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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 14, 2009 -> 06:21 PM) With all due respect, get a grip on yourself. If you want to take the opposite side of conversial things, you are going to get flack. I figured you were tough enough to handle it. I'll be sure not to make you have to stand up for yourself so I don't hurt your feelings anymore in the future. Ive got a grip, and trust me you aren't hurting my feelings as I can handle it and im not sitting here losing sleep over whats discussed on Soxtalk. I understand that I am going to get s*** for being on the other side of a lot of issues, that's fine. What I don't like is it spilling over into threads that have absolutely nothing to do with one of those issues. As an admin, surely you can agree with that.
  2. QUOTE (T R U @ Apr 13, 2009 -> 09:28 PM) Aww I wish I could be in my tweens and talk about pot, steroids, and drunk driving on a message board so I can act like im a badass too sad.gif Except the difference is I don't start threads on any of those things. There are plenty of people on this board that smoke weed, have driven drunk, and have nothing negative to say about steroids. Im sorry that according to you, no one should have a different opinion about questionable subject matter. Im sorry that instead of saying nothing, I am one of few people who doesn't care to speak up on the other side of an issue like these. Im not trying to act like a badass, I never said smoking weed was cool and everyone should do it.. I never told people they should take steroids.. Yeah so what, I drive drunk sometimes. Pretty sure I said that it was a risk I choose to take, and never once said that its harmless and more people should do it. And once again, I never started any of the threads that those things were discussed in. Its a message board, its meant to talk about things. And just because I am usually on the other side of the discussion, I can always count on you and many others to follow my posts around to trash whatever I say. Much like the Polar Bear lady, half the posts in there were actually just people taking shots at me for no reason other than I have a different opinion on things. Or even in here, when I misunderstood what lostfan was trying to say and apparently im just looking for attention and should be called Britney or Lindsey now..
  3. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Apr 14, 2009 -> 09:43 AM) I would like to thank Lifetime fitness last night, for not kicking out the stripper young woman who decided to be fashionable and wear her thong bikini to swim laps last night. Swimming obviously works extremely well for shaping a persons body, thats all I have to say about that. I love Lifetime Fitness, it really is more of a resort than a gym.
  4. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Apr 13, 2009 -> 10:15 PM) Phillip Fudd Palmieri Or him, those would be my two wishes
  5. Aww I wish I could be in my 40's and be an Admin on a message board so I can act like im a badass too
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 13, 2009 -> 01:07 PM) If you figured that what I said was so ridiculous that what you'd feel the need to suggest that someone punch me in the face, I'd say the sarcasm there should have been pretty obvious. I only said that because you had just a minute ago suggested people who call it soda be slapped in the face, and since you were already talking about how calling something a different name as opposed to someone else I could only assume your jacket post was serious. Honest mistake
  7. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 13, 2009 -> 12:53 PM) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm I am aware of this concept of sarcasm, your post just wasn't useful in showing it Especially considering you think its called "pop"
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 13, 2009 -> 12:16 PM) I also refer to my jacket as outerwear and my gymshoes as athletic footwear. I think you deserve a closed fist to the face for this one outerwear? really? So when you are looking for your jacket you say "hey have you seen my outerwear??"
  9. T R U


    man lost would be badass if it wasn't for the plot...and the actors...and pretty much everything about it
  10. Hooray someone scored from second on a single!
  11. QUOTE (Tmar @ Apr 11, 2009 -> 09:07 PM) Hi, yes, I would like to change T R U's name to Mushu. Thanks in advance. haha man, thought I wouldnt catch this huh?? Dont change it! Change Tmar to ChristineFan please
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 12, 2009 -> 07:23 PM) You have to kill it. It now knows the taste of the sweetest of all meats. It will never be able to sate its hunger agai. Human meat is pretty good, but I would assume they wouldn't harm the bears because of one dumbass
  13. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 12, 2009 -> 08:26 AM) I'll be pissed if they do something to the polar bear because of this idiot. They couldn't do something to the Polar Bear cuz of this could they? They didn't do anything wrong, that dumbass jumped in there on her own power.
  14. QUOTE (shipps @ Apr 12, 2009 -> 09:54 AM) I dont think anyone wants to hear anymore of TRU'S thoughts on drunk driving. Wow, and you really posted this RIGHT after someone asked my thoughts too
  15. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Apr 12, 2009 -> 09:52 AM) So if he gets convicted of all 6 charges will that be his first strike, or three? T R U, your thoughts? Thats laughable
  16. Only 1 start This thread could be relevant by the end of the month tho
  17. QUOTE (kev211 @ Apr 11, 2009 -> 05:54 PM) judging by how absolutely massive James is. I wouldn't be surprised if he is on something. Hes not that massive, he weighs 250 lbs Pujols weighs 230 LeBron James is 6'8 though and Pujols is 6'3
  18. T R U

    Dumbest Person Ever

    LINK Doesn't get much worse than this.
  19. QUOTE (knightni @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 10:23 PM) You'd look like s*** too if you got smacked by a Slap Chop. Well I wasnt talkin about the beating she took.. I meant how she looked as a person, the first pictures were solid.. the others I saw, yikes
  20. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 04:14 PM) My condolences to the Adenhart family and the other victim's families,what a totally avoidable tragedy...I swear,the human race needs to cull some of it's dumber members. Nice word bro
  21. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 04:02 PM) You are a jack ass and you can't even see it,it only has to happen once and even if the accident is not your fault,just for the fact that you were drunk,you'll be the one held responsible.Stop driving drunk,if only to cover your own ass if you don't care about anyone else. Sorry, don't give a s***
  22. QUOTE (GREEDY @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 02:36 PM) What did you think of the new Fast and Furious? haha, man this guy is awesome
  23. QUOTE (GREEDY @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 02:05 PM) What? You don't find it odd that a major league baseball player died in an '01 Mitsubishi Eclipse Convertible? That is a high school parking lot car. A girl was driving
  24. QUOTE (bighurt574 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 01:54 PM) My one last attempt. Think Dante Stallworth. Even if the guy he killed was completely out of his mind by wandering into the street (I have no idea what actually happened), Stallworth is still in deep, deep trouble because he was legally intoxicated at the time of the accident. Good luck overcoming that fact in court. So, you might be the greatest driver in the world even when intoxicated, but if someone else does something stupid and causes an accident, the risk increases exponentially that you'll get some blame for it. And if someone is hurt and/or killed in the accident, I sure wouldn't want to be in that position. Donte Stallworth hit some guy at like 7 in the morning, in Miami Beach, who was rushing across the street to catch a bus. Six lanes!!! Once again, I will repeat, driving where I live is not like it is in most places.. especially between 2-3 in the morning. Yes, I understand the risk involved and the consequences that can come from it.. but I honestly don't really care.
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