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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Sep 14, 2007 -> 07:29 PM) Getting online with Madden is good to update rosters and stuff. Id make sure youre just not behind a firewall. Im assuming you have high speed internet Yeah we have high speed internet I believe, and it said it connected and it went like two things down on the check before failing one which I dont remember what it was called..
  2. Man, I wish I could get my internet connection to work so I can add a loss to all of your Madden records
  3. Also Am I suppose to unplug the adapter? (The big rectangle looking thing) After I turned off the 360 the little orange light was still on on the adapter, I don't want it to burn out or something.. so I was wondering if I am supposed to unplug it or let it be
  4. Alright I bought an XBOX 360 Elite, Madden, NCAA, and another controller.. All went well with it tonight, I think it was a solid investment.. too bad my apartment internet must be crap because it wouldn't let me connect to the internet, thats alright though I don't really care about that
  5. Alright I think I am about to actually go and get a 360 after months of procrastinating.. For those who have gotten one recently, have you had any problems with it? I heard that the newer ones aren't supposed to have problems anymore, so I wanna check that out.. I dont have the money to get a PS3 now because I am lazy and really don't want to work, so I just wanna know for those who own an XBOX if you think that if I picked up a new one now I should be fine in terms of it crapping out and is it even really worth it..
  6. Dude, one of the eight diva search finalists went to high school and college with me.. I use to see her around all the time but she graduated last semester I believe I saw a link for her website on wrestlezone and I was like, wtf, I know that girl
  7. QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 10, 2007 -> 09:57 PM) Ugh! Can you blame them? Kennedy was the only one deserving of the kind of push that storyline was supposed to bring, who else could they have used? I thought it was pretty funny, HHH laughing his ass off.. now they can just squash the storyline and Hornswagle can just stay on SmackDown and Vince will prolly never have to deal with this anyways
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 10, 2007 -> 02:57 PM) The NFL has confiscated a camera from the Patriots sideline and may be investigating the Pats for stealing signals from the Jets. 2nd time they have been suspected of it
  9. QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 9, 2007 -> 04:34 PM) Are any Fin fans here really confident Trent Green will help the team? Ill tell you this much, if we had Harrington out there today we get shut out.. Trent Green is going to help a lot, not only for helping progress John Beck but playing smart which is something we haven't had in a QB for a long time.. Green played a good game minus that bad decision he made right before OT (The throw to the sideline which should have been picked.) Other than that, he played a solid game and was really the only reason why we scored any points today. Ill take 24/38 219 and a TD all day.. especially when you consider Miami WR's as a group had about 5-6 dropped passes today.. The defense played good today but its hard to maintain that when the offense isn't moving the ball and you are constantly on the field..
  10. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 08:00 PM) You edited your post - 2 minutes - my post Thats because the second edit was to fix a typo.. but, that doesn't matter ND going down again, nothing would make me happier than to see them win 4 or less games this season
  11. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 06:55 PM) I'm aware, as that was in my post. Just checking, since I pretty much already posted what happened about 10 minutes before you did but you still posted the exact same thing anyways.. maybe you just missed it, how would I know.. so I had to make sure it was out there just incase
  12. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 06:28 PM) And it goes to a 2nd OT Well actually, there was a flag thrown for roughing the passer so regardless of what happened with the mix up on the call it was still going to remain Fresnos ball
  13. So the end of this Fresno State/Texas A&M game is nuts Basically Fresno catches the ball and fumbles before crossing the line, A&M recovers.. They call him out of bounds though.. they review the play and uphold the call on the field even though the replay CLEARLY shows he didnt step out.. THEN they come back and say they are reversing the uphold.. BUT.. there was pass interference on the play Its crazy
  14. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 04:03 PM) Michigan is really bad. Really really bad. I know, and its a joy to watch
  15. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 03:52 PM) Or they could bring Russo out from behind the scenes. My mark-out scenario would be Jericho, but I don't think Dixie can outbid Vince for his services. WWE offered Jericho a 7 figure salary to return, so I highly doubt he would even consider TNA.. Hell be back in the E in the near future I would bet
  16. SSBL > your league Drop out and try to get into ours, its the tits
  17. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 3, 2007 -> 01:45 PM) I don't buy it. I have been following the Brown situation closely(Fantasy reasons) and I really think it's Cameron trying to light a fire under Brown, seeing what he can get out of him. That is what he did, Brown should shoulder most of the load.. but Cameron is familair with Chatman and Chatman knows the system real well.. so he will get some touches.. but Brown is the horse, I think hes going to get a lot of work
  18. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 6, 2007 -> 07:43 AM) I haven't been to an E live event since Raw Is Jericho's debut at the Allstate. Yeah, it's been that long. I don't really have the urge to go to a live wrestling event any more. I haven't been since Wrestlemania 17 was at the Astrodome.. ECW came to my college's campus, but I had to work so I couldn't go.. not that I really would have wanted to waste the money on that.. Supposedly another Wrestlemania is supposed to be coming to the Astrodome, ill hold out for that..
  19. QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 2, 2007 -> 10:25 PM) I could see a finish like when Sid beat beat HBK at MSG. Sid hits Lothario, HBK distracted, gets hit with finisher and pinned, and doesn't care about title, checks on Lothario. I was a HUGE Sid fan back then, and man I remember we ordered that Survivor Series and my mom made us go to bed because we had school the next morning! Luckily I taped it, and that next morning was one of the best I ever had when I watched the end to that match.. I still love rewatching now.. There is a girl in the background who drops her head in anguish as the ref hits the mat for three, one of my all time favorite wrestling moments..
  20. QUOTE(knightni @ Sep 2, 2007 -> 12:42 AM) If the system is so successful, why don't more teams use it? Hawaii isn't good enough to bring in top end recruits for the defense and other offensive positions.. basically the only chance they have at being competitive is with this system and a decent QB.. except Colt is awesome.. This is how it is with most teams who run this type of system (Texas Tech, Houston, even Baylor has started using it.) Its a good system for scoring points, but if you have a well balanced team you are probably better off running a more conventional offense.. I think its an awesome system and its obviously a successful system if you have a decent offense at best but the only explanation I can see is if you have the resources to put a balanced offense out there you are probably better off doing just that..
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