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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U


    QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:11 AM) Possibly the best 3 movie combination I have ever watched.... Power Rangers Movie, 300, Kung Pow. Man, I am so damn satisfied right now. Man, don't kid yourself.. you may be a power rangers fan or whatever but theres no way you can honestly consider that movie good or in a series of the best 3 movies in a row you've ever seen.. Im on a pretty good stretch of 2 right now, I watched GoodFellas then went and saw Live Free or Die Hard.. dunno what ill watch to cap off the 3
  2. T R U


    QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 02:30 AM) Go see 1408 right now. RIGHT NOW. I plan on it soon.. Saw Live Free or Die Hard tonight, also another movie you should see if you are a fan of the Die Hard movies
  3. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 01:09 AM) Glad someone said it. Yeah thank god, since no one was defending him or anything
  4. I was very impressed with this ECW, nice show.
  5. QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:43 PM) Someone needs to get Nitro studying some tapes of promos... Aint that the truth
  6. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:29 PM) PIPER! Who doesn't love the Hot Rod?! /marks like an obese unpopular goth girl does for Jeff Hardy Hahaha oh man you just sparked a memory I went to Wrestlemania 17 and when the Hardys came out I yelled "HARDYS SUCK" as loud as a could and a fat girl in a Hardy Boyz T shirt 3 rows up turned around and yelled "YOU SUCK" Oh man good times
  7. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:21 PM) There is talk that Cena may be doing another movie which means that *gasp* he may lose the strap. And Raw has a nice crop of main event heels from which to pick. Yep read that on Wrestlezone.. Also read that Orton has been on pretty good behavior lately and could be learning from his past punishments.. I hope that means they will start to give him a bigger push..
  8. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:16 PM) Swerve! Nitro becomes a double champion! I wish Anything to get the belt off Cena, I wouldn't care if Super Crazy were to get the strap
  9. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:13 PM) I'm hating how the talking heads on the media are swarming in to use this as a means to bash wrestling, wrestlers and to smear the WWE in the decision they made for last night's Raw. Nobody. NOBODY. NOBODY outside of the direct investigators knew at the time Raw aired that it was a confirmed murder/suicide with Benoit as the likely perp. I can't fault the E for airing what they did yesterday. As they got more knowledge, they removed it all from WWE.com and removed it from distribution. Yet the media whores are out there "TEH E GLORYFYED A MURDERER!111!1!! ELEVENTY!". I thought, given the info out at the time, the E was a class act last night. I wonder which one of these talk radio/TV talking head rat bastards looked into their crystal ball to be able to divine this info last night before the decision was made to run with the show. If they can't, they too, should learn a case of shutting the f*** up. They continue to be a class act tonight with ECW mentioning Benoit and the developments only in the beginning statement from Vinny Mac and then letting any wrestlers go out and perform. As a wrestler and a professional, Benoit was an entertaining guy to see in the ring and one of the greats at technical in-ring work. As a human being, he was quite f***ed up and its sad that he was unable to get the necessary help to avoid such a tragedy. Well said
  10. I don't know why everyone is so shocked with what McMahon has done. In terms of storylines, sure he has done some questionable things, but he usually handles real life situations well.
  11. Nitro vs Cena to kick off ECW.. Nitro is my 2nd favorite wrestler next to Orton, however, I seriously doubt that he has any chance in this match
  12. ECW starts with Vince McMahon basically saying that after they found out what really happened with this whole situation WWE will no longer mention Benoits name etc. on their programming.
