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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Heavy Music Thread

    QUOTE (Cali @ Dec 13, 2008 -> 03:41 AM) I have gotten so out of metal in the last 3 or 4 years. It takes a lot for me to give you a consistent listen, but the ones that make it: Every Time I Die - Keith is the best lyricist in Metal today. Period. The Dillinger Escape Plan - If only for the insane live show. Converge - What they do every album amazes me. They stay relatively the same but remain fresh at the same time. Between the Buried and Me - The last album might have gone a little too proggy, but I still enjoy the hell out of them. Misery Signals - I miss the old singer, but they can still be brutal when they want to be. HORSE the Band - Funniest Metal Band Ever. All That Remains - Phil has the best scream in Metal. Haven't given the new album many spins though. Machine Head - First Metal band I ever really got into, they've had some down years early in the decade, but The Blackening rules. All That Remains is awesome Metal is pretty much the majority of what I listen to, I love it
  2. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 10, 2008 -> 12:49 PM) I disagree. Looks more like Nicholson than Ledger. Easily. Looks nothing like Ledger at all
  3. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Dec 5, 2008 -> 01:55 PM) hahaha, that might be the one that i do like. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that realizes that all you do in those games is the press the right button when it shows up on the screen. Not exactly a mind building game. You obviously aren't any good at the game because its a lot more than that, and its fun as hell
  4. QUOTE (The Critic @ Dec 3, 2008 -> 08:15 PM) Bad news for those who love(d) Edge's beard - according to house show reports over the weekend, Edge is once again clean-shaven. ....a moment of silence, please, for Edge's face fur.... maaaaaaaaaaan thats weak
  5. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 12:44 PM) What if Texas Tech had lost by 7 to 10 points at Oklahoma? As bad as it is now, there would REALLY be no way to seperate the 3 tied teams in that senario, except that Oklahoma would be the only one of the three to not play either of the other two on the road, but even that doesn't work since OU is the only one that had to play at Oklahoma State. I just don't think point differential should eliminate Texas Tech, even if they had only lost by 7-10 they would still have fallen back behind OU and Texas in the polls because they lost last.. They still beat Texas, and has the same record as the other two teams..
  6. QUOTE (AssHatSoxFan @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 11:19 AM) You can't wear a belt when you have sweatpants on...that definitely will hold your gun better! I just think its hilarious the gun fell down his pants and shot him in the leg, his own gun.. I mean come on, don't you kinda feel that some people deserve some of these things?
  7. QUOTE (rowandrules83 @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 11:34 AM) You can say zero chance all you want. Hell, I'm not even saying that I disagree with that. But the only true way to definitively know that is by a playoff. And it's not just the Boise States and the Utahs. You named about 6 teams as examples of big, tough teams. Well, Texas, Florida, USC, OU, Penn St, Texas Tech, Alabama all have one loss or less. Is it really the ideal solution to let a computer and sportswriters decide which two are the best? USC had an easier schedule than any of the Big 12 teams and is a longshot to get to the title game. But talent-wise, they match up with any school in the nation. Why shouldn't they get a chance? Or any one of the several one loss teams for that matter? Look, if it's just gonna end up being the same 2 teams in the end like you said, then a playoff wouldn't hurt. It would eliminate controversy and leave the results on the field. And seeing as the regular season ends this weekend, a hypothetical 8-12 team playoff could start next weekend, which would have the season end the first week in January, the same week it ends now. So making the season longer wouldn't be that much of an issue. You're right, the only true way to find out is with a playoff.. but common sense can dictate that the only teams who will benefit from it is the big players.. Utah is going to a BCS game, I am sure that their team is excited as well as the school.. I don't think that same excitement is there if its a 12 team playoff and they are one of the last seeds and have to go to Florida for their first game.. And yes, it is ideal to let the computers and voters decide who goes where.. Who you play matters, USC didn't play a tough schedule at all and lost to a solid Oregon State team.. OU lost to Texas, Texas lost to Texas Tech, and Texas Tech lost to OU.. I don't think there is any argument that all three of those teams would get greater consideration than USC for who they played and who they lost to.
  8. QUOTE (The Critic @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 08:09 PM) I'm really enjoying Jericho's promo. Except he just said his son would see him come home with the world champion (not championship) around his waist. Maybe he literally meant he was going to kill Cena, skin him, and wear him like some sort of Cena Belt?
  9. QUOTE (rowandrules83 @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 01:38 AM) I could counter-argue that I think they would've beat Florida and USC and whoever else they could've played, but neither of us could be proven right or wrong. That's the flaw in the system. The only definitive way to decide how good or over-rated Boise State really is is in a playoff. If we were to argue who would win a particular matchup in any other sport's championship, no matter what we said, the result on the field would speak for itself. Any system where there has been multiple times where there have been national co-champions, decided by computers and sportswriters, probably isn't the best system. You cant counter argue that though.. thats just you saying a bunch of stuff, not an argument There is absolutely ZERO chance that Boise State/Utah could beat Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, USC in consecutive weeks Of course everyone can compare professional playoffs, but all those playoff teams are around even ground.. each team will have some all stars.. Boise State doesn't have that.. Utah doesn't have that.. The difference in talent between Florida, Texas, OU, Alabama, USC, Penn State, etc and those two schools is so ridiculously large.. Talent will always win out in the end, always.. and that's why there is no chance these small school and their 2-3 star recruits will ever do anything in a playoff.. and all we've done is make a season even longer when its just going to be the same teams at the end anyways..
  10. QUOTE (knightni @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 02:46 AM) I guess he should have checked the statutes before he signed that free agent contract. If he'd have signed with the Cowboys, he'd still be playing. I hear that they sponsor gun giveaways at Texas sporting events. Yeah, everyone has a gun down here
  11. Check that, the Mayor said "Anyone caught carrying a loaded hand gun without a permit faces an AUTOMATIC sentence of 3 1/2 years" That would suck for him
  12. T R U


