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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 07:58 AM) Your point regarding overreaction to the commonplace on account of celebrity is well taken. With all due respect, your rationalization of your drunk driving is not. I'll venture to guess that the majority of drunk driving accidents involve drivers with attitudes similar to yours. I don't know you, and apologize for sounding so judgmental, but I highly doubt you're as different from the rest of us as you seem to imply. If I'm wrong, I apologize and congratulate you, but even if your conduct has and remains "victimless," your behavior is still unrepentently criminal. Please reconsider, if not for your sake, then for your family's (and, in case we ever attend the same ballgame, my own). Peace. No need to apologize, I understand what you are saying. However, like I already said, a lot of people are running red lights/messing with their radio/speeding. Thats not what I do, and I know people have a hard time believing it because they all say "Well thats what every person who drives drunk says" but I have been in the car with other friends who driving drunk and it really isn't the same. I guess it is criminal but then again I do a lot of criminal things so I don't really think that matters much. And im not some alcoholic. If we ever were at the same ballgame you wouldn't need to worry because I wouldn't be drinking. The only time I ever drink ANYTHING is at the bar, other than that I don't touch alcohol.
  2. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 10:39 AM) You are? Your comment in the ShamWow hooker thread disagrees with this comment. Thats not fair, the original pictured posted in there were not the same as the ones that were later posted.. I was tricked into that one!
  3. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 12:54 AM) Well, personally I have never had any personal contact with anyone who has been in an drunk driving accident, so far. So, my largest contact with hearing about these incidents have been ones told my cheesy school videos, or famous athletes who have been involved. And Ive lived in urban and suburban areas, so I should be more exposed to this I guess. Basically, when famous people are involved in these incidents it just reinforces to people that "oh s***, this is real. this can really happen to me." I think that same message is applied to people who know friends, family, etc who have had similar experiences. And I agree with that, but what I don't agree with is it having to be someone famous to get a message across. The message should still be the same regardless of who is involved. And as far as movies and school videos go, they are always overblown into trying to scare people into not doing something. Have you ever put on those "drunk goggles"? Looks NOTHING like it does when you are drunk, its more like for the person who has the worst eyesight in the world without glasses on. Some people are just incredibly sloppy drunks, while others are not. And in somewhat the same type of situation, how about the man who got killed at the Angels game the other day when getting into some fight. I don't recall seeing anything on this site about that, however, if it was a professional athlete who was killed in a fight we would all be giving our prayers and saying "oh what a tragedy".
  4. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 12:37 AM) So, youre saying that drinking and driving doesnt affect you. Fair enough. Maybe others are in a similar position where it also hasn't hit them personally, and maybe seeing an athlete like Nick be killed by a drunk driver sends a wake up message to them. Wheres the fault in that? There is no fault in it I was merely saying that I personally find it annoying that while many people every day die from drunk drivers the only time its really ever brought to attention is when its someone who is either a professional athlete or a celebrity. Why does it have to be someone "famous" to send a message? There is no difference between someone who can throw a baseball good and Joe Schmo in Denver, Colorado. If I lived in a large city or it was like early in the evening, I wouldn't risk it. However, I feel comfortable in my ability to get myself home safely without driving like madman in my setting.
  5. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 12:17 AM) So whats worse, being shocked by the incident and vowing never to drink and drive again? OR Saying that its stupid to be shocked by this incident because its a commonplace event that can be avoided, YET you still dont do anything to change your own habit of drinking and driving? I don't need to change anything, I don't live in Los Angeles.. I don't live in the actual city of Houston.. I live in a place where driving home at 2-3 in the morning means you are generally the only car visible.
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 12:11 AM) Please stop. I will not. I am an excellent drunk driver, and when you see stories like this there is always a main cause (I.E. blowing through a red light) that is totally unnecessary. Sorry, but I see no harm in driving 2 miles to my house from the bar at 2:30 in the morning when there is rarely a car in sight aside from people leaving the bar and cops, a lot of them, and I have never been pulled over. Why? Because I drive the speed limit, I stay in my lane, I don't run red lights or roll through stop signs. There has only been one time in my life when I was too f***ed up and couldn't drive home and that was after getting hammered at the bar and then taking some colossal rips off the bong and even THEN I was smart enough to tell myself, while extremely f***ed up, that I was too gone to drive and I didn't. Other than that, I am a very coherent drunk..
  7. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Apr 9, 2009 -> 11:15 PM) LOL, how far you have come from "We dont need Cutler because we dont have Wide Recievers, and he is overrated anyways" zzzzzing!
  8. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 9, 2009 -> 11:19 PM) Did I or anybody else insinuate that drinking and driving was cool until this incident? My situation was over 2 years ago. And I haven't gotten behind the wheel of a car drunk since. I didn't all of a sudden become reformed yesterday. I wasn't trying to call anyone out by that, it was more directed towards how you only really see this when a professional athlete/celebrity has it happen to them when it happens countless times every day somewhere without the same response like they are any different. Edit - And I drink and drive all the time, so clearly im not trying to point you guys out and say you're horrible or something.
  9. I really hope they are booing the s*** out of these assholes.. The Sox, not the Royals.
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 9, 2009 -> 12:31 PM) Pavano has given up 5 runs so far and only recorded one out. Go Brandon McCarthy!!! McCarthy looks real good so far. Struck out the side in the first.
  11. Its so annoying to read these stupid RIP threads and see so many people claim "I will never drink and drive again" just because some baseball player dies when ordinary people die from this ALL the time and its never mentioned.
  12. C: Michael Barrett 1B: Jeff Kent 2B: Robbie Alomar 3B: Shea Hillenbrand SS: Terrell Owens LF: Carl Everett CF: Elijah Dukes RF: Milton Bradley SP: Carlos Zambrano CL: John Rocker
  13. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Apr 7, 2009 -> 11:37 PM) Wise is going to go 4/4 with 2 2B a HR and a SB tomorrow. Book it. If he does I am sure there will be a line of people ready to complain instead of praise
  14. I guess im gonna be the one to say give Wise a break. He had a good spring and weve played ONE game. Yeah, he sucked ass, but he has been thrown into starting CFer and leadoff man and ide imagine its a lot of pressure on him. If he is continually garbage (Which I know there is a 99% chance he will be.) then you know they are going to make a move anyways. But come on, there shouldn't be people calling for his head after one game.
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 11:16 PM) Fair enough point, but I still want him to do well and I want us to win the division. Bah, I don't give a s*** about Joe Crede.. Thanks for 2005, but you aren't a member of the White Sox and that's were my loyalty lies. I could care less what other players do when they move on, I am a fan of the White Sox not a former White Sox player on another team, especially a rival team. I hope Joe sucks it up to be quite honest. Whatever helps the Twins be bad this season, im all for.
  16. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 7, 2009 -> 10:39 PM) Really? GTFO, because that's all you are going to get this year. Haha, I was joking But seriously though, I was surprised no one mentioned we didn't draw a walk
  17. QUOTE (BearSox @ Apr 7, 2009 -> 08:46 PM) I'm all for big families, I want a lot of kids... but there is a big difference between that, and having 10+ kids with several different women all by the time you are 20. Not to mention impregnating a 17 year old when he was 24. That just shows a complete lack of morals and complete disregard for human life quite frankly. 1. Im sure he didn't plan to have kids with several different women, some guys prefer to raw dog it and use the pull and pray method.. Its possible he is just unlucky, but I think its fair to say no one WANTS to have several kids with several women. 2. Plenty of people sleep with multiple women, there is nothing immoral about that at all. Sex is awesome, and if you enjoy it why wouldn't you have sex with lots of people? I have a friend that is in the 100's, none of them have gotten pregnant and hes not a condom man, which brings me back to point #1 that maybe he is just unlucky in that department. 3. Are you saying that a 24 year old sleeping with a 17 year old is immoral? Or is it that she got pregnant? Is that because shes 17? Do you realize that in most places being 17 is legal age of consent? Or are you saying sleeping with someone 7 years younger than you is immoral? If shes 24 and hes 31 is it still immoral?
  18. No walks from our hitters.. im done with this swing for the fences, slow footed team
  19. T R U

