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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 12, 2007 -> 02:54 PM) The Bears won 18 games against much stronger competition than the Dolphins who only won 17 games. Ever the Miami homer, eh Tru? 0-9 and counting... awww.. don't be upset the Bears season was ruined by Dolphins And I don't think it takes a "homer" to realize that an undefeated season, the only ever, is better than a 1 loss season.. I dont really care if you think the Bears team was better..
  2. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Nov 12, 2007 -> 01:51 PM) Huh? Why would they select Wisconsin or Penn State over Illinois, both of whom were beaten by the Illini.. Is what he meant
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 12, 2007 -> 10:47 AM) They should continue their resurgence, but dont make the mistake of thinking that most of the Big Ten will stand put. OSU was rebuilding this year and still almost went unbeaten. Not to mention they are bringing in one of the top recruiting classes in the country next year, clearly their best since 2002. Illinois was coming off a 2 win season and in all honesty are a couple of mistakes away from being 11-0 right now.. They already beat Ohio State in the Horseshoe with a team full of youngsters.. I don't think it really matters if the other teams improve or what not, Illinois will most certainly be better next season with more good recruits coming in.. Im not taking OSU as a joke, but Illinois is quickly rising to the top of the Big 10 and the way things have looked next season should be even better than this one.. and this season has been amazing to see, as long as we don't have a mental lapse against Northwestern
  4. Did any of you actually watch The Condemned? Shockingly, it was a pretty good movie.. I would venture to guess some people were turned off by it because it had a wrestler in it.. but I bet if it had an actually hollywood actor it would have been bigger.. Im glad I decided to rent it, I thought it was pretty good
  5. QUOTE(bmags @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 04:02 PM) then you are crazy, 40 pts for us on offense is a guarantee. We've played pretty damn well on the road, and if pig brown pics that bradford pass that was right to him, god damn who knows how that game would turn out. I hope KU stays undefeated, it will be so much fun to beat the hell out of them. And, considering I don't think we can beat OKL twice in one year, I think it might be good we lost to OKL early. IF we play them again, especially on a neutral field, Look out. I guess well see soon
  6. QUOTE(bmags @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 03:55 PM) it doesn't really matter, all will equal out when the top three big 12 teams all meet each other in the last two weeks. Also, the game is in Kansas City, MO, not lawrence. I think if LSU loses their SEC champ. game, the big XII has a good chance o f having someone in the BCS championship game. And also, shadows, our win against Illinois wasn't tainted because juice got injured. If juice stayed in I have no doubt it would not have even been close. Juice can't pass worth a lick, and its our pass defense that sucks. At one point we were up like 38-14, McGee is no scrub, he crapped the bed in the first half but the second half he looked great. And it was typical of our team early in the season to get big first half leads then we let teams get close. That can happen early in the season as we have a pretty young defensive backfield, so that is when playing D1 teams early in the season is more impressive than DII teams. You have won all the games you were supposed to, so have we. We had a tough road game in Norman against a really good OKL team and we had some really f***ing weird plays that lost us the game. It's not a stretch though for missouri fans to feel pretty confident against you guys. In the games we've played against the games you've played, I'd argue we've won them more impressively. I think our 41-6 game against nebraska was more impressive than your 76-39 victory, I think our TTech victory might have been the most impressive behind the Colorado game. More than that, we have Chase Daniels, who has matured unbelievably this year and is fantastic when being rushed, the two best TE's in the nation, and one of the best WR in terms of all purpose yards (Maclin), and all the sudden Tony Temple has been out of his mind when he's had the ball. But the point is, if Kansas beats missouri and OKL, they can be in the BCS champ. If OKL beats MU/KU they can be in the championship. If MIZZOU beats KU then OU, we can be in the championship. So I think that's pretty damn impressive for the big 12, especially in the year that the SEC just wants to pat themselves on the back constantly. I mean, this needs LSU to lose theirs, but still, I'm pretty excited. But all in all, I just want in Kansas' best football season ever, for mizzou to beat them and they won't even make the BIG 12 championship game, haha. May the best team win (M-I-Z) Uh, I hate Kansas.. I didn't mean to make it come off like I am a Jayhawk fan, but I just think they deserve more credit than they have gotten so far And I personally don't think that Missouri is better than they are.. ill give you equal, but not better
  7. QUOTE(danman31 @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 03:33 PM) I disagree there. The reason their schedule is rated poorly is because their best non-conference game was Central Michigan and they haven't played the best 3 other teams in the Big 12. Thats basically what I said, they played terrible non conference opponents instead of mediocre ones they would have beaten anyways.. and yes, they missed out on Texas/OU
  8. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 03:34 PM) K...that's your only argument. Sweet. Thats the only argument needed Last time I checked 0 losses is better than 1 loss.. K. Sweet.