    QUOTE (knightni @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 10:17 PM) I use Mach 3 Turbo - never had an issue. Electric gives me razor burn. Pocket knife or tweezers? Haha nah, I use an electric razor and only if I think im getting action that night or am going somewhere important.. other than that I leave it scratchy at all times and just use a trimmer to shorten it instead of shaving it off
  13. T R U


    Cant use razors, they irritate my skin
  14. T R U


    There are a lot of people who don't tip period at the bar.. I live in Katy, Texas.. Its not a major city, and there is no college around unless you count U of H which is 35 minutes away but people wont be coming out here to drink, they'd be going into Houston.. I only bring this up because my Ex Girlfriend who works as a bartender here would make $300 to $400 a NIGHT on the weekend.. That's Thursday, Friday, Saturday.. and that's with people who don't tip.. and shes not a waitress, she is behind the bar making the drinks and turning around and taking a cap off a bottle for someone.. If you don't feel that's worth a tip, don't tip.. I don't think its worth a tip either but I still throw em a couple bucks because it feels like you have to.. Either way, they are gonna be making a lot of money anyways..
  15. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 09:54 PM) I agree in the end there is no way to do it. Even if I come to the side that OU belongs in the Big 12 title game here though, which I will do for the sake of argument, you can't have Tech in there. When you have 3 teams dead even in overall and league record, something like margin of loss in the one loss is going to matter, and unfortunately for Tech their loss was an ass kicking. Now, I will say this, if OU loses Saturday and Texas makes the national title game, I will be right back here saying how Tech got screwed because if that happens, it becomes a Tech against Texas argument and I go back to head to head in that case. I just don't like how all the Texas fans are throwing a fit over this, yet, not ONE of them would agree that Tech should be in front of them since they beat them head to head.. Even if OU embarrassed them, that shouldn't take away their win over Texas or their 11-1 record.. I think they are as deserving as Texas and OU in terms of who goes to the Big 12 title game.. but OU is there, like they should be, and its over with If you think about it, Tech is getting the worse jobbing of this situation.. not only are they not even considered to go to the Big 12 title game.. they don't even get to go to a BCS game
  16. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 08:18 PM) Well, I thought I was being funny. Oh, and can I take a personal jab at you now? Or will I then be suspended? ZING!
  17. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 07:08 PM) Whenever his suspension is up there will be teams lined up to sign him. He is a rare, freakish talent. However, he is a POS as a teammate but that wont stop him from getting another chance. Hell, Mike Vick will get another chance. I don't understand how he wont be going to jail for 3 1/2 years New Yorks law is anyone carrying a loaded fire arm without a permit gets a minimum 3 1/2 year sentence.. They had the NY mayor on the radio earlier and he said they are going to prosecute him to the fullest..
  18. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 09:40 PM) You schedule a stronger OOC slate in order to get favor with the computers to get into a BCS bowl or the natonal title game, but it shouldn't determine who wins a conference. Oklahoma shouldn't win the Big 12 South because they played TCU and Cincinnati IMO. Theres just no way to do it And it really pisses me off that everyone has thrown Texas Tech away in these discussions.. I listened to ESPN Radio all day and all it was, was Texas and OU talk.. not once did anyone mention Texas Tech They finished 11-1 (7-1) too, how come there is no argument for them? Why is it that Texas got hosed and they should be going instead of OU? Tech beat them, yet, I don't hear anyone talking about them.. And im not talking about the BCS convo because obviously they were too far back (Which is also BS because they are penalized for losing last), but for other scenarios no one is even bringing them up..
