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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 04:23 PM) ok, how crazy will the ECA stack make me feel? I start feeling tingly and hyper as f*** within 15 minutes of taking it.. it makes you sweat a lot too
  2. QUOTE(max power @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 04:00 PM) [*]3 pills of 8 mg Ephedrine- Can be terribly abused, but is a good weight lost aid when taken with care. People have died from taking it, causing an FDA ban on its use when specifically marketed as a dietary supplement. Its still available as a bronchial dilator. Most of the people who died were idiots about their use. They either took literally 10 times as much as I do per dose, or had pre existing heart problems. Ephedrine is proven to help aid weight loss, unlike drugs that used to have ephedrine in them but now don't, like Xenadrine for example. [*]1 pill of 200 mg caffeine- Works with the ephedrine to increase metabolism. I'm not a fan of coffee. I take the same ephedrine/caffeine combo as well
  3. QUOTE(Brian @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 06:04 PM) For mine and Shadows eyes only... sweet jesus.. i would punch my mom in the face for one night with her
  4. T R U

    College drinking

    QUOTE(SoxAce @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 01:49 AM) Oh fo sho Tru. I probably party the most, (or one of, there are others) drink, etc.. than most here and I'm not even in college (finally goin this summer) I just know where the hot spots are based on popularity n s***. I was saying his opinion as a whole, not actually at his post here. Ross would never be a dude I would hang with (I'm not down with World of worldcraft, the pip-pip cheerios, and all that) but I would talk sports. (mostly Sox of course) He needs more life experience, and loosen-up a bit, but I can't knock him on HIS opinionated stuff. Me... I want to enjoy MY life my way. (and for alot of other people) You only got one life to live. I hear that man
  5. T R U

    College drinking

    QUOTE(SoxAce @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 01:34 AM) I'll just politely say that the stuff cubssuck told me back in the day about you Ross is 100% correct. But I do respect your opinion bro.... to a degree. It would be easier to respect but his opinion that drinking will make you an alcoholic and make you cheat on your girlfriend is wrong and just plain misinformed You can have a nice time, while drinking, without being an incoherent douche
  6. T R U

    College drinking

    QUOTE(The Beast @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 01:22 AM) wite, I guess I just don't like how some people abuse alcohol and that is all they can talk about. It makes me think it is very pathetic that some people just waste their weekends on getting drunk and I don't understand how people remember others from the previous night. I guess it is because I am a non-drinker who is at a town that is about 30-40 thousand less than my own, and there's not much to do here for me. Things have gotten better because I was able to establish a Warlord: Saga of the Storm CCG community here. Gaming is important to me because it is a social event and I'd much rather talk there than feel uncomfortable around those who are drinking. Not to mention I wouldn't want to become intoxicated and make a choice that would compromise what my girlfriend and I have. I also know of some alcoholics who have problem so I certainly don't want to drink because of that. I'm not saying all of them are idiots, wite, I apologize for that. But I will say I've definitely seen my fair share of idiots, including my ex-roommate who compromised my life by coming in stumbling drunk and threw up throughout the night---I couldn't sleep when this happened and I had exams the next day. When people mess with my life, I mess with them. I didn't help him with anything when he came in stumbling, because it is not my responsibility to be his caretaker. I guess I'm finding myself through my observations rather than experiencing some things that I wouldn't exactly call moral. Unlike many others I've upheld my values and beliefs coming into school and I do not change my mind much. Drinking and pre-marital sex are both issues that I am against, so I'm glad I've been upholding my values. I was being a bit too judgmental when it came to partying and their education, but I think many people take their "freedom" a bit to the extreme. Keeping the Faith, The Beast I really just want to rip you apart for this post.. like really bad but I know I cant, but let me just say.. I disagree, big time, with every single word in it
  7. T R U

    College drinking

    QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 08:25 PM) I believe all that caught up with my son. He went from top of his h.s. class to academic probation his first semester at state. Hmm, could it be alternating weekends in Austin and San Antonio? He's learning. Haha, yeah you cant beat being 30 mins from both
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 09:15 AM) My son at Texas State (cool school no Friday classes) just told me his lecture hall classes actually have assigned seating and a couple classes have mandatory attendance. I can't remember ever having assigned seating in a college class. Boo Texas State They are lucky though with the no Friday classes, but my friends that go there say its tough.. im sure they just dont attend class because thats like the party school of Texas Sometimes I have had assigned seats which is lame, but if not in the very back near the door so I can either sneak out when I get bored or have a straight shot out of the room when the class is over
  9. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 04:48 PM) You ol' smooth romantic you! Barry White had better watch out! haha
  10. Im making progress.. I can now beat Through the Fire and Flames on hard without going into the red or using star power.. slowly but surely I will beat it on expert
  11. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 03:58 PM) Do you mean Soxtalk? Cuz I think Steff and Soxy might have something to say about that! Haha no, I meant on my college campus
  12. A week goes by and im still sitting at what I was last week, which is good because that means that I didn't add anything.. just need to slowly keep to the plan
  13. QUOTE(Balance @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 12:54 PM) I don't know, I have a hard time believing that anyone here would turn Ms. Lohan down if she were offering. (Leaving out, of course, the married/taken factor of the recipient. And even then, there'd be some thinking.....) Sorry, the pasty skin and the freckles disgust me.. plus I hate red heads, even if she has bad died hair right now.. I could find just as good looking chick around here to poke and get what I want
  14. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 12:12 AM) It's not hot. No, its not hot at all.. ew those freckles are so gross
  15. Money may did indeed break big shows nose last night, obviously accidental
  16. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 01:31 AM) :crying :crying
  17. QUOTE(Brian @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 09:12 PM) Orton retains! YES YES YES!!! Thank god, I just saw that
  18. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 05:53 PM) Preach Tru. You know your s***. I dont know know what some of these dudes are thinking.. Howard won the dunk contest and it wasn't even close.. Behind the goal was alone enough to win.. his other three were impressive as well.. he should have won last year too
  19. You don't have to touch the rim for it to be a dunk, the Superman was a dunk
  20. QUOTE(shipps @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 10:43 AM) Your refusal to call a duck a duck is really hilarious.Not that you care but statements like that make you look like an ass. I don't care in the least little bit.. Bonds is the greatest player of all time
  21. How long can I wait before I post my keepers
  22. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 09:31 AM) Welcome aboard rex! That makes 15 of us. I need updates from: NSS72 WilliamT SoxFan1 Pants Row Shadows Max Power I updated too, I just didnt post it but put it in my signature.. I will start posting it in here too from now on though
  23. Yessssssssss!!!! Still no failed test eat s*** Bonds haters.. Barry is the man!!
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