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Everything posted by T R U

  1. So.. Colt Brennan pretty much >>>> everyone 416 yards and 6 TDs at the half.. I know Hawaii has a QB friendly system, but he is just filthy.. I guess when you put a legit QB in a system like that hilarity ensues
  2. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 31, 2007 -> 05:15 PM) So it looks like Morrison & Umaga will be dropping belts as they exit for a month. It will be interesting to see how the tapings go this weekend - if guys will just be not mentioned, or if there will be a storyline reason for Orton, Kennedy, and others not on the tube. Also, if the Wellness Policy was implemented in Feb 2006, and even if the wrestlers were only buying 5 months ago, that's still after the Policy was started. Ill believe they are suspended when I see it.. I think it would be a terrible blow to WWE if they suspend Orton, Umaga, Morrison, Kennedy, and then possibly SIX more big names.. I just cant see them doing it, and if they do, wow.. better come up with some good s*** fast
  3. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE(Capn12 @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 03:15 PM) Hmm, alot of the reviews read the same so far. Zombie couldn't decide between remaking the original, or making a prequel, so he did a sham job of doing both. Dampens my excitement over the project a little bit. I thought it was pretty good, but man it was like no one in the theater had seen the first.. there was a lot of stuff you could see coming but they were not only surprised but acted like it was the first time they had seen it
  4. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 10:07 PM) That Vince one is funny. I felt bad for him though. Tearing both quads, yikes. Man I have the Royal Rumble anthology and its funny as hell.. he storms down to the ring tries to slide in but then sits on his ass for like 5 minutes as they figure out what to do about the rumble..
  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 28, 2007 -> 11:21 AM) Was that really his Dad? that guy looked like Leisure Suit Larry I am pretty sure it was his real dad
  6. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Aug 27, 2007 -> 07:33 PM) Sunny's back to being "fapable." man, she still doesn't look like she used too.. that picture definitely has the look of someone who hit rock bottom and had to bust it to try and get back to what they used to be
  7. I wish we could see something like this again one day....
  8. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Aug 27, 2007 -> 05:00 PM) So much for any of that nonsense. Longshot had every right to question the source. I'll only accept Meltzer's scoops. This isnt like a baseball or football rumor, that may have very well been the plan.. but WWE has been known to change stuff even on the same night its supposed to go down.. so who really knows.. All I know is, for info like that just about any source isnt going to be enough credit.. There is too much that can happen
  9. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 27, 2007 -> 04:03 PM) RAW on SciFi tonight. being replayed on USA at 10 as well
  10. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 26, 2007 -> 09:54 PM) It wasn't like he covered him right away, so I understand that kick out. It is just garbage because Orton CARRIED that match and it was very good. Cena has had some good main events this year. Orton was bouncing all over the ring like a man. He has some of the best ring psychology in the sport these days. The only thing I can think of is Orton wins it at Unforgiven. I read they are gonna stretch out angles like HHH/Booker and other stuff. If Orton doesn't win at Un4given, I'll be even more pissed than I am now. I just watched the match on daily motion, and in any other match that wasn't a long enough break for an RKO kickout.. it wasn't an immediate cover but he got over there and covered him in decent amount of time.. They have to have had Cena win because no one thought he was going to, the crowd was booing him, Orton owned the match, thats the only thing that can explain it.. Cena has been champion for 24 of the last 27 MONTHS Orton has to be taking that belt off him in the near future, he has to. The only explanation I can see is they WANT Cena to have the claim of 1 year as champion which IIRC would be next month.. but Orton has to be the guy to take it off of him, especially after that match last night..
  11. Well im officially boycotting wrestling... kicking out of the RKO to win with the FU, what a crock of s***.. im done
  12. Ive got a live SummerSlam feed running right now, its got normal sound but a spotty video feed but it will do just fine..
  13. Didn't Shelby just hit a Grand Slam the other day too?
  14. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Aug 20, 2007 -> 11:36 PM) Altidore is on New York Red Bulls. You non-americans need to get into MLS! pffft.. soccer will never take off in america
  15. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 20, 2007 -> 09:00 AM) So the Dolphins must miss the playoffs every year in dynasty? dunno, haven't played any dynasty on it.. just regular play now games
  16. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Aug 19, 2007 -> 10:59 PM) I played the #48 in the world guy and his record was around 150-30. I lost by a field goal! I threw 5 picks with Rexy. at least the games realistic dun dun chaaaaaaaa
  17. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 17, 2007 -> 10:58 PM) Bring back the best sig ever, in preparation for the celebration of the killing of the Legend of John Cena's title reign! excellent my man
  18. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Aug 16, 2007 -> 07:35 AM) Kind of cool. http://houston.astros.mlb.com/news/article...sp&c_id=hou booooooo im going to the last game, I liked the gold star/navy jerseys the best
  19. ugh.. MTV is the biggest waste of a channel ever
  20. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 14, 2007 -> 07:03 PM) Do the Orton pose after blowing out the candles. haha, we played tackle football for money today and after I scored the game winner I did the Orton pose in the end zone, it was sweet needless to say
  21. QUOTE(briguy27 @ Aug 14, 2007 -> 02:25 PM) Hey Shadows, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER haha, thanks man
  22. hey, you both have 21,111 posts
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