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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 03:18 PM) You honestly think you and four of your buddies are more talented than professional basketball players? How many of you even sniffed a scholarship offer? Jesus, can we stop using "professional basketball players" when talking about the WNBA.. Have you even watched it? They are terrible. I guess you guys seem to think its me and four other of my friends who are just trying to talk s*** about this or whatever. Thats not the case, but this is a scenario that is never going to happen. So its pointless arguing about it. I just know that we could beat them, nothing will change my mind about that. Only one of us played for our high school, and I do believe he had some interest from smaller schools.. The rest of us were playing other sports. You don't have a damn clue about how talented or athletic I am, or my friends. So please don't try and talk down on me here by assuming I am just talking s***. Anyways, like I said.. its never gonna happen so why even continue this argument? Were just gonna go back and forth talking about a game that will never be played..
  2. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 01:56 PM) Okay so all the talk of Guitar Hero has me interested. The only question is, what about Rock Band. Unless you are going to be playing it with some other friends and can play it with the other people whenever you play, I would hold off on it.. The bundle for 1 guitar, drums, and mic is like $170 and from what I have read you need to play with people to have max enjoyment from it.. So I would wait on it before getting it
  3. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 12:33 PM) I love it when some guys, who are mediocore at best, think they could beat a team of professionals just because said professionals are (obviously inferior) women. You have one guy who is tall...great. Is he good at basketball? Can he handle the ball? Play great defense? Being "one of the better players" on a HS team isn't saying too much, either. Did he play in college? Get recruited at all? If not, he's not that great. It'd be a rout. As for the poll, I voted "no" because my friends and I all suck at basketball. Yes, I don't know how many times I have to say this.. we can play basketball And yes, they are inferior because they are women.. hence why I KNOW that we could beat them
  4. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 09:26 AM) My prediction for SS is that Edge is gonna pull something outta his arse and wind up with the title, setting up a long work between Orton and Edge that was supposed to happen at the conclusion of team RKO(but never happened due to Edge's pectoral injury). HBk is just holding the ship up now because Orton "ended his career" a few months ago. If Edge interferes in any match at SS im sure it will be the Hell in a Cell match.. Edge needs to stick on Smackdown, they have little star power as it is over there and I think he will enter that title picture
  5. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 01:17 PM) I agree. Diana Taurasi would school most guys who weren't really good basketball players. If you and your friends were really good HS players, you'd give them a game, but I seriously doubt you'd beat the WNBA champs. Im not just some guy who is spouting off claims.. I have a legit 5, not just a group of my buddies I just wrangled up.. One of the guys is 6'7 and glancing over their roster they don't even have a player to stop him alone.. also considering one of the other guys was one of our better players on our high school team and has good size himself.. As for the other three, I never played basketball in high school because football was my love, but we aren't just five guys who think we can walk out onto a court and beat anyone..
  6. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:44 PM) Iowa State @ Kansas on ABC on the 17th. Should be a good watch. I have a feeling that game is going to be really ugly for ISU
  7. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 05:58 PM) hopefully he didn't injure it playing guitar hero 3. but it sucks that he injured it during the wildfires, a lot more acceptable than guiter hero before. You can not hurt your shoulder playing Guitar Hero.. I play Guitar Hero prolly more than anyone on this board, and after about 4-5 straight hours of playing the only pains are in your feet (if you are standing to play) and the forearm wrist area.. A shoulder injury? I highly doubt it unless he tried to do a power slide and tripped and landed on his shoulder..
  8. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 3, 2007 -> 11:07 AM) You'd get smoked. I seriously doubt that
  9. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Nov 2, 2007 -> 11:51 PM) I think if you make the assumption that this group of players has at least some basketball talent (let's say at least able to make the rotation on a high school varsity team at a reasonably sized school) that it could definitely be done. I don't think you're going to be able to throw 5 total schmucks out there and do it. Still, if you can even go half of your posessions without turning the ball over, or even a quarter for that matter, eventually someone is going to slip and leave someone open, or a tip will go right to someone, or they'll commit some kind of turnover that gives you a fast-break chance. Then there's the free throws that have been mentioned a few times. Plus if you get desperate you can have one of your guys cherry-pick and try the long pass after they score. Sure, you're not going to get any rebounds and you might as well forget about taking the ball in the paint, but I gotta think you'll find a gap somewhere to hit an open jumper every once in a while. I just don't think it's possible to have every player/spot 100% covered for 48 minutes. Exactly, over the course of an entire game considering fouls and what not.. you are at LEAST going to put 1 point on the board
  10. you are bound to score sometime.. however I have had somewhat the same convo with my friends I am 100% sure that me and four of my friends could beat the best WNBA team, and I will even go out and say that it wouldnt even be close..
