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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(shipps @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 01:36 PM) Since I didnt see this in the thread.He has canceled all interviews because of the overwhelming amount of death threats the past couple months.Not surprising. Which is ridiculous.. come on people death threats?
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 08:59 AM) I absolutely HATE the '07 Patriots, but there hasn't been a truer statement on this thread then this one right here ^^. I would say a 1-15 Dolphins team of 2007 would SMOKE the '72 Dolphins. But whatever, because some people can't handle the truth. Well no s*** Kap Its different periods, teams these days would smoke teams of the old days based purely on the fact of athletes are better, game planning is better, there is better preparation for the players.. better equipment, its just how the game evolves.. No one is arguing the players aspect of this, but as a team the 72' Dolphins are the only ones who have gone undefeated.. thats why they are the best team of all time
  3. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 11, 2008 -> 11:24 PM) Just beat Through the Fire and Flames on hard. Next up is me never beating it on expert. As the loading screen says, Good Luck
  4. Oh my god, I went into today at 208 with shoes and clothes on.. I then played basketball for 3 1/2 hours straight, I didnt weigh myself after but I had to sweat out at least 5 lbs.. man I am so tired Im gonna do my updates on Mondays
  5. T R U

    Top Sports Movies...

    Jack Parkman, ugh, his little shimmy drives me wild
  6. T R U

    Who is dieting?

    QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 10:55 PM) I can't speak for everyone, but, my goal weight is for the end of the year. I'm thinking that losing 48 pounds before Saturday night might be a bit too challenging for me. Amputations would have to be involved. haha thats what I thought too.. I was like wtf 3 days? well im out
  7. T R U

    Who is dieting?

    QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 10:21 PM) saturday midnight? I meant for like, when you see who was the biggest loser.. im not 100% on how that show really works, I just know they lost weight
  8. T R U

    Who is dieting?

    QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 09:38 PM) like wild fire.... awesome guys. I will set up the spread sheet tomorrow and like I said, it'd be cool if we had before and after photos (no nudes, even "tasteful" ones, Jims) Not a bad idea, is there gonna be deadlines or is it pretty much do whatever
  9. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 08:22 PM) ...and THIS is why you can't be a writer for the WW - your story would be ENTERTAINING!!! I would have a protege picked out before the WM match and have the guy come in after the low blow and just DESTROY Michaels. I'm trying to think of a decent wrestler who's dismal on the mic - that's the kind of guy who'd really benefit from having Flair as his manager. The more I think of Flair as a heel manager, the more I like it - he could be the new Heenan. How about the Smackdown vs Raw generic created superstar Cody Rhodes!!!!
  10. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 07:48 PM) They only won 17 games though Well damn, I guess thats Don Shulas fault for not scheduling more games that year
  11. T R U

    Who is dieting?

