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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 13, 2007 -> 04:10 PM) What is the deal with Texans? Are you from outer space or half lizard? My skin almost melted off as I dropped off my rental car at DFW. My car said the temp was 107 when I went to the corner store earlier, its insane.. I start sweating just thinking about going outside
  2. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Aug 13, 2007 -> 12:33 PM) Comcast told me that NFL network asked to be moved to a sports package. f*** that! I'll probably end up getting the package because i get some good college stuff! WTF, I tried to turn it on this morning to watch the Dolphins game replay and it said we didn't have it and I could have sworn I just watched it the other week.. This pisses me off, thank god Miami is on ESPN Thursday
  3. QUOTE(BearSox @ Aug 12, 2007 -> 09:19 AM) I don't understand the obsession with such games like rock band and guitar hero... oh well. Guitar Hero is awesome, its a lot of fun.. and its very addicting once you get good
  4. T R U

    Shower Soap

    QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 03:19 PM) I'll pay the extra $1.20 or whatever for stuff similar to Old Spice compared to a bar, because it looks better than some green blob with hair gunked to it. haha much like the Old Spice body wash commercial where it shows the bar of soap with pubes on it
  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 03:09 PM) nice photoshop on the muscle definition Haha, that is no photoshop.. Orton is that ripped
  6. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 03:10 PM) It runs both ways. I'm skeptical of those rumors BECAUSE they were on Wrestlezone. I don't trust anything until I hear it on either of the big two news sites. Well chances are thats where they saw the ones they posted
  7. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 02:36 PM) Also, I'd like to add I've not heard those Rikishi or A-Train rumors anywhere. Those moves would be HORRIBLE for TNA. They have enough big guys - concentrate on the guys you have. Refocus on the X Division. Looks like you need to check out wrestlezone and you would have seen those rumors days ago
  8. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 9, 2007 -> 11:02 PM) That is false. You have to pay me money for the real news! son of a
  9. QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Aug 9, 2007 -> 10:57 PM) So TNA is rumored to be interested in Rikishi, A-Train aka Prince Albert, Nidia, and Shelly "Ariel" Martinez. I wonder what other ex-WWE employees they'll get next. Wrestlezone says Rikishi's price tag is too high for them
  10. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 9, 2007 -> 03:13 PM) If they steal stories, who's to say they don't steal stories from the sites who continually get it wrong? Besides, why not go to the source, who actually do all the legwork on these stories? I dunno, I just go to Wrestlezone.com and read what they got there.. They for the most part have been pretty spot on with their info even if it was from a different person first.. I am just looking for info, not really concerned where it came from
  11. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 9, 2007 -> 01:34 PM) Major Spoiler: Vince's Illegitimate Child Is? 08/07/2007 by Ryan Clark The story written prior to the Benoit tragedy had a current Raw superstar being revealed as Vince McMahon's "illegitimate child." Believe it or not, at that time, the plan was to reveal Mr. Ken Kennedy as Vince's "son." Yes, Kennedy. The plan may have changed, but that was the storyline worked out as of a few months ago. ----------------------------- Ryan Clark?? That's word-for-word from PWInsider!! Whatever sites you're reading are hosing you, Shadows. Just pay for the elite membership. It's worth it. Is it hosing me if the information is still correct?
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 04:30 PM) Third. The one in Lombard is the worst! MAN That is by far the worst, everytime we go there its insane..
  13. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 03:47 PM) Actually, The H as Hunter Hearst McMahon is right in line with Vince's weird mind. Vince wanted to be the "storyline Daddy" of Stephanie's baby at one point. When she refused, Vince then wanted Shane to be the "Daddy". Thankfully, Steph nixed that too. So for Vince to write "accidental in-breeding" into the act would, unfortunately, not surprise me. H seems to be enough of a carny to go along with it, let's hope Steph can shoot down this idea if it ever gets floated to her. Thats why I said I didn't think they would do that, I can see Steph shooting it down again. Especially with HHH coming back against King Booker for a real King match, and then feuding with Orton for the belt, I don't see them involving Trips..