  19. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 07:20 PM) George Mason did it against great competition in March Madness. Why can't Boise do it in a NCAA football playoff? You cant compare basketball to football.. A non BCS conference school would never get to the final four of a CFB Tourny
  20. I wonder how his night started.... (Looking in the Mirror) Plaxico Burress: "Alright, I got my chain on.. my diamond earrings. My shoes match my belt. I am ready to hit the club.. Oh wait, lemme tuck my gun in my pants in case there is a shoot out."
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 04:05 PM) so they should be content with their occasional piece of the pie and shut up. Ide think going undefeated and upsetting one of the bigger teams in a BCS bowl game would mean more to those schools than going undefeated getting the last spot in a playoff, and getting annihilated in round 1
  22. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 03:58 PM) That's true, but when one lost by 6, another by 10, and a third by 45 or whatever it was, people will tend to forget the last one. They shouldn't though, because if it was by 1 or 100 its still a 3 way tie anyway you look at it
  23. QUOTE (rowandrules83 @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 01:40 PM) Boise State and Utah both did it a couple years ago AND won their BCS game. And they're both undefeated again this year. I know the standard argument is that "Well, they play in weaker conferences, so they would get killed in a title game", but the problem with the current system is that there's no way to definitely know that's true. Come on man, I don't care if they were undefeated AND won their bowl game.. So Boise State has to pull all their trick plays out of their ass to edge OU.. there is zero chance they can then go the next week and beat Florida, and then the next week and beat USC.. and so on It aint gonna happen, and all you do with a playoff in college football is pretty much come down to the same teams who would be fighting for a BCS spot anyways.. The reason teams like Utah and Boise State go undefeated and don't get a chance to play for a national title is because they don't play anyone in the regular season
  24. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 1, 2008 -> 06:48 AM) The regular season is 100% meaningless unless various people and computers VOTE you into the championship game. College football - where you can win every game and not be a champion. Thats not true How many times has there been an undefeated team that wasn't in the title game? All I can think of is Auburn, and even then you cant really say the two teams who did go weren't deserving..
  25. T R U


    QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Nov 30, 2008 -> 09:27 PM) Exactly. For everyone on here I see saying they dont tip bartenders or at least dont tip them well, those are the guys who are waiting 20 minutes to get their beers at crowded bars. If you tip big early, not only do you get fast service, youre likely to get a free round or free shots sometimes. Are bars even like that anymore? I go out drinking a lot, and I have never had to wait 20 mins to get a beer.. Usually we have a waitress, and even when I do walk up to the bar it takes max 2 minutes.. And for the record, I have never seen ANYONE get a free round or free shots for tipping..
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