  9. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 03:17 PM) I'm just going to say that I feel the 85 Bears team was better; it's quite an easy argument too. They won more games, scored more points per game (including postseason), allowed fewer points per game (including postseason), and allowed fewer points total, including postseason again, while playing 2 more games. Add to it that they only had 2 games that were even close (close is a one score difference), while the Dolphins had 7 (again, including postseason), and there's no doubt to me that the Bears were the superior team. Except one went undefeated and the other one didnt
  10. QUOTE(The Bones @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 01:49 PM) halftime illinois: 22 northeastern: 19 ugly 2nd Half Much better
  11. QUOTE(danman31 @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 01:36 PM) Missouri is like Kansas in a lot of ways. I'm not going to compare the teams, but the resumes. Both teams came out of relatively nowhere this year (though Missouri was the preseason favorite in the Big 12 North), aren't traditional powers, and are in the BCS hunt. The biggest difference is the schedule. According to realtimerpi.com Mizzou's SOS is 24, Kansas' 66. Only 3 schools in the top 25 have worse schedule ratings. They are? USC, Hawaii, and Boise St. Kansas hasn't beaten a top 25 team yet, at least Missouri has Illinois. The reason Kansas SOS is worse is because of playing games they would have won anyways against D1 teams they played D1AA teams instead.. that is irrelevant IMO And yes, I agree with you.. they wouldn't have beat Oklahoma either and I don't expect them too when they meet in the Big 12 Title game.. If you were saying it in jest, then no worries.. I didn't know that was the case
  12. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 10:47 AM) it's good to see Ron Zook get a big win like that. sometimes I think he got the raw end of the deal in Florida. He DID get a raw deal... especially considering Urban Meyer won the National Title with Zooks players
  13. QUOTE(Be Good @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 01:36 AM) Never....That all us Fin fans have at times like these. Exactly And everyone else who hates the Dolphins perfect season is probably just bitter that either A.) No one else has ever done it so its just the Fins!!! or B.) they ruined the poor Bears shot at the undefeated season The 72 Dolphins are the greatest team period in the history of the NFL.. Only undefeated team ever, I don't know how you can argue with that regardless of who they played or that the season was a whole 2 games shorter.. No one else has ever done it, ever, so obviously its not that easy
  14. QUOTE(danman31 @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 12:09 AM) Because Kansas isn't good. There, I said it. For someone who is always talking about how good Mizzou is thats pretty ridiculous of you to say.. I hope that deep down, you really understand that Missouri just isn't that good either.. I don't get why Kansas is catching s*** because they have been doing everything right.. how can you say they don't deserve it? They are 10-0, but they aren't good? Well when I look at the little #4 next to their name thats a pretty big statement for a team thats not even good. Someones gotta be voting for Kansas, how else would they get there? Missouri squeaked by Illinois mostly in part of the turnovers, but a wins a win. Then they faced three s***ty teams in a row before starting conference play. Kansas has taken care of business in conference play, Missouri lost to the only good Big 12 team they have played so far. I fully expect Kansas to beat Iowa State AND Missouri.. so far they have crushed everyone they have played at home.. and not just the non conference cup cakes either.. They have outscored their opponents 348-72 in 6 home games this year.. They will clobber Iowa State, and then Missouri comes to town and Kansas will win that game as well.. But come on Dan, Kansas is 10-0.. don't try to say they aren't good. And I hardly think blaming their success this season by not committing a big turn over in close games means anything. Thats more of a reason to just prove that they are good. Wheres Missouri's big win though? Kansas doesn't have one, so where is Mizzou's? The only one I can see is the win against the Juiceless Illini who turned the ball over 5 times including a 100 yard fumble return and a game ending pick after driving down to the 22 for an attempt to win the game. Other than that game, Missouri has done nothing Kansas hasnt done.. well, except lose a game of course..
  15. QUOTE(PAUL KONERKO 14 @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 08:51 PM) I meant like replacing everyone on the team with superstars, like an all star team. haha, thats exactly what you did..
  16. QUOTE(PAUL KONERKO 14 @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 08:47 PM) and don't make it too unrealistic what the hell
  17. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 10:24 PM) And the Magic move to 4-1. Still very early days but the signs are good. The big difference is not only obviously Rashard Lewis and Dwight's improved FT shooting, but Hedo Turklogu is playing as a borderline All - Star right now. Yeah Turk has been huge for us so far, its very nice to see.. He basically putting up 21 pts. 8 reb. and 5 ass. a night shooting 45% from 3 I don't think he will keep it up, but in overall production he has been our best player so far.. I like they way we have looked and I hope this is what we will see from the team the entire year..
