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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Sep 18, 2008 -> 12:50 PM) Question, which would be the best games to get out of these? (if you had to pick 10) Bladestorm, Call of Duty 4, Conan, Conflict-Denied Ops, Fight Night Round 3, Folklore, Jericho, Lair, Madden 08, NCAA March Madness 08, NBA 08, Oblivion, Resistance Fall of Man, Soldier of Fortune Payback, TimeShift, Turok, and Uncharted Drake's Fortune. Call of Duty 4 Madden 08 NCAA 08 are the only ones ive played off that, and I endorse all 3
  2. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 01:44 PM) Anyone play Rock Band II yet? I'm sure it's the same, but I love those games and going over to friends house on Saturday to do a marathan session It is AWESOME.. there are a handful of meh songs but overall its the best set list for any music game ever. The songs are so badass, add it in to the fact that Rock Band 1 transfers over along with all the DL s*** Ive got 200 songs on my game right now. So when you play the tour and s***, you rarely ever see repeats. It puts the Rock Band 1 songs and the DL content into the tour when you play mystery set lists. So unlike Rock Band 1, you don't end up playing Train Kept a Rollin 15 times on the tour (Hate it) Pain Killer by Judas Priest is f***ing fun as hell to play
  3. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Sep 13, 2008 -> 08:42 PM) Texas Tech worked out the offensive kinks against SMU with 695 yards total and 182 rushing yards, finally a balanced attack this year. That game was rough to watch, Bo Levi Mitchell's brother is one of my best friends and man he played baaaaad
  4. The Chiefs suck, and a complete overhaul is what they had intended to do when they started getting the wheels turning last season.. I would be shocked if they aren't the worst team in the league, they got a lot of good young pieces but they need a QB which im sure will be next in line for them. There is no way St. Louis wins 9 games, they are garbage. Sorry knight.
  5. QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 13, 2008 -> 05:36 PM) No internet porn for 12 hours? You must have been going nuts. Hopefully the cold water was working. Well the power and everything was out from 5am till 5pm The storm was ridiculous so I went to sleep around 12 and woke up at like 4am and then have been awake since.. I dont usually hit the porn sites till around 1-2 am so I didnt really miss much from it
  6. haha oh man part of our roof is gone, and the neighbors tree fell and took out our entire fence luckily, cable and internet were only out for 12 hours so I didn't have to go too long without it
  7. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 08:19 PM) Let us know how you do, sir. Its supposed to hit us around 1-2 AM There are already a few neighborhoods around us that have lost power, so unfortunately I think that means we will too here soon which blows
  8. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 04:18 PM) Wow, I still can't score a lick in NHL. Anyone got any tips? mess with Sliders maybe
  9. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 01:51 PM) This feels like it is going to be pretty bad, if not really bad. I REALLY hope I am wrong though. As do I, if I have to go 2 weeks+ without internet, TV, and video games I am not gonna make it man We got the house all boarded up and s***, im just hoping the power doesnt go out
  10. haha man, Michigan is terrible and its great to watch
  11. T R U

    Soxtalk: A History

    I was looking for porn when I stumbled across this site.. I accidentally typed in soxtalk instead of sextalk and here I am today
  12. QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 02:37 AM) I'm glad you liked it. I don't like it at all. The drums still sound like s***, very annoying sound to them. And James' warbling, of course, I can't stand. The ending is kind of good, but it takes almost 5 minutes of bad to get to 2 minutes of kind of good. To me, it's a lot like the new Motley Crue - trying to recapture an old sound and "feel" and falling short. The song is 8 mins long, the first 4 mins are ok the last 4 are awesome imo.
  13. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 06:12 PM) My gf and I were running late and came in during Stiller's. After the movie she thought they were still real. Haha, I thought it was real at first when that Alpa Chino one happened I was like "What the? Can they say that on a preview???"
  14. QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 01:43 PM) Here's the single Metallica is releasing to radio, "The Day That Never Comes": http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=103278 I'm still not excited. I'm bummed out, I was really hoping for something interesting from them. It gets a little better about 5 minutes into the song when they start riffing, but it's not anything amazing or purchase-worthy. James still sounds like a yodeling twat. I HATE the way he sings. Are you kidding me? I heard this song on the radio at work today and loved it, especially the ending of it I really like how it had a "One" feel to it, and supposedly its one of the more tamer songs on the new CD.. I am expecting it to be pretty damn good
  15. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 08:56 AM) Wish it was Smackdown I was seeing though. Its funny to see people say that, because not too long ago Smackdown was AWFUL but now I think I like it better than Raw
  16. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 10:48 AM) I was responding to the fact that the Bears never make a move, not the availability of Quinn or Brown. I was under the impression that he meant they never make those big moves, because obviously, every team makes moves I thought he meant like the big move.. And the Ronnie Brown comment wasn't directed towards you, it was just a separate comment I wanted to make
  17. QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 05:33 PM) everyone one of you calling her ugly would be trying to get in that if it was possible. uh no, I wouldnt She looks like a dude.. you are kidding yourself if you think she even looks slightly decent on an average day when the magazines cant make her look good with air brushing s*** when she was done swimming the other day and it showed her it was brutal
  18. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 08:48 AM) They made the move for Ogunleye. Who was traded for Marty Booker and a 3rd round pick just so they could move on and get him off the team.. Brady Quinn would cost a LOT more than that, guaranteed Miami isn't cutting or trading Ronnie Brown, he is coming off knee surgery and Ricky Williams has looked great so far.. people are looking too far into it
  19. T R U

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 02:26 PM) Im calling this as a fluke. I think mistyping is a horrible fake "drunk" method. Being drunk makes you slur your words, but its more about the random crap that spews out of your mouth. I will respectfully disagree I have realized that when I am drunk I still type at sober speed however my fingers cant function enough to hit all the proper keys and you get what was posted above.. Coupled in with the fact that I am not focusing at all at what I am trying to do and just trying to type what I want to say quickly it is not uncommon to spew out sentences that look like that while hammered.
  20. T R U

    HOLY s***!

    QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 01:34 AM) What the hell kind of name is that? Isn't your first name Carl? anthony is my middle name, so I just through that together haha
  21. T R U

    HOLY s***!

    QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 12:19 AM) Wasn't he also AnthonyB007? anthony007 like 5 years ago
  22. T R U

    HOLY s***!

    wtf I just now saw this haha thanks guys
  23. Am I the only one who thought it was better that Edge lost? I mean seriously, Edge was responsible for Taker being "banished" and won the TLC match.. Then he starts losing his mind.. and Undertaker "sends him to hell" I see no sense in having Edge win this match when 1.) He is clearly the top heel in the COMPANY regardless and 2.) He didn't need to win this match to solidify anything He is still going to be the top heel, and this feud is great.. I thought the hell in a cell match was badass, best match of the night by far but come on people.. a returning Undertaker fighting in a Hell in a Cell at a major PPV? There was zero chance he was gonna lose.
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 09:19 PM) I'm assuming only a certain number of topics can be pinned so we get bumped for the fantasy notice and the popular recruiting thread. which is a f***ing joke, this is one of the most popular and biggest threads on this board and its not pinned? gtfo
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