  14. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:56 PM) RAW was supposed to be a brand new revelation - it was more of the same. I did like the turning of Umaga (even though Regal can't pronounce his name.) Triple H as the illegitimate son of VKM. That would be creepy. Triple H is already his son in law and most everyone knows it, that would be a pretty weird storyline.. I don't think they'd do that, Kennedy makes sense. Raw was good last night, I am not sure what you were watching.
  15. QUOTE(thedoctor @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 07:33 AM) well, it's more than his route-running. it's how he gets off the line, how he moves his hips, how he catches the ball, etc. etc. ginn was brought to ohio state to be a defensive back and up until a year ago he was still claiming that that's where his future was. frankly, i tend to think he'd have been a better and more natural db. either way, though, i know this seems like i'm bashing ginn but i'm not. i do think he'll be an impact player eventually, and this year he will no doubt give you a few of those "whoa" moments. Being a rookie, all I care about right now is seeing him return kicks and streaking past DBs on go routes.. He toasted two first round picks this year in college (Ross and Hall) and he will get the teaching he needs
  16. haha holy s***, this dating game thing is pretty funny
  17. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 6, 2007 -> 05:38 PM) Egbert has to be put on the 40 man before next year unless we don't like him. Man, that would be awesome if we just let him go.
  18. QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Aug 6, 2007 -> 06:01 PM) Actual anabolic steroids could "hinder" and use the word hinder very lightly. How come nobody is talking about HGH and the stuff from balco. The clear he was taking from balco improved eye sight, hand eye coordination amongst other things. Also, HGH repairs injuries quicker strengthens tendons etc. Now, he has been caught taken these designer drugs from balco and not necessarily anabolic steroids and anyone that completely rules out him taking other things like HGH is in denial. These things make you better, period. Shadows, what is the basis for your expertise on the subject? Have you taken steroids? You sound like youre trying to defend it. I am defending steroids, they are awesome. Now im done with this thread for reasons I don't care to discuss.
  19. QUOTE(thedoctor @ Aug 6, 2007 -> 04:18 PM) having seen just about every snap of his college career, i think ginn has a long way to go to become an nfl caliber receiver. i'm not saying he won't eventually be there, but he is really raw in terms of receiving skills at this point. Yep, I know this. He needs to work on his route running big time. However, this year guys like Chris Chambers, Marty Booker, and Derek Hagan will be in front of him. All they will expect from Ginn on offense this season will be to run the occasional reverse and stretch the field while he gets the work he needs to become a solid WR in the league.
  20. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Aug 6, 2007 -> 04:24 PM) I really don't think that he is talking about necessarily getting bigger and bulkier (hence slowing down one's swing). What he is talking about is the rebuilding of muscle tissue at a faster pace. This faster pace does not mean that you will get too bulky. It means that you can reach your goal level of muscle mass in a much faster period of time. It also means that it is much easier to maintain that muscle mass as you are going through your daily routine. You will not get tired out as quickly as normal because you will have a much quicker recovery time (the muscle tissue gets built back up quicker). For instance say someone wants to add 10 pounds of muscle to reach a goal that will not prohibit them from swinging. Player A without steroids, but working hard take 1 year to do it. Player B with steriods, and working hard takes 3 months. Also, Player A after playing in 60 straight games is more worn down than Player B because his muscle tissue is not being rebuilt as quickly. TIFWIW. That is what I have read up on steriods as doing, and it is why pitchers get caught with it a lot. They need their muscles rebuilt quicker so that they can go out and throw again without much loss of performance. Yes, I know this. And its not what Kap was saying. He was trying to prove that it wouldn't hinder your performance, which like I said it would be more likely to do that in baseball when it requires quickness/limberness to get around extend the arms etc. For the record Kap, I understand what you are saying about muscle repair, but thats not even what I was discussing here.
  21. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2007 -> 04:18 PM) Come on... let's all bow down to all-knowing SHADOWS! You're all over the place. First, it makes you better, then it doesn't. Then it helps you bulk up, then it doesn't. Then, it has this effect, then it doesn't. I'm not saying that you don't know what you're talking about in some aspects, but when you say that is simply false FOR MOST ATHLETES). I also think that you're just trying to show you know more then everyone else on this subject, which is fine, I guess... ^^ Please point all this out for me. Im not talking about most athletes im talking about baseball here, try to take a better look at what you're reading before you make misinformed posts about it.
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