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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Oct 29, 2008 -> 04:48 PM) That and the fact that the poster said there were no survivors or witnesses so you knew they weren't going to escape. It sucks. Which still would of been ok if the ending wouldn't have been exactly what was shown in the preview.. and its not like I was mad that it was "ruined" or anything like that.. I would have just rather seen something that I hadn't seen so many times already from previews and posters
  2. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 25, 2008 -> 06:55 PM) Quarantine? Mini-review? Quarantine was pretty cool The worst part of it was that the previews gave away the ending, other than that I thought it was good
  3. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Oct 26, 2008 -> 05:54 PM) They beat SD, NE, and BUF, so I'll say they're legit. As for my Bills, hopefully they can turn it around next week. Today was bad, but they must play better Sunday against another tough team. Miami isn't legit just yet man.. its almost impossible to judge the AFC East this season because all 4 teams play garbage schedules and then games against eachother can always go either way. Look at the Bills schedule for the rest of the season, aside from the division games they got Cleveland, KC, SF, and Denver.. they are all trash. Miami, NE, and NY pretty much have the same schedules. I don't know what to think of the East this season.
  4. QUOTE (Brian @ Oct 26, 2008 -> 05:20 PM) Shadows and Justin, is Miami legit good or just on a hot streak right now? Well aside from the fact that they were on a 2 game losing streak coming into today I wouldn't say they were "hot", but they are a pretty damn solid team. I wouldn't necessarily say they are good just yet in terms of talking about playoffs because they did get raped by Arizona and lost to Baltimore as well pretty pathetically. They had Houston beat, and you could make a case for the Jets game as well so they could have been 4-3 or 5-2 right now. The difference is Chad Pennington who now has a QB rating of 100 on the season. They are like 9th in offense which is such a huge upgrade over what they have had for half a decade recently. Problem is their secondary is trash and they have no play makers back there what so ever. They still need some more pieces but they are a solid team and they could still have a shot at winning the east since Buffalo is a fraud, the Jets don't look that good, and I don't know about New England yet seeing that Miami destroyed them but they seem to have turned it around.. who knows, but Miami has a very favorable schedule. If Pennington continues to play like he has been and they actually involve Ginn in the offense like they did today (FINALLY) they might squeeze in. The secondary though, man, they are bad. Oh, and I just want to add one more time Buffalo is a fraud.. beat someone good then maybe ill listen to wite and whitesoxbrian slurpin on them. And just to make sure wite doesn't try to come in here and start blasting Miami, I am not saying Miami is good or trying to say they are making the playoffs.
  5. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Oct 21, 2008 -> 03:32 PM) And the Bills schedule has probably been harder than the Patriots has thus far. What's your point? Point is Buffalo isn't that good, but at least you aren't being as ridiculous as brian is
  6. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Oct 21, 2008 -> 06:11 PM) Aren't the Bills (5-1) 2 games in front of New England (4-2) for 1st place? Thats one game buddy
  7. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 02:30 PM) I don't mean to say I told you so about Buffalo, but...I told you so. Why because they beat San Diego? So what even Miami beat San Diego.. Dont look now, but the Brady-less Pats are only a game behind
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 07:22 PM) Call me a fool, but I still think CQ mighta led us to greatness in the postseason. Why would anyone call you a fool? This team was clearly much, much better with CQ in the lineup and im sure that we would have done a lot more with him in the post season
  9. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Oct 12, 2008 -> 02:07 AM) Michigan may not win another game all year. which would be awesome
  10. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 10:45 PM) I expected us to lose 4 games...Mizzou, PSU, Wisky, and OSU, with the possibility of squeaking one of those out. This is pretty much exactly what I thought going into the year however, after seeing everything so far I wouldn't put Wisky and OSU in the loss column just yet as Wisconsin has pretty much been meh and OSU doesn't look as mighty as they have in past years so who knows.. We cant be losing these type of games though
  11. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 10:34 PM) Speaking of teams who aren't as good as people thought...Mizzou I dont even know what he is talkin about with Illinois For the other Illini fans on the board, did any of you expect anything better than another 9-3, 8-4 season this year with our schedule? Thats what I had us figured for, I don't know who he is talkin about that thought Illinois was winning 10-11 games and fighting for a National Title spot Illinois should be primed to have their best year next season, that's what I have been holding out on
