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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 22, 2008 -> 09:43 AM) But you knew already! Not quite, I had the mental image from the description but I wanted to actually see it.. thats what I wanted most
  2. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(shipps @ Jan 22, 2008 -> 09:26 AM) I wish more movies would show less in the previews.It really made for a more enjoyable experience with this one.I enjoyed the pre release talk,the movie itself, and the talk after the movie.I really cant ask for more. I agree, it was killing me to know what the monster looked like
  3. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    Why the f*** do we have to use Spoiler tags.. this is no longer a speculation thread, its the movie thread. It clearly says spoilers, if people don't want to know they wont read it.
  4. QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 21, 2008 -> 07:49 PM) She is awful in the ring and on the mic, but if every woman looked like that, there would be no war. Haha, yeah I dont care how she wrestles or talks.. she is fine as hell though
  5. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    Fotop, I don't really agree with anything you've said.. I don't know where you are getting your ideas about this Like, im not gonna bash you for not liking the movie because thats just how it is, some will love it some wont.. but the way I see it is a movie like this is made to be entertaining.. A real life example would be if there was a fire and one of your family members were stuck inside. Sure, you could die or they could already be dead but you would still go in no matter what. Anyways, its a movie. I never really understood why people waste time complaining about unrealistic events in movies. Like I said though, this is not meant to flame you.
  6. QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 05:36 PM) Can't wait for Kelly Kelly to be in HD. omg, Kelly Kelly is my favorite
  7. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 07:30 PM) http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Movies/01/...e.ap/index.html Is this what you guys would consider the monster, a reptile? No. It looks like an alien
  8. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 12:00 PM) Oh, I'm not doubting YOU, I'm saying in those pictures posted up there you can't see it. I do plan to see this again, hopefully this week. Plus I surely will be buying the Super-Duper-Mega-Monster-Deluxe version of the DVD, so I will have plenty of time to freeze frame that picture. My bad dude, my post wasn't meant to sound hostile I just read it again.. you would have had to hear it in real life. You cant see anything in those pictures, but you can clearly see if it you pay attention to that part of the movie. Its on the right side in the distance.
  9. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 01:49 AM) I'm really hoping your joking lol? I was However, the point being is it could have happened with no tidal wave due to just that..
  10. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 12:47 AM) Not true haven't you seen the Olympics, its possible to dive into the water without making much of a splash
  11. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 09:28 PM)
  12. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 04:42 PM) I still don't see a "splash" in those pictures. The big white thing on the right side of the screen was the cruise ship that was passing by. That was what I was watching during that whole part, as it seemed like we were being set up for something to happen in the background. It did happen That was no satellite, im telling you if you go to see it again you'll see it, its on the right side in the background.. Unless you are blind you cant miss it
  13. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 01:34 AM) Oh, and I wish I had seen this apparent splash at the end. I was actually looking at the water for something to happen there, but I didn't catch anything. This whole part kinda reminds me of The Sopranos ending. People claiming they saw Meadow... No, it does really happen.. I had to go back and see it again just to see this part.. If you pay close attention to the back right of the ocean you can see it fall from the sky and into the ocean..
  14. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 10:59 PM) I've been thinking more about if this film needed all of the marketing and publicity stunt type of stuff over the past few months, and I have come to the realization that if this film was to work 100% perfect, then you would have go into knowing nothing. Same way that Blair Witch worked best on those who knew nothing about it. Cloverfield benefits better though in the ways that it is still an exciting film, and BIG monsters are just fun to have around. But IMO this film would work best with NO knowledge of it at all. You learn as the cast does, and you enjoy their confusion also. That might be a good idea.. All I know is I love monster movies, especially these kinds, and I was DYING to see this from the moment I saw the trailer.. I saw it twice today, and Ill prolly end up seeing it a few more times.. I loved it
  15. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 07:22 PM) Quote by someone on another site: The guy is right, I went and just saw it for the second time today JUST to confirm that.. and yes, it happens
  16. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    I thought it was badass Oh yeah, and its also EXACTLY like I said it would look like on page 2 of this thread..
  17. QUOTE(A's fan @ Jan 16, 2008 -> 03:29 PM) I doubt it, benson is very non impressive and I feel that fanneca will end up in chi town too. Faneca will most likely end up in Arizona with Wisenhunt
  18. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 14, 2008 -> 10:38 PM) What happened? Hardy did like a 30 ft Swanton Bomb off some scaffolding onto Orton who was previously back dropped off the stage
  19. T R U

    Films Thread

    Holy s*** this movie looks hilarious..
  20. T R U

    Cloverfield thread

    Dude, you guys need to work on your internet searching skills.. I already read a review from the screening and I know what it looks like and etc. The dude said there is no mention of slusho in the movie. Highlight Here --> It is like an alien looking creature. Its gray in color. It has a long tail, and long front arms longer than the back legs. It has a human like head, the fangs hang out of the mouth over the lip like a bulldog. It has red pouch like things on the sides of its face. It has smaller arms on the chest. There are also smaller versions of the creature which are said to look like the bugs from Starship Troopers.
  21. I think its a pretty good deal, didnt really want to move DLS but who knows if he would have ever panned out anyways..
  22. Man this s*** is getting so lame.. First of all, if Roberts injected steroids ONCE and then said "This is wrong" and never did it again he would get zero benefit from it. You cant just squirt one needle into yourself and turn into a stud you have to take cycles of it. So if he really did only do it once and never again he doesnt even need to be on this list, he didnt do anything to enhance his performance via steroids.
  23. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 09:43 PM) And worry about more important things, like seeing the '72 Dolphins shut up. Enjoy 1-15. I know The Bears are garbage this year, you guys need something to talk about
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