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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Remember guys, JR couldn’t afford to waste a year.
  2. Crochet if he keeps it up, however, I expect he is going to come down a bit. My second option would be Kopech. I think hes going to be the primary go to for saves and as long as he keeps coming out throwing 100+ MPH and striking everyone out hell be the next attractive option from this team.
  3. Gavin Sheets sucks, but as its already been said hes not blocking anyone or preventing anything so let him ride his hot streak and then we can all complain about how much run hes getting as the #3 hitter based off a week long streak at the start of the season.
  4. No I didn’t, only saw Kwan Gimenez and Ramirez all reach.
  5. Has this guy even got a lefty out this year? I feel like every time I see him he lets the lefty get on then he’s stuck facing righties getting hammered.
  6. lol I’m just laughing that the same day Grifol says he’s playing hurt but toughing it out he literally gets hurt.
  7. Hard pass on Soroka. He has a 6.06 FIP and can't strike anyone out. You absolutely hope he can get hot and flip him for something interesting.
  8. I don't understand what you don't understand. There is an expiration date for his usefulness this season. Why would someone trade for him at the end of July if he is about to have to get shut down for the year? However, if he pitches his 100 innings or whatever this year and looks good all year, he becomes much more attractive for next season when its reasonable to expect him to get in the 150 IP range and not be shut down early. That makes him more valuable than right now. Does that make more sense?
  9. He's a 2.5 war player if he could ever complete a season, but that's part of the problem.
  10. It has to be true. Its insanity that any professional sports team would allow a manager/head coach to keep their job after putting up one of the worst seasons in your franchises history when the expectation was to compete for the division. The only thing that makes sense is JR didn't want to have to pay two managers.
  11. I don't know what the magic number is, but common sense would say that a reliever trying to transition to a starter who hasn't thrown more than 25 innings in 2 years probably isn't going to have a long leash. At least for THIS season, which is why I think if he looks good in his innings this year he becomes way more attractive in the off-season.
  12. Also I think I need to add this is probably the worst lineup I can ever recall seeing the White Sox put out.
  13. I'd rather see Sosa batting third than Gavin Sheets, so I applaud that decision.
  14. Because he is 100% going to get injured or shut down at some point towards the later part of the season. Hes thrown 25 innings since 2021 you just can't show up and throw 175-200 innings when you have been a reliever your entire career AND injured/recovering over the last season. The White Sox have made it pretty clear they are going to run him into the ground and not ease him into a starters role. Its inevitable that he will not be available at the end of the year. Having said that, if he can get around that 100 innings mark then he is probably in a good position to start pushing 150 or so next season which becomes way more enticing to a team trying to acquire him. Why would a team give up a high level package for him at the deadline if they can't use him down the stretch?
  15. Crochet has mad 3 starts so its really premature to fix a value to him. He also is going to be limited this season, so again its hard to gauge exactly what he could be worth. I think if he can keep it up, you can get way more for him in the offseason as opposed to in season.
  16. Meh, between the sell off at the deadline last year and the trades and signings this off-season I am pretty sure the only three people who don't believe this is a complete down to the studs rebuild is Grifol, Getz, and JR. And even they know it is, they just think they can fool the fans into thinking they have a "good roster".
  17. It’s a force play wtf are they arguing about
  18. wtf, they won 90 games man. That’s infinitely better then what we’re about to see this year.
  19. The pitching is going to crater eventually, there’s just no talent there. It’s going to be real ugly eventually.
  20. That means absolutely nothing to me, but more power to you.
  21. I can't stand Sheets, can't wait until that big goof is off this team. The guy sucks, yet hes somehow the cleanup hitter on this team lol.
  22. Bingo, after this season he is in the same boat that Cease was in. Two years of control left and then he walks, especially if the three games we have seen so far is what he is capable of doing anytime he goes out.
  23. They know this year is going to be bad, I don’t see an in season firing.
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