  11. QUOTE(Cali @ Oct 22, 2007 -> 05:04 PM) There's one song on the album, I cant decide if I love it or hate it haha. It's very theatrical, and kinda weird. Dude, give that song a couple listens.. I felt the same way you did but the more I listen to it the more badass it gets
  12. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Oct 25, 2007 -> 10:06 AM) Bitter much? Anyways, I watched Tuesday's episode and one guy drank 2 gallons of water to put on weight to get someone else eliminated. I don't watch the show often so I didn't get the reasoning, but apparently just before the weigh in, he guzzled 2 gallons (18 lbs) of water in order to gain weight. Usually reality shows have hours of footage they edit down, so was probably holdiing that for a while. I'm sure he had to go REAL bad. I find that hard to believe.. I tried to chug a gallon of water once and only finished half of it before I felt like I was gonna explode.. Unless he drank 2 gallons over the course of the day, I don't believe that at all because its just not possible to do at one time
  13. QUOTE(Cali @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 04:52 PM) Yeah. Overall though, pretty blah. I dont have the desire to keep spinning it like I did with City of Evil and Waking the Fallen. It's hard to explain exactly what I mean, but the sound they have on this record is exactly what I thought they were gonna do. Like keep the "metal" part to match the way they started dressing after they released City of Evil, but take out the super poppy parts/chorus' to keep street cred after they got radio play. Maybe it'll grow on me, but I dont think so.... Well thats kind of the problem, they wouldn't get any radio play unless they changed the sound a little.. now they play Almost Easy on the radio all the time here Either way, I still like it.. its not as good as their other stuff but I still enjoy listening to it
  14. QUOTE(Cali @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 02:12 PM) 12 hours after it comes out and Im still the only one who's reviewed the new A7X album? Haha Yes, I may have "obtained" it early, but you're slipping. You know who you are I DLed it, but no one seemed interested when I mentioned it earlier.. Scream is awesome And you are right, that one weird theatrical song.. I don't know what to make of it either..
  15. So expert is definitely ridiculous on this game.. I could only go through a couple of the early ones on expert, most of the other ones were way too crazy to do. Its harder than GH2 thats for sure haha, I tried Dragonforce on expert and the loading screen didn't have a catchy phrase it just simply said "Good Luck"... Needless to say, I failed after 0% of the song
  16. I just recently set my own personal record of 25 straight days signed onto AIM before my stupid computer auto restarted itself early in the morning.. I was upset, but I am already back up to 13 days so its not too bad The internet is the greatest thing ever, and I would seriously not know what I would do without it..
  17. QUOTE(Brian @ Oct 29, 2007 -> 10:07 PM) I hope the save_us stuff is Jericho, but as of now, I am sick of it and over it. no s*** god dammit we want jericho
  18. Beat it It was pretty crazy, I honestly didn't believe any of you when you said a song on medium was hard.. but it definitely is for someone who is at the medium level How come I cant play the devil went down to georgia?
  19. Alright, got Dragonforce... be right back with the results
  20. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Oct 29, 2007 -> 03:54 PM) Yessir, i still haven't beat it on medium, there's a solo at the end that kills me. Haha, man I cant wait to play it.. you guys are pumping it up for me
  21. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Oct 29, 2007 -> 03:45 PM) It unlocks after you beat solo mode. You play it during the credits. Dragonforce is two guitarists playing different solos at the same time during their songs. Oh I have heard the song, its nuts.. but I wanna play it on here Looks like I got a while to go though, after its unlocked I can play it whenever right?
  22. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Oct 29, 2007 -> 02:59 PM) Dragonforce is impossible on medium. It's ridiculous. Well im trying to play solo mode and unlock everything now, where is Dragonforce on the set list? I am a pretty good player, so I am interested to see what the fuss is about this song.. I just need to know how long I need to wait till I run into it
  23. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Oct 29, 2007 -> 08:34 AM) Beat GH3 on Medium, I enjoyed it. Its catching A LOT of flak because I guess people hate change, but the Battle modes to me are real fun. You could really hear the Rage/Audioslave sound in the Morello battle. As for The Devil Went Down to Georgia.....wow.....I thought my hand was going to fall off after playing that, AND Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce right after it. Just beat it on Hard, gotta get a feel before I jump to expert.. We played Co-Op mode, so there were a ton of songs that we didnt even see.. so im guessing we have to play it on single mode to get all the songs.. like we didnt get Paint it, Black.. Dragonforce.. and a few more I dont remember.. but the game is the s*** and I love it.. hey Capn, unlock raining blood and play try it on expert.. its insane Also, "One" by Metallica is the best song on this game and incredible ridiculous to play, especially the insane solo.. I love the song in real life and even more now that I can play it.. man its so awesome
  24. The fall didn't look that bad, but as someone who has broken their collar bone I can tell you that it is not the most pleasant experience..
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