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Everything posted by T R U

  1. My counter point to this is he had a .352 BABIP in his 97 AB's in 2022. So not exactly a lot to put stock into him being an actual good player. Also, what about last season when he was equally as bad as he had been in his chances prior? I just want to know what would be considered a developmental success. Just making it to the show? That can't be it.
  2. Im not looking to start any arguments here, genuinely just asking, but what makes Danny Mendick a development success story? Hes a 30 year old middle infielder with 0.4 career WAR. He owns a career slash line of .242 / .298 / .652. He sucks. What is the criteria for being a successful development?
  3. This is the sad reality. Unless they spend big money on actual quality free agents and we hit on a lot of these prospects that are getting close, there is no scenario where this team is in a competitive window while Luis Robert is still under contract. Even if the unlikely happens and this team is competitive again in 2026, Luis Robert will almost surely be a big part of that reason and he will then be knocking on the FA door of a massive contract that we certainly wont be paying. My ideal scenario is he comes back healthy this season, finishes strong, and then is traded in the off-season for the best package you can get. Worst case, by the deadline next season.
  4. Listen, there is a difference between outside the box and outside the realm of possibility...
  5. Whats his excuse for last season? We are 3-18 and on pace for not only a historically bad record, but a historically bad offense. If this team was going to be 62-100 again, sure you can ride him all year and then cut bait at the end of the season. For now, if this team is 6-30 and scoring 2 runs per game you have to do something to try and shake things up. Winning 35-40 games and being absolutely terrible in all facets of the game is just a horrible idea to ride all year long. Eventually, they are going to need to do something to try and give some new life to this corpse of a team. The fact that they are signing guys like Celvinger and Pham tells me that they are not OK with whats going on right now. I don't see how its even comprehensible that Pedro is manager of this team all season long. You just can't allow it.
  6. “And then… yikes.” our thoughts exact Steve
  7. Holy crap these guys are so bad
  8. I just don’t understand how a 3-17 start with 8 shutouts and a no hitter doesn’t get the manager fired
  9. Dude these kids are 11-13 you would be amazed at how many still don’t know how to do things
  10. Funny enough, we were the Royals in the fall so I technically have 3 former Royals!
  11. Got a few bad attitudes, it’s not the best but they’re good players so you deal with it.
  12. Well we did score more runs last night than the Sox have in their last 7 games combined.
  13. Crochet has gotten worse each start pretty much. Already losing velocity, becoming less effective each start. Dude I don’t even use my little league pitchers as irresponsible as the White Sox are with their million dollar asset. And I’m a 39 year old dad trying to win a spring season trophy.
  14. Majority of my life has been option 2. Always winning between 75-85 games and never being a threat to go all the way less 2005.
  15. This team is 3-16 with a -61 run differential. What is this post??
  16. How long does this need to go on before Pedro is fired? This isn’t a rough start, this is an absolute abomination. They have to do something.
  17. Just an awful trade considering the state of this franchise. Like I said, would have been perfectly fine with this moving going into 2021. But now? I fail to see the long term goals with this move. And you can't even use the excuse about his fastball velocity when they turn around and trade for a Drew Thorpe.
  18. This makes it even more frustrating that they didn't do a real search to rebuild this organization because they "couldn't waste a year" now they come out and finally acknowledge this thing is nowhere close and its going to be a while.
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