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Everything posted by T R U

  1. If Georgia Tech starts pulling in some elite prospects they are going to be a very scary team in the future..
  2. QUOTE (Felix @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 01:05 PM) He had a slugging percentage below .300 in Coors Field last year. I don't care how fast you are, if you can't hit at all in Coors, you won't be able to hit anywhere. Do you just choose to ignore anything besides last season? The year before (In Colorado by the way) he hit .320 with a .367 OBP and a .382 slugging percentage Can we please drop the he had a bad season last year so he must be garbage crap?
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 02:17 AM) Why is WT better than Owens? Why? Uh, how is he not? Aside from the fact Wily Taveras has been a regular starter in the MLB for 4 years now and Jerry Owens hasn't They both cover a lot of ground in the OF, Owens has no arm.. Taveras has a gun Taveras hit .320 in 2007, and aside from this year (with a leg injury) his career avg was in the .290's (Even so, its still .283).. Owens prolly couldn't even hit .280 in a full season, much less into the .300's If you look at his first 3 years in the league, Taveras had gotten better each year until this year when he had a stress fracture in his leg.. A healthy Wily T is superior to Jerry Owens
  4. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 01:56 AM) Good job Shadows. You win the prestigious Internet Award for Defending Willy Taveras. I've defended him at length before as well, but sometimes people just don't understand. He's better than anything we have - unless Anderson breaks out which is just about impossible considering the Sox hesitation to play him regularly - and as far as a lead-off man, he's not ideal, but we're NOT GOING TO GET an ideal lead-off hitter BECAUSE THEY DON"T GET TRADED. The caps are me yelling BTW. Edit: And if a lead-off hitter does get traded (because it is technically possible) it is going to cost a lot more than we'll want to give up. Especially if it's Roberts. Dumbass Baltimore dickwads probably would want Quentin, or Floyd, or Danks, or Alexei, or something equally unrealistic like Poreda + Fields + Beckham around the All-Star break. So f*** them. Exactly, its impossible to fill your team out with perfect fits at all positions across the board over night.. it aint gonna happen.. Top that with the fact that we can get Wily for next to nothing, and add a dimension to this team that it doesn't have at all, how could anyone be against it? And as far as the extra base hits thing goes, who cares.. getting to 2nd base is getting to 2nd base.. the idea behind Wily Taveras is for him to be in scoring position when our big hitters come up. I don't care if he hits a double or gets a bunt single and steals 2nd on the next pitch.. just be on 2nd base, and I think he would be able to do that for us.
  5. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 01:34 AM) My "fun" Willy Taveras stat of the day. In his last 851 AB's, Willy has 35 XBH. 35. I'll wait for the "Extra base hits aren't important when you have speed" response. Or better yet, "Well, it's basically a double every time he gets a single, because he is so fast". Why does this matter
  6. QUOTE (chunk23 @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 01:14 AM) Man, why go after Hudson, let's just sign Eckstein for SS. Man some of you need to learn how to understand better I guess I need to make myself clear once again, I did not say Wily Taveras means you go to the World Series.. It was just a fact, like the one that was posted BEFORE I posted that jesus
  7. The last 3 seasons (2006-2008) for Wily T... Pre All-Star: .273 avg .324 OBP 72 SB 17 CS Post All-Star: .290 avg .349 OBP 62 SB 8 CS U.S. Cellular Field: 21 ABs .333 AVG .414 OBP 9 SB 0 CS Point is, if we could acquire him for pretty much a give away I see no reason why anyone could be against this move.. If we trade for someone better, great.. If we sign Furcal, sweet.. but if none of that happens and we do get Taveras I dont see why people are against it
  8. QUOTE (Markbilliards @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 12:53 AM) I like Willy, but there's only one problem. He's a national league player. His numbers would be a worse in the AL. NL to AL = AA to AAA Pfft, if he was a pitcher maybe ide agree with you.. but speed is speed no matter what league you are in An infield single in the NL is gonna be an infield single in the AL.. the bases are still 90 feet, hes not gonna get slower coming over here Staying in a hitters park like ours playing with much better people around him, there's no doubt in my mind he would have a good season with us.. and like I already said, whether it be leading off or batting 9th
  9. QUOTE (Felix @ Nov 29, 2008 -> 12:11 AM) If you are being serious, that is absolutely terrible logic. Hell, we won the World Series with Timo Perez. Clearly he's necessary for any team that wants to win anything. Thats not my reason that we need to get him, but he brought up an "interesting fact" so I also tossed a fact out there as well.. pretty sure I have explained my pro wily stance already in here
  10. QUOTE (chunk23 @ Nov 28, 2008 -> 11:43 PM) We acquired Podsednik to dump salary. Thats not the ONLY reason we acquired him, yes we dumped salary but we also wanted his speed at the top of the lineup.. And big deal if Uribe out OPS's him last season.. Uribe struck out 15 times less than Taveres with 155 fewer at bats, Taveres also stole 67 more bases than Uribe.. They aren't the same type of player, so whats the point of saying Uribe can out slug Taveras.. so what, we have more than enough of that on this team anyways.. how about someone who can steal a base? Or score from 1st on a double, hell how about score from SECOND.. This team is station to station, and its sickening to watch sometimes.. and on top of that, the word is all it would take is Lance Broadway or Boone Logan.. Whether thats true or not, gimme a break that's all day
  11. QUOTE (jenks45monster @ Nov 28, 2008 -> 11:46 PM) Here's an interesting fact about him though: both World Series teams he's been on (2005 Astros, 2007 Rockies) were both swept in their World Series runs. Or, hes been in the league for 4 seasons and both teams hes played for have reached the World Series with him leading off
  12. QUOTE (chunk23 @ Nov 28, 2008 -> 10:36 PM) A .330 OBP is not leadoff material. Who gives a s***, you cant just pluck a .380 OBP to leadoff and get on base at a ridiculous rate out of nowhere or we would have done it by now.. If he hits .280+ and steals 60-70 bases (and possibly more) and plays good defense that's more than enough in my opinion to make up for a .330 OBP
  13. T R U


