in. They GIVE you a UPS shipping label, you don't even have to pay to send the thing. I didn't have to pay any money and my problem is fixed with no hassle at all. How is this a problem? Playing with other people is awesome, I wouldnt even want the system if I didnt have XBOX live or people to play with. Playing against people in NCAA, playing Rock Band/Guitar Hero, and playing against people online is the best thing about the system. I spend countless hours playing Call of Duty online, and its awesome. And I cant wait for the new NCAA to come out so I can start dominating online. Which reminds me, I am pretty sure this was a heavy PS3 user place.. but if anyone does have XBOX Live and wants to play sometime gimme your gamer tag.
  3. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 06:14 PM) You probably were covered under the warranty actually, Microsoft extended everyone's warranty to 3 years. I bought mine in August 2006 I think and I'm probably still good under the warranty. Nah man, Ive had it over 3 years the warranty was definitely up.. however, when you get the three red lights signaling a hardware problem Microsoft fixes it for free. They say that wear and tear on your own part will not be a free repair, however, my XBOX was never moved and the only real thing I ever did was play it a lot. The only thing that I think played a part in it "breaking" was there were three occasions where I was playing and the power went out (In my entire house). When that happened, the three red lights came on immediately. So that might have been why it died on me, but, I don't think that's really me mishandling my system and I don't think it should die because of that either. I am just glad that XBOX knows I spent a lot of money to buy their product and they did everything they could to fix my situation while also leaving me satisfied that it was not only free of charge, but done in a quick manor. Like I said, I couldn't be happier with XBOX and how this situation played out. I honestly didn't expect it, especially knowing I didn't have a warranty anymore and assuming it was going to take a month or so to get the thing back.
  4. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 12:41 AM) Little late to the party, but our boy was named MOP of the CWS. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...tml?eref=sihpT1 Thats all I needed to see, I think Mitchell is signing barring some huge debacle.. which there shouldn't be.
  5. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 27, 2009 -> 11:07 PM) Lets have this conversation in January when its -5 degrees for the high and we have 24 inches of snow on the ground. I would gladly trade with you.. Its 90+ degrees here about 7 to 8 months out of the year I love the cold weather anyways, and get tired of everyone here cry and break out winter coats and gloves when its 55.
  6. lolz, on CBS it said it was like 82 in Chicago today.. It was 104 here on Wednesday, and it was absolutely brutal. I wish it was in the 80s here, you guys got it lucky.
  7. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 27, 2009 -> 02:01 PM) Yep, looks like I will try to manually fix my ps3 and if that doesn't work, I'll likely just buy a new one when the price drops (rumored to drop $100 in August). I heard somewhere that Target offers 3 year warranties on PS3's, so that seems like the best route to take if I can't fix the PS3. Or maybe my brother who never uses his will give me his, that'd be awesome. When I called Sony today to try and negotiate a better deal and all they said is they can't do anything about it, and that's BS. No way in hell I'm spending $150+ on a refurbished model with only a 90 day warranty, that's ridiculous, especially considering I've done nothing but take very good care of my PS3 and have been a loyal Sony costumer for the past several years. The guy tried to sell me this crap about the refurbished ones being factory compared, and all I gotta say is who gives a f***. $150 is a decent amount of change, and if I'm gonna spend it on a reused system, I want more than a 90 day warranty. No way do I want to go through this s*** again in a year. However, I did send them an angry e-mail. Maybe if I'm lucky, they'll send me a free game or accessory. You need to get an XBOX 360 Mine died, and my warranty was up. So what does XBOX do? Well, they get my XBOX in the mail and from receiving it to repairing it took literally 2 days and its already at UPS and being shipped back to me by Monday I would assume since I dont know if UPS delivers on Sundays. Did I mention that I didn't have a warranty? The repair was still free. I couldn't be more pleased with Microsoft.. They fixed my XBOX very quickly and have sent it back to me, all free of charge. I also get it back with a new limited warranty as well. They exceeded my expectations big time as this was my first time to ever have an issue with the system.
  8. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 05:26 AM) I'm with you. She has NO booty what so ever, but I don't care. Some people criticize her because they don't think she has a pretty face, I have no clue what they are talking about. She is just gorgeous, I love her face
  9. QUOTE (rangercal @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 04:57 PM) Sports are about the fans first and foremost. Players who do this only hurt the fans of the particular market/franchise. I know as a Bulls fan that I really won't have to ever worry about this type of situation, but it does not make it right that there are about 5-10 fan bases that have to think about this in the back of their mind. It would be better for the league as a whole if this bulls*** would end. I hope to never see Ricky Rubio on a NBA floor. f*** him. You are out of your mind if you think its about the fans first and foremost. The only people who think that are fans themselves, not players or owners.