  12. QUOTE (Felix @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 02:34 PM) ILL no? 6-1 and bowl eligible just one year after going 1-11. This is pretty amazing. I N I Minnesota is still garbage, true story Illinois should have won that game easily and simply beat themselves.. you have a right to be excited and happy about them after what happened last year but they still aren't that good
  13. double stack of pwncakes covered in raple syrup thats what i use when playin COD4
  14. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Oct 6, 2008 -> 05:59 AM) They'll still win 11 or 12 games, which will be good enough to win the AFC East. Have faith! there is no chance that Buffalo wins 12 games, none they are frauds Buffalo is no better than Miami, New York, or New England.. the winner from that division is gonna be the team that can play the best against the other teams in the East, simple enough All 4 of them have beyond easy schedules, so pretty much I see it being who can win the most division games.. If I had to guess, 10 would be the max wins from any team in the East Miami has 2 wins right now, and they still get to play Houston, Baltimore, San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, Kansas City, and St. Louis who are all pretty pathetic teams minus the Ravens defense, which doesn't really matter much when you only have to put 14, 17, 20 points on the board and you'll beat them Its pretty much like that for all the teams in the East
  15. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Oct 1, 2008 -> 11:50 PM) what is there to disagree about? He threw that ball flat footed and had roughly 0 momentum behind him. Some of you guys need to go watch a fn replay One, he did NOT throw the ball flatfooted.. he caught the ball almost straight head up, then took 2 shuffle/stutter steps to gain *gasp* momentum and then threw a one hop ball right where it needed to be.. I don't know how there was anything lucky about that.. you don't need to violently hurl your body towards home plate to have momentum behind a throw I do agree about the play at the plate though.. I was surprised AJ not only caught it with Cuddyer barreling right at him but then held onto it even with the collision pretty much straight into his gloved arm. That was the more "lucky" part of anything.
  16. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 02:05 AM) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Back to TRU! haha, maybe i shall
  17. I must request a user name change from Shadows to Greenman
  18. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Oct 1, 2008 -> 11:42 AM) I found my Twisted Metal Playstation 1 game sitting around the other day and popped it into the PS3. Wow the graphics look terrible, but the game was still fun. Twisted Metal is an awesome, awesome game. So much fun
  19. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 12:05 AM) 1. The Bills are good. Im still not sold on this yet St. Louis is the worst team in the league and they had to collapse in the second half to lose that game Buffalo still has the 30th ranked offense this season facing 11th ranked defense in Seattle (Bye week aided stats) 13th ranked defense in Jax 29th ranked defense in Oakland 32nd ranked rush D in St. Louis (#1 pass D because no need to throw against them) Lynch is only avg 3.5 a carry so hes gonna have to pick it up if Buffalo wants to do anything this season. Like I said, wait to see what they do against the Chargers, Bretts, Dolphins, Patriots, and Browns before you jump the gun.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 08:03 AM) I decided to buy an Xbox 360 over the weekend on an impulse. I know it's a little old but I'm having fun going through Halo 3 on legendary. Messed around a little with Portal from Orange Box, too. Get Call of Duty 4 its gold Jerry, gold
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2008 -> 12:12 PM) If it's all about popularity, you are a fan of the wrong baseball team. If you are trying to suggest I need to be a Cubs fan that's bulls*** and a cheap shot Just because I love football more than baseball doesn't mean that you are any more of a Sox fan than I am
  22. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 08:45 AM) And IM bitter? And when you say they lose all of their big games, I assume you are talking about this group of upperclassmen? The buckeyes as a program have been winnig big games long before you were swimming around in your daddy's testicles so I wouldnt think you were referring to the program as a whole. Either way I'll take 1 or 2 loss seasons all day long. And I'd love another shot at USC with the Big Ten's best player back and the top freshman behind center. Plenty of teams won big games long before I was born, not sure what that has to do with anything but ok bro Ohio State would still get creamed by USC with Wells and Pryor starting.. IF they even get a rematch, it would be basically another home game for USC, and another ugly loss for the Buckeyes
  23. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 02:32 PM) Before Thursday, he was having a monster year. well for one, no he wasn't and second, it had been 2 games
  24. I deliver pizza for Dominos All I will say is, if you are a s***ty tipper or you just don't tip at all.. next time your order comes up or whatever your situation is, people don't forget it
  25. How is it being bipolar? This team basically pissed the division away pending a miracle (based on how we've played recently) We should all be angry and upset with them, I think that's pretty justified with how its gone down
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