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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U


    ARam has gotten ridiculously better each month so far, his low OBP is mainly due to April and May March/April (29 ABs): .138 AVG .138 OBP 0 HR 2 RBI 0 BB 3 K May (61 ABs): .295 AVG .313 OBP 2 HR 5 RBI 1 BB 9 K June (93 ABs): .355 AVG .381 OBP 3 HR 17 RBI 4 BB 9 K July (14 ABs): .357 AVG .375 OBP 2 HR 3 RBI 1 BB 1 K I hope we do not see Uribe out there unless someone desperately needs a rest
  2. QUOTE (JFields27 @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 09:45 PM) im down too. Who gets ND? hah but yeah NCAA looks exactly like last season so im still 50/50 on it, but i get all the names for the rosters so thats why i always buy it. I DLed the Demo off XBOX live and it is nothing like last season visually. The field/stadium looks so much better, even the players look better. I know they added a ton of alternate uniforms as well, and since you only can play Ohio State vs LSU I didnt get the overall feel to how it was but it seemed to be better than last years version.
  3. QUOTE (DBAH0 @ Jun 30, 2008 -> 10:24 PM) BOOOOOOO I like Edge as much as the next guy, but man you cant hate on CM Punk
  4. Im down for sure on an online dynasty
  5. so the PPV ends at 940.. I thought CM Punk would come and take out a hurt HHH, but no.. the PPV ends at 940
  6. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 04:36 AM) Shadows breaking kayfabe. Haha, only my little section heard me anyways.. but it was a smooth comment
  7. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 24, 2008 -> 10:34 PM) Shadows, did you get Maryse's phone number for me? Man I wish, her and Kelly Kelly were looking pretty damn hott tonight, but thats no different from any other night
  8. It was pretty badass, cant say I wasn't entertained even though Kennedy wasn't there and Trips didn't wrestle, but he still made an appearance.. He opened the show and said something to the extent of "A couple days ago Vinces world fell out from under him." and I stood up and yelled "HEY THAT WAS LAST NIGHT!" which received a bigger pop than anyone from ECW got, I was pretty happy about that.
  9. Im off to the Smackdown/ECW tapings Trips, Kennedy, MVP Thats all that I needed, I wish Orton wouldn't have gotten hurt because I saw stuff that said he could have been a Smackdown draftee.. at least HHH will be there tonight Im looking to get an Orton and Trips shirt, they better have them both there or I will be quite dissapointed
  10. Anyone with a 360 wanna play me in MLB2k8 or play some COD4??
  11. bah haha, 39 points The Lakers are incredibly lucky they even won two games, the Celtics were wayyyy better than them
  12. omg... maryse why was I never informed of her before?? tonight was the first time ive ever seen her.. jesus, she is hott
  13. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 15, 2008 -> 12:00 PM) We all know your views are the opposite of the norm, except with Kelly Kelly. Get outttttta here It was very funny, someone else who has seen it needs to back me up here
  14. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 14, 2008 -> 02:35 PM) Strange Wilderness was terrible. Not funny at all, aside from a few wildlife voiceovers. It was just annoying to watch the fat Jewish kid from Superbad attempt to pull off a southern accent, in addition to his co-start failing to say or do funny things. I honestly question the judgment of my friends, who claimed it was funny. They were obviously under the influence of something. Uh, you disgust me. Strange Wilderness was f***ing hilarious
  15. QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 01:15 PM) I'm reading this, thinking, I sure hope he's 1337, but that's a pretty bold prediction for such a low pick. Then I realize that's his actual draft position. If I were him, I'd brag to everyone about my draft number. And, yes, that may be why I'm no good at picking up women... His draft number was 1377, not 1337
  16. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 10:01 PM) I like you great. Like I said, Boston could win in six or seven, but to say they'll sweep is ignorant, especially with the way NBA officiating works. Stick to the squared circle thread. I like how you had to wait till the Lakers won a game before you made a reply to this.. It still wasn't a ridiculous claim like you made it seem.. and yet, the Lakers barely win tonight (at home) even with Pierce and Garnett playing like horses*** I do stick to the square circle thread because I don't have to deal with people like you who are in the other threads on here
  17. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 06:39 PM) Just watched Starship Troopers on TV the other day for the first time in like 6 years. It's a terrible movie, but I love it. What a great/bad flick. whaaaaat Thats like my favorite movie
  18. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 04:12 PM) I'd have to say basketball takes that title, over baseball. I didn't say basketball because at least there is actually set offensive plays and defenses/presses/etc that need to be incorporated. Baseball? Hey this guy is a left handed pull hitter, you guys move over a little bit.. there you go. And were set.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 12:15 PM) Generals don't fire machine guns or fly planes, but you still need someone to set the strategy. Yeah, war is slightly different than a game All im saying is, baseball is prolly the least important sport when talking about a manager/coach
  20. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 11:34 PM) Correction, theres a problem with fat chicks. No problem at all with healthy chicks. Agree to disagree
  21. um, no one managers don't really do s*** IMO
  22. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 09:57 PM) Mickie's always been a bit thick... and there's nothing wrong with that. There is everything wrong with that
  23. Am I the only one who still thinks a Mae Young bit is hilarious?
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 08:11 PM) Vince got RICK ROLLED!!!!! I seriously laughed out loud
  25. You know who gives a s*** KW2 has the same probability to make it as anyone else they could have taken right there.. You either make it, or you don't.. the MLB draft is a complete guess While I agree that he would have still been there later, I don't agree we should be ripping them taking him.. Everyone seems more pissed that its KWs son, but what if it wasn't KW's son but was the exact same player.. I am sure there would still be questions around it but not as pissed as some people seem.. I don't really have a problem with it, draft an athlete and let the coaches try and develop him.. if he works out, great, if he doesnt he can join the long line of players that have been drafted that didn't make it
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