  10. QUOTE (rangercal @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 03:42 PM) I wish the NBA could somehow set an example of Rubio. Ban him from the league and give Min a Comp pick next year. This is bulls***. How is that fair and how is this bulls***? There is no law that says if you are drafted you HAVE to play for that team. Rubio doesn't want to play for Minnesota, so hes staying in Spain. I think Minnesota should have done some better research if you ask me and this is their own problem.
  11. I have a feeling getting VC is going to help in Hedo staying.. He already said he would take less money to stay, yes he did say it depends on much less, but you can still get paid and be on this team that is championship caliber. I think they get it done and keep him. And that Anderson guy they got, looks like a pretty solid big man. 7.5 ppg and like 4.8 rpg in 19 mpg? I like it. Only 21 too.
  12. Man im starting to get pumped about Miz I have a feeling he is gonna win Sunday
  13. Maryse is so damn hott and the way she talks, oh man I love it
  14. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 22, 2009 -> 10:58 AM) BTW- I think Jenks, Buehrle, and maybe Dye and AJ deserve to be All-Stars. Podsednik
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 08:14 PM) Stallworth receives "Indefinite" suspension from the NFL. (The Indefinite suspension Pacman Jones received lasted 6 games). Ive got a feeling this one will be a little different
  16. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 20, 2009 -> 12:13 AM) I think my PS3 died... I searched the problem online and it's called the yellow light of death Looks like I will now be ps3-less cause I think my warranty is out and sony wants 150 bucks to replace it Join the club, I just got the red ring of death the other day.. Warranty is out, however, on the "Repair Request" thing on xbox.com it quoted me as $0.00 cost for repair, so thats good for me.
  17. I agree with most of what he said, but how could HHH possibly change? Haircut? Gimme a break, could you imagine trips with short hair? No way, what he needs to do is shave the beard OR go back to the Lemmy look. Music? Whats wrong with his music, its perfect for him. I don't think that needs to change at all. Its like saying HBK's music has to go, why when it fits him perfect?
  18. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 06:54 PM) lol, yea, I can imagine I'd do the same thing. I even still have my old broken gold club, named Big Bertha (after the brand) from my old days of backyard wrestling. : I wish I had a singapore cane similar to the Sandman's, too. I noticed some are sold on ebay, lol. man I wish I had a singapore cane here, that would be sweet I recently got the original One Night Stand PPV on DVD and there is so much caning it got me pumped up
  19. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 01:08 PM) Does anyone here have any replica wrestling belts? I'm seriously thinking of getting replicas of the original ECW belts and I'm wondering if anyone else in here has any. Does anyone cut promos at home with it? : I have a replica spinner title that I gave my little sister for her birthday.. its pretty sweet and yes, sometimes I do just drape it over my shoulder when im walkin around the house
  20. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 17, 2009 -> 11:02 AM) I'll take that over a year in jail anyday. The point being was that he wasnt just slapped on the ass and told to go back to Cleveland.. Either way, the dude he hit was J walking which im sure was part of this lightened load.. also, I agree with that family just wanting to money.
  21. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 05:35 PM) I mean it's crazy. One man gets locked up for years cause of f-ing dogs fighting.. dogs!... , and a guy gets 30 days for killing a human being. I don't get it, and Vick will definitely get the raw end of it more in his life. 30 days in jail ...AND 2 years of house arrest ...AND 8 years of probation ...AND reached a settlement with the family of the dude he iced Lets not just act like hes in county for 30 days then back to the football field.. and I just read the CBSSportsline article on this and he got some strange plea deal for cooperating with investigators and because the family of that man just wanted it to be over with.. weird
  22. T R U


    QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 12:47 PM) Creatine, as far as I am concerned, was and is a gimmick supplement. Cant argue that
  23. Im just having a hard time seeing the Miz beating Cena in a singles match.. I cant find any way that they could make it believable
  24. I don't know why but I thought it was hilarious seeing Miz's head slowly rise from outside the ring.. Either way, am I the only one who is finding it very hard to accept Miz as a possible main event player?
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