    QUOTE (shipps @ Nov 28, 2008 -> 03:34 PM) I over tip the delivery guys and Iam convinced that is why I get my food super fast.I ordered when I was leaving work and Ricobenes beat me home one time and it is longer from there to my house than it is from my work to my house. Thats because it is why you get your food super fast Drivers know certain places that tip well and the ones that don't, and if you are in the ones that don't category don't expect a speedy delivery..
  14. I don't know why people hate on Wily T Even with his down year this season he still has career numbers of .283 AVG and .331 OBP.. he plays great defense and has exceptional speed.. I would love to have Wily on this team, whether that be leading off or batting 9th.. If hes gonna steal 60+ bases while playing great defense and be somewhere in the .280 avg range ill gladly take that
  15. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Nov 27, 2008 -> 01:46 PM) As long as the drapes match the rug, I don't much care. There better be no rug, or that's one chick that I aint goin back to
  16. I have to work 11-7 gay
  17. ugh, I hate red heads with a passion and do not find them attractive what so ever.. I have tried to say I prefer brunette but all the girls I have been with have been blondes and all the girls I think look real good are blondes as well.. Not to say I don't think brunettes don't look good because they do, but I am clearly more attracted to blondes..
  18. T R U


    I work for Domino's as a delivery driver I get paid 6.50 and hour and 90 cents per delivery I make.. However, if I take two deliveries at once I only get paid the 90 cents plus 40 extra cents for the second one.. If I take three I don't get any extra for the third one. I bring this up because on Friday and Saturday nights when it gets busy as s***, I am usually taking 2-3 at a time which by the end of the night adds up to me losing 10 bucks or so because of that. Gas prices are $1.59 here now and I usually have to fill up every 2-3 shifts depending on how busy it is and how many deliveries I have to take. (Not busy days usually around 10-13 and busy days 25+) There are a LOT of people who don't tip and im not sure why they feel they shouldn't tip the delivery driver. I will even go as far to say that a $1 tip for the driver is totally unacceptable. Ide venture to guess the usual tip I get is $2 which still isn't that great but at least if I take 20 deliveries and avg. 2 bucks per delivery I will have made $40 from tips and about $15-18 or so from mileage (from the store) pending how many deliveries I took at a time. That would leave me with $55-60 cash when I leave that night plus the $6.50 an hour for however long I was there. When people order like 4 large pizzas, a couple sides, and a drink and I have to haul that s*** to my car and then to the third floor of your apartment after I figure out what side the apartment is on (Worst thing ever, walking up 3 flights of stairs with all that s*** only to find out their goofy numbering system puts their apartment on the other side so you have to go all the way down then all the way back up) and then when they ask how much it was again and you say $45.71 and they hand you $48 its like the biggest disappointment ever. And if you are one of those people who don't tip and your order is $19.80 don't hand the driver a $20 and say "Keep the change" because that's like the most insulting thing ever. I think that $3 should be your automatic tip for a delivery driver no matter what and if you want to give more than that its at your own discretion. And I will just throw this out there, but its almost never the drivers fault that your pizza is late. I hate when we get so busy that it takes about an hour or so to get someone their pizza and they want to take it out on the driver like its my fault. On a Friday night like they are the only people in town ordering pizza and I just went out of my way to make sure they had to wait an extra 30 mins to eat. They open the door and are like "My pizza was supposed to be here 25 minutes ago." And all I can say is "Im sorry, were really busy tonight." And then I get no tip and the door slammed in my face. Its crazy sometimes. Anyways, as far as tipping goes I go out of my way to give a lot more than the percentages. One time I went out to eat at this place with my friends and watch a UFC fight and my bill was $16 something and I gave the chick $40 and told her to keep it. I know how s***ty it is to get stiffed so I at least try to make sure that I can help someone to make up for those jerks who don't feel like they should tip. And I absolutely can not stand the bathroom attendant. You have NO CHOICE about it, if you try to walk to the sink hes all over you and how could you say no thanks? Im not even gonna lie, I just walk right out the door. I don't care about washing my hands after taking a piss if that guy is in there, its not like im sticking my hands in my mouth or touching food anyways. So when im at a bar and the bathroom guy is in there, I pee and then bolt out the door.
  19. QUOTE (TCQ @ Nov 25, 2008 -> 10:56 PM) Thats rediculous it wasnt derogatory if anyone really thinks that i refer to people as scalping indians or slurpee indians they are ignorant and naive Don't worry man, I thought that it was perfectly fine and delightful They can edit it, but the memory of the title will live on forever in my brain
  20. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 26, 2008 -> 12:06 AM) Anyone else think that 'Chelsea Lately' chick is hot? She kinda has b**** face, but is hot at the same time. Sometimes she looks good, sometimes she looks busted as hell Also, I have a huge beard and I shaved my head with a zero.. I look awesome right now
  21. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 25, 2008 -> 05:54 PM) A buddy of mine saw it at a sneak preview. Said it is amazing and Mickey Rourke should be nominated. I cant wait for that to come out
  22. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 09:47 PM) Oh well, it's a long way off in the future, but, hey, that's all I've got as an ISU fan. I still believe we'll beat you guys next year. Phillip "Fudd" Palmieri
  23. Upload it onto like photobucket or something like that and then post em in here with image tags
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