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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (max power @ Apr 8, 2008 -> 01:05 PM) Or if you are Jermaine Dye and paulie is on second. This is prolly the truest statement I have seen in this thread.. I have seen 2 Sox games on TV so far.. and Paulie getting held at 3rd at least 4 times in those 2 games on doubles/singles
  2. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Apr 7, 2008 -> 11:01 PM) You look drunk as hell. Must'a been a great night. Oh....wait... haha damn you! I was gonna make the same joke
  3. Ok, well good job Joe keep it up Doesn't change the fact that Fields shouldn't be in AAA right now.. if were gonna keep Joe around then try and deal Fields for something else that can help this team Its still to early, if he keeps it up great then we can use fields to help the club near the deadline.. if not, then well prolly deal Crede for something.. I don't really care, just wanna see them win
  4. Can anyone top this drunk picture? This is me, passed out in the backyard of some persons house, and as you can clearly see I for some reason am smashing my arm as I sleep.. as noted with the purple color
  5. I just got back from San Antonio and the Taste of Chaos Oh my god, that was the greatest show I have ever been to.. Bless the Fall, Bullet for my Valentine, Atreyu, and Avenged Sevenfold It was incredible
  6. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 09:15 PM) I forgot to mention yesterday how insane HBK's backflip onto the announcers table was, I just wanted to say that. I cant believe I didnt even hear about it till they showed the highlight on raw.. that was nuts
  8. QUOTE(Brian @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 07:17 PM) Can NOT stop laughing..... LMFAO
  9. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 06:18 PM) That may be true...yet, it won't happen very often...he is our #1. I didn't see the game, but I'm very impressed with the fight the team showed to battle back to 7-7 and have a chance of tying in the 9th. I think this year is going to be fun...whether they win the division or not. Right, im not trying to say that we didnt fight back or anything like that Im just saying this loss is on MB, simple as that
  10. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 06:01 PM) I can't forget the fact we paid $5.5M a yr to a guy that comes in and blows the game. It's just like we experienced last year, but at a cheaper price. Otherwise the offense seemed to produce other than not scoriung with zero out and sacks full in the eighth. One psot mentioned controversy and since I don't have TV I don't know what that is in refrence to. Dotel doesn't deserve any blame Its Buehrle who is the reason we lost, not the umpires and not Dotel.. our "Ace" sucked, plain and simple 1.2 IP 7 ER from our #1 that is why we lost
  11. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 06:44 AM) Fireworks from Wrestlemania fall into the crowd, injure 40 people oh my god, what a bunch of pussies f***ing suck it up, awww my poor neck has a welt.. you arent that hurt if you can give an interview to the paper about it
  12. Im just glad Wrestlemania is in Houston next year... and you better believe I will be rowdy when im there
  13. bhrbfkjrbwk tjyg325og73rtfybrekjfhvbrekj hvgfkawjerhfwrhgfqwcqvhcwqwerg f*** YESSSSSSSSSSSSS
  14. Am I the only person who loves MVP? I would like to see him win the MITB tonight
  15. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Mar 30, 2008 -> 10:29 AM) There's a couple of things that I would like to happen tonight. Mayweather to job to Show, Orton to retain, Edge to break Undertaker's streak, and most importantly, Flair to win and retire. you DISGUST me
  16. I signed up for it earlier Looks Interesting, I got onto a human controlled team so well see how this plays out
  17. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 25, 2008 -> 11:49 AM) So this begs the question... Has Flaxx posted at all lately? Dude aren't you old too
  18. Well yikes Spring Break plus more lifting and I am at 216 on this day.. I dunno if its possible for me to ever be under 200, I don't even have much fat to lose as it is
  19. my boy happy birthday bro
  20. Hes also getting a contract slightly smaller than what Asante Samuel got.. I dont know how the Raiders are paying all of this.. They gave Kelly that absurd contract, Javon Walker? Now DeAngelo Hall, and they still have to pay the 4th overall pick
  21. April 5th in San Antonio Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, and Bullet for my Valentine I dont think I have ever been more pumped for something in my life.. this concert is going to rock so f***ing hard I am gonna lose it
  22. QUOTE(SnB @ Mar 6, 2008 -> 02:47 PM) So I've recently been thinking about getting rock band (just the CD) and just using my GH guitars. Rock Band just seems to have so many great songs on the CD and to download. Good/Bad idea? Bad Idea Rock Band is not as fun just playing with guitars, mainly because most of the songs are geared towards the entire band playing.. I would say you would enjoy it more getting the whole deal It does have great songs and the DL content is very nice.. but in terms of pure enjoyment, its a lot better with the drums and microphone as well
  23. Poppin Bottles keepers Ryan Howard Adam Dunn Chone Figgins Chien-Ming Wang Jeff Francis
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