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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 06:57 PM) I guess i'm one of the few here who like the gimmick. I don't think you can do the Nitro gimmick since there are no more MNM & since Melina still uses the same music & intro, I don't see it changing anytime soon. He still could have been Johnny Nitro.. didn't need the same music plus it doesn't mean he is still connected to MNM
  2. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 09:40 AM) On a side note, how much money has DeAngelo Hall pillaged in the last three seasons. Holy cow, 54 million? To be fair, his play picked back up when he went to Washington
  3. QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 10:57 PM) Whatever. Ya know what's lame? A poster who switches his screen name every week. I switched back to the original, cant say anything about that it doesnt count as a new one.. but ide give you the Orton punt right now if I could for this burn
  4. sweet jesus, that was fast.. appreciate it
  5. By popular demand, I need to be changed back to T R U I was new coke for a while, but its time to go back to the classic and wow the people
  6. I think Morrison needs to drop that stupid 60's gimmick.. thats so lame
  7. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Feb 18, 2009 -> 01:38 PM) HA! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. Try beating the unbeatable John Cena by cashing in Money in the Bank at the best possible time and having the crowd wildly cheer you (as a heel), then see the biggest ratings spike for Raw in 10 years, and then we'll talk. I'm sorry, but there's still a lot of people who find Orton's mic skills incredibly boring - never mind all the heat he lost when he turned face and HHH killed him in all their rematches. Oh give me a f***ing break, ANYBODY could have come out and beat Cena and the crowd would have gone insane at that time.. Im gonna try and find they Heyman article thats not too old were he talks about how Orton IS the best thing the E has right now Orton hasn't been face in a long ass time, and I guess we forget that it was just last Wrestlemania where Orton won clean over BOTH Super Cena and the Boss' Son in the main event.. He will be main eventing a second WM in a row this year, so well see what happens
  8. QUOTE (The Critic @ Feb 17, 2009 -> 07:30 PM) Excuse me.... EXCUSE ME!!!! lmao I get what you are saying about the "blah, blah, blah" stuff but man, you cant deny that she gets major heat anytime she opens her mouth.
  9. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Feb 17, 2009 -> 07:06 PM) Um.......Edge? And to whoever above, Vickie is a HEAT MACHINE. She pushes all the right buttons. Orton is bigger than Edge He seems like he is approaching the Stone Cold status of being a "Heel" yet the fans like him. Orton isn't getting as much boos and hate as he use to. I think he is the best thing they got, and recently it feels like WWE agrees because he is getting all of the favorable decisions thrown his way. I fully expect him to beat Trips clean at Mania as well.
  10. QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 17, 2009 -> 02:46 PM) You would be King of the World if you got a photo of him punting you in the head. If he is signing autographs I will ask if we can get an action shot that makes it look like im getting punted in the head.. I dont see that working out, but it would be the greatest picture ever. Ill try man, I hope hes there I am going to the Axxess from 1-5 the day of Mania
  11. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Feb 17, 2009 -> 03:15 PM) No way man, wrestling fan dont respond to people on the mic that truly suck(see: Orton, Randy. Before the last year). Watching her on the mic yesterday, it was almost overwhelming how much the crowd responded to her. I dont like her either, but I cannot deny the fact that she is doing well what makes heels succeed. Jarrett and Russo always rambled and ended up getting the "boring" chants, Vicki just gets the straight up hate. Hes right I watched Raw from last night a little bit ago and she was getting a TON of heat from the crowd
  12. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Feb 16, 2009 -> 06:28 PM) at this point they might as well acknowledge the HHH/Steph marriage to further the storyline for 'Mania. They have already acknowledged that before a few times as it is but Orton is the man, I cant wait to see him main eventing at mania.. im hoping he is at the fan axxess so I can get his autograph and a pic or something that would be kickass
  13. Uh, so Christian debuted tonight on ECW How lame
  14. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 9, 2009 -> 07:18 PM) I'm curious. If you were offered a substantial sum of money to kill another human being and you were 99% certain that you would get away with it, would you go through with it? Without hesitation
  15. This is literally the best news ever Suck it A Roid huggers Now I am just pulling for Pujols to test positive and ill be set
  16. QUOTE (G&T @ Feb 3, 2009 -> 01:47 PM) That's what I assumed. I was wondering if they bothered to actually call someone. The fact that this hasn't been picked up by a major sports outlet tells me there is nothing to it. It was literally just on ESPN like 15 seconds ago.. Steve Phillips and Buster Olney talked about it and said unless they move Dye, which is unlikely, they doubt it happens.. So pretty much what we already know
  17. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 03:51 PM) She still put in a better performance than Katie Holmes though (JMO). Doesnt matter about performance, shes hideous
  18. Oh but I will add this I am not a fan of the Wrestler #1 gets eliminated by Wrestler #2 who was already eliminated.. Undertaker was eliminated by Big Show, but he had already been eliminated. I wish they wouldn't do things like that, but oh well.
  19. There really cant be surprises in the Rumble because the main event at Wrestlemania is on the line. I don't really mind the way the rumble has gone in recent history, but I thought this one was one of the better rumbles in a while. There was a lot of star power in it this time, and usually my issue with it is there are a bunch of scrubs and maybe four legitimate people who could win, there was a bunch of high profile guys in this one though. And of course, Orton winning was awesome and pretty much made my night.
  20. This couldn't be any better Im going to Wrestlemania and now I get to see Randy Orton in the main event, excellent
  21. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Jan 23, 2009 -> 01:06 PM) What would be great is if Christian wins the Rumble and goes after Jeff, revealing he's the one who's been behind all the attacks. Orton gets fired but "injures" Cena leading John to demand a match at WM. Theres no way Christian is winning anything right away.. hes gonna get punished for leaving for TNA before they push him anywhere.. I think its pretty obvious if he costs Hardy the title, he will lose to Hardy when they actually meet
  22. I also believe that Orton will be winning the rumble I think it would be better to get the Cena/Orton thing back into action
  23. QUOTE (shipps @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 05:16 PM) You know what I find hilarious?...The guy that seems to have a fixation on one muscle group and pretty much only works that out. The guy that works nothing but biceps is the most common. Curls for the Girls
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 08:08 PM) Too bad Curt Hennig's daughter isn't...well...perfect. Butterface? Her face is alright, I dont think shes ugly or anything
  25. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 01:47 PM) pffffft you just like his lame intro music No, I actually cant stand his new music.. His other music was perfect, this new music doesnt seem like entrance music to me
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