    And im in the club.. This will help me get some motivation to run, because that is just about the hardest thing for me to do. Working out, im all over that.. but the only time I get cardio is when I play basketball. I cant stand running, so I am going to have to get over that or I will never be able to get under 200, much less 180.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 05:23 PM) I agree, but 8 wins for Brady, that's huge. Forty plus guys go from Super Bowl and undefeated to 9-6 without one guy. That also means one guy can take a team from 9-6 to undefeated. I could see maybe 3 loses without Brady, possibly 4 and they make the playoffs with that record. Are you saying Brady is that great of a QB or his backup is that bad? Any other QB capable of making that same impact on a team? The Patriots put together the type of season that you just don't see.. They werent that good, and it was just one of those things that will probably never happen again. Thats why I cant go with the Tom Brady makes another team go from 9-6 to undefeated.. however, Brady was the main reason that this team was even any good. Brady played WAY over his head this year and put up one of the best QB statistical years ever, hes a career 63% comp passer and he was at 69 this year.. he threw for like 700 more yards than any other year in his career, his career high td passes was 28 it jumped all the way to 50 his career high passer rating was 92.6 jumping all the way to 117.2 this season.. His backup, Matt Cassel, is not a starting QB in this league. I mean maybe one day he could, but he has no experience and doesn't have the skill level right now to lead a team to the playoffs. Hell, when NE was pounding Miami they put him in and he threw and incomplete pass, and then followed it up by throwing an interception that got returned for a touchdown. And I don't want to hear about Randy Moss, Randy Moss doesn't make a QB great it takes a good QB to excel with Moss. Otherwise Oakland wouldn't have been such trash. The QB position is getting very under appreciated in this discussion. If Tom Brady goes down in week 1 and is lost for the season, this team will have to rely on Matt Cassel until they could find someone else. Who? Good QBs aren't just sitting around out there. So they bring in Testaverde, ok, he isn't going to lead a team to the playoffs. No chance. So now instead of their offense pummeling people, they will probably fall to middle of the pack at best, which in turn exposes their overrated defense. Teams wont have to rely on throwing non stop to make up for the score differential, they can play their own ball. Tom Bradys success this season single handedly put NE head and shoulders above the rest of the league. This team isnt even 18-0 if he puts up his career averages. They would be more like 12-4 or 13-3. Now lets take Tom Brady out of the equation and NE has to play with Matt Cassel or Vinny Testaverde or whoever else they pick up off the left overs pile. They win maybe, MAYBE, 8 games this season. I just see no way that they can make the playoffs. You have to at least have a decent QB to make the playoffs in the NFL. And the Patriots don't have the running game to carry a team that lacks that. They also don't have the dominate defense to overcome it as well.
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 03:10 PM) Zero chance?! So Brady was good for eight wins?! Sorry, its the NFL and with 22 guys on the field, no one makes that big of a difference. Its like saying Brady makes any .500 team a threat to go undefeated. Ok well I think you are wrong And no, its not like saying that at all.. Quarterback is the SINGLE most important position on the field at all times, and the Patriots would simply not be that good if they had Matt Cassel or Vinny Testaverde at QB for the majority of this season..
  14. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 02:00 AM) Balta's a Bills fan too, so suck me And I have nothing against the '72 Dolphins. Oustanding team, outstanding story, but not in my mind the best team of all time. If you have a right to your opinion, I have a right to mine, and I'll hate the Dolphins all I want to. I also really hate Mercury Morris; I'm so sick and tired of people talking to him. If he didn't come out and talk about how "cool the '72 Dolphins are" nobody would hate them, and would instead love and respect them. But because he's a cocky douche about it, people hate him, hate the Dolphins, and the '72 Dolphins don't get the respect they deserve. You have to be drunk if you are making a statement like that. Put down the bottle, wake up in the morning, and read what you said. They wouldn't have gone 18-0, but they would have made the playoffs, and there's no doubt in my mind. They'd have picked up Vinny Testaverde or Brad Johnson or some other backup QB and they would have been just fine, even if Matt Cassel sucked. Hell, maybe even Drew Bledsoe, who knows. That's about the most ridiculous statement I've seen made in a long time on here. There is ZERO chance the Patriots make the playoffs this year if Brady gets hurt.. I don't give a s*** who you think they would bring in, it wouldn't happen Vinny and Brad? Man get the f*** out of here, and I am the one who is drinking?
  15. QUOTE(Brian @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 08:18 AM) Fixed, and than what is Orton's plans for WM if he is not in the title match? You WISH you were as big of an Orton fan as me
  16. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 01:01 AM) Brady>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Griese Point being, the 72' Phins did what they did with their back up QB for the majority of the year Patriots aren't even a playoff team if Brady doesn't play this season
  17. I am the biggest Orton fan here But not even I am blind enough to see there is no way Orton wins.. Super Cena vs HHH, and I am SICKENED
  18. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Feb 5, 2008 -> 08:10 PM) He is an individual that was on the greatest team in sports history. Let him say what he wants, cause he can. "Welcome to Perfect Ville Population 1 established in 1972" Preach! Its hilarious the only people who hate all this are the Bears fans and the lone Bills fan, what a shock
  19. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 5, 2008 -> 09:00 AM) Im not even a Dolphins fan, and I despise the 72 Dolphins, but Im not goign to sit here and tell Shadows that he is wrong because he thinks his favorite team, the last undefeated team in NFL history, is the best. Thank you, you are just about the only person who has it right
  20. QUOTE(thedoctor @ Feb 5, 2008 -> 10:27 AM) i think it depends on the back, his style, and future aspirations. some backs don't like to play in the spread option because it is not a legitimate nfl offense. the running plays you run in spread option are more often not what you are going to run in the nfl, so that could be a hindrance for some people. i know on pretty good authority that mendenhall was not a fan of the spread because it didn't give him the best case to showcase his skills for nfl teams. Well im pretty sure when hes drafted in round one and a millionaire he will be pretty happy about his season in that spread option went..
  21. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Feb 5, 2008 -> 12:46 AM) They can always have the title of the only undefeated team, but anyone who's not a coward and looks at facts will say there is no way they were the best team ever. 1. 85 Bears 2. 91 Redskins 3. 84 Niners 4. 89 Niners 5. 72 Dolphins Its a matter of opinion, so save your rankings they don't mean jack to me.. The only undefeated team in league history is the best, you wont change my opinion on that
  22. With the success of Mendenhall under Zook I would hope more top RBs start looking at Illinois, especially with Mendenhall leaving early..
  23. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 08:11 PM) This sucks. My whole life I wanted to see a team go undefeated to shut up the 72 Phins, and I figured this would be the year. f*** Shula, Csonka, Mercury Morris and the rest of those f***s. The 85 Bears are still the best team of all time. The Dolphins are still the 5th best. The 85 Bears can sit and spin Only one undefeated, only one that ever will.. best team of all time
  24. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 3, 2008 -> 11:19 PM) That's a memorable play if it's an October game, let alone now. I still can't decide which part of the play was more amazing, I mean the escape job by Manning would have been incredible had Vick circa 2003 done it, and the Tyree catch would have been amazing had Jerry Rice circa 1994 done it. As amazing as the play was, it's even more amazing due to the parties who made it and the stage it was on. That play is going to get talked about forever I would imagine.. man that was so huge, I was going insane after it.. simply amazing
  25. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 3, 2008 -> 11:16 PM) Yeah, the only play I can think of that's even close in terms of the NFL is the immaculate reception. If Manning gets sacked, it's 4th and 15, pass was almost picked, if Tyree doesn't make that insane catch, it's still 4th and 5 and trouble. Just sick. Its just insane how Manning escaped that and hes not exactly the most mobile guy out there and on top of that Tyree makes a circus catch all of this with the SUPER BOWL on the line.. it was nuts
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