    Quick Question

    QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Apr 7, 2009 -> 10:49 AM) But have you ever replaced an imaginary alternator like T R U? haha yeah, I think people skipped over what I originally put and just assumed I really needed car help. I just needed a fake story incase someone was like "Man, what'd that cost you" so I didn't sit there and be like "Uh, $700" They didn't ask anyways aside from a "Did you get your car fixed" and I simply replied with a concerned "Yeah.. damn alternator, that car is falling apart."
  20. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 07:15 AM) Yeah, that's how it works. I retract my statement after seeing a few more pictures of her, the first two that were shown were solid.. the next few, yikes, not so much
  21. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 08:23 AM) I thought the PPV was pretty good - Taker/HBK was a masterpiece, MITB was excellent, Hardy v Hardy was terrific, Steamboat/Jericho was a lot of fun, and even the three-way was pretty good. The Ending to the Orton/HHH match was ridiculous - yes, they were running out of time, but Orton doesn't even get to kick out of the pedigree once? BS. Kid Rock was completely extraneous and wasted valuable time - there were no introductions to the Diva Battle Royal, so we didn't get to know who were the former Divas in the match. Other than that, I had a good time. Taker/Michaels was worth $55 by itself. Im pretty sure there was no intros for the Diva battle royal so they could sneak Santino in there. Thats what I got from it
  22. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 08:28 AM) Did Cena really get Big Show and Edge up for the FU(Attitude Adjustment)? Hate him all you want, thats a pretty impressive show of power Its not that impressive when you actually consider how much someone like him could squat.. either way, edge slid off almost immediately
  23. T R U

    Quick Question

    QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Apr 5, 2009 -> 01:36 PM) He's a part time pizza delivery driver. With unemployment benefits one will most likely make more than him by being able to sleep in and surf the net. Hey I work full time.. And I make like 15 or so an hour and leave with cash every night plus paychecks so I don't do THAT bad.. Its part time in the sense that I am not going to be able to get anything better at the moment seeing that I couldn't go back to college this year but I wouldn't say im less than people on unemployment.. Sorry Mr. Eye, I prolly should have clarified that I don't have a legit job so its not like im really cheating anyone here
  24. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Apr 5, 2009 -> 10:40 PM) So outside of one match, Wrestlemania was mediocre. Way to make the 25th Wrestlemania mean something. Pretty much. What the f*** was the deal with the end of the HHH/Orton match? It pretty much just ended suddenly like they said "s*** its 9:57, wrap it up" HBK/Undertaker though was something else, worth the crappy PPV as a whole easily.
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