  18. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 01:59 PM) Tecmo Super Bowl is legendary for kids. Tecmo Bowl the original is the legend. Marcus Allen, Bo Jackson, Walter Payton 4 offensive plays, 4 defensive plays. It was on. Well tecmo super bowl is the exact same, just no Payton
  19. QUOTE(BearSox @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 12:38 PM) You pale in comparison... Anyway, none of the rental places have CoD4. I think I will just buy it. You sir are wrong.. MVP 05 was a great game, but Tecmo Super Bowl is legendary
  20. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 01:42 PM) Perhaps most of the people on this board are confused because in Illinois we have 3 sports seasons. Fall, Winter, Spring. Fall: Football, Soccer Winter: Basketball, Wrestling Spring: Baseball, Tennis Thus in Illinois if you are good at basketball and football, you play both. So when we hear that none of your friends even played HS basketball its hard to believe that you could beat professionals. Yeah, I am sure that it is done differently up there.. down here football is basically year round, and when you weren't doing that, most of us were on the baseball team in the spring and the skill position players were required to do track..
  21. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 01:23 PM) Oh, so you played football. So you were better at football than basketball, did you play college football? So what did you do during bball season? I played three sports in HS and was still recruited by D1 schools. I dont buy it. You may be a good athlete as alot of us are, but there is still a huge gap between you as an athlete that played some HS sports, and a professional basketball player regardless of the sex. Yes, I am much better at football than I am basketball.. that doesn't mean that I cant play.. I played baseball and ran track during basketball season on top of our ridiculous football offseason.. You played football in Illinois, im not impressed in the least by that.. Ive seen Illinois high school football, I was born in Illinois so every time we go back for christmas I have caught a couple playoff games on TV up there, and its nothing compared to football down here. And yes, I was recruited for football but I am a lazy f*** who didnt get good grades and didnt bother to worry about college till about a month before it started.. I had looks from Iowa State, Kansas, and Wisconsin.. that was about it in terms of big D1 schools, and then the rest were small schools like Kansas Wesleyan, Concordia Nebraska, Wabash, and Morningside College.. which I surely wasn't going to any of those. I was red shirted at Midwestern State University before I decided to pack it in and move back closer to home.. I haven't played legit tackle football since 2003, but I guarantee you I could walk onto Sam Houston States football team tomorrow if they had tryouts..
  22. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 09:35 PM) O.K., somebody please explain this to me. That Dragonforce video is making the rounds, and people are reacting with amazement. Does anybody out there realize that an ACTUAL PERSON RECORDED THE ORIGINAL SONG??? This is like the next step-up from being amazed by somebodies air-guitar routine. I'm more impressed by the people that can actually PLAY this song. But for some reason people are amazed by 6 guys sitting around pushing buttons on a little plastic guitar. Why? Its not impressive for a professional to play their own song, it is impressive for some nobody to be able to play a 7 minute song that is prolly harder than ANY guitar hero song they have ever made, and not only that but get 4 stars and 89% note hits.. Basically to answer your question, you have to be a fan of guitar hero and play the game to understand why people are so amazed by it.. otherwise yes, we just look like idiots playing a plastic guitar.. but people are very impressed if you are good at the game
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 01:13 PM) Usually when you are good, you play in high school or college. And you would have to be that good to beat a team of WNBA players. They arent like playing against the girls at the gym, they will school you. Right, unless of course you are better at the other sports.. and like I said, Texas football isn't something that you just play for a little but of semester one and then go off and do other things.. its like a religion here, thats what im trying to get at..
  24. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 09:40 AM) One of you played HS ball. Nobody played even a bit of college ball. Regardless of if you had other sports to play, if you were that good at bball, in THAT season, thats the sport you would have played. There is basically no sport competing with bball that would or should compete for any of your talents. In fact, im pretty sure a college team like UCONN or TENN would beat you as well. You don't have to play basketball in college or high school to be good.. You guys can think whatever you want, thats cool with me, but we can play and especially against girls Oh, and by the way.. Football took the entire first semester of high school.. And playing where I did in Katy, we went deep into the playoffs every year.. so that took up that entire time.. Track and Baseball took up the entire second semester.. So I don't know how they did things at your high school but thats not how it was done at mine or in Texas for that matter..
  25. QUOTE(qwerty @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 07:41 PM) That's fine... but i am just curious. How many shots do you take a day? How many regulation games per week? Hmm, if I had to make a guess I would say I take about 150-200 shots a day and I don't play any regulation games but we play quite a bit of pick up games after we shoot around..
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