  13. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 06:40 PM) Why would you be interested in taking steroids? And why does your friend take steroids? Who wouldn't be interested in taking steroids? I guess it all depends on your mind set.. me, I want to be a machine. I want people to look at me and say "theres no way ide f*** with that guy". Like the only thing I care about is lifting weights and getting jacked.. Now with all that, who wouldn't want to take steroids to make it easy to get to that level? If all you have to do is take a liquid that will make you ripped within a month or so, why wouldn't you be interested in that? Like I said, its not for everyone, but if you are into it you would definitely have to have the thought in your head.. but as its been said, you gotta have no problem sticking a needle into your body and injected it into different parts, which, I am not sold on doing.. forgot to add, my friend does it because of everything that I have said above.. he wants to be jacked.. he does REPS of 300 on bench press, thats a lot of weight to be throwing up
  14. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 06:26 PM) Well, I'm curious, how old are you Shadows, and what do you do for a living? Are you in College? 22 yrs old, in college ill edit in that I am a Kinesiology major
  15. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 05:55 PM) Well just by the combination of the eye test and common sense, I'd say a large number of WWE performers are abusing anabolic steroids. Yep, thats why they are at danger from it. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 05:50 PM) Why don't you take steroids? I don't say that in as snarky a manner as it sounds. I'm just curious. Why don't you juice up and tell the world what it's like? Because quite honestly I am scarred of sticking the needle in me. My friend sticks it right in his thigh, and he could barely walk for two days. There was a huge knot where it swelled. Plus I always think there will be an air bubble that gets in there. From Wrestlezone.com Link
  16. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 06:10 PM) I remember they caught Mercury and Masters at the least...And Eugene got sent home to rehab for worst spammer ever abuse. Orton as well has been caught violating the wellness program
  17. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 05:30 PM) I'm curious. Do you take steroids? -- I can't believe that Benoit was giving his child HGH. This is sick. No, I have never actually injected steroids into my body with a needle like what these professionals would be doing, but I do know a lot about not only steroids but a lot of performance enhancing drugs and what not because I am really big into working out and physical fitness. I do have friends that take steroids, and not only do they not have any side effects like are listed from it, they don't have rage or depression either.. The problem is abusing steroids.. If you abuse them, then you do have the chance to die from them. Once you stop taking steroids, you pretty much lose everything you had gained from them. Thats why steroid abuse is widely regarded with professional wrestling because of the duration of a career and the size that they need to maintain over that career.. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 05:37 PM) As for the steroids and deaths in wrestling, it will always be hard to prove because it seems like in all cases, due to the pressures of the schedule and making weight and physical toll, the wrestlers seem to abuse alcohol and/or drugs as well as steroids. The only real case you could take and use as an example is somebody that perhaps doesn't do drugs and only drinks modestly, but does steroids and dies, and I have not heard of a scenario like that. Thats because like I said, the danger with steroids is abusing them. If taking steroids was as life threatening as the world tries to make it seem, it wouldn't be used at times for people recovering from injuries or rehabilitation. Grant it, I am not on expert on medical practices, but I am fairly certain that they do prescribe steroids to patients sometimes.
  18. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 04:12 PM) Do steroids not count in the drug abuse category? Im not saying its 100 percent the cause of Benoits family's death, but Roid rage is being pointed out as a reason that he may have done what he did. And the wellness program IS a joke. We all know it. Yes, you can abuse steroids and that is the real only way to die from them.. however, when you look at those people, and yes they may have been linked to steroids, it was the abuse of hard drugs like cocaine etc. that was the reason that they actually died.. And you're right, the wellness program is a joke but at least it is something instead of them just saying do whatever you want to do, we don't care..
  19. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 03:14 PM) i dont know, maybe "Rampant Steroid use in Wrestling causes many to die young in the Industry" spotlight on British Bulldog, Mr Perfect, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit just a hunch The British Bulldog is the only one on there that you could make a legit claim steroids were the main reason that he died. Hennig died from a cocaine overdose, Eddie Guerrero had a history of drug abuse which led to his heart failure, and I don't see how steroids played a part in what happened with Benoit and his family.. They have a wellness program and have been taking care of things regarding steroids in wrestling..
  20. QUOTE(briguy27 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 03:13 PM) http://www.wrestlezone.com/article.php?articleid=184880542 Like I said, they were sent to Chavo Yeah I know I have seen that I missunderstood your post and thought that the text messages you posted were what was reported as being sent, not that it was what you were speculating.. my bad
  21. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 03:04 PM) So the wrestling industry is going to take an absolute and undeserved beating in the oncoming media onslaught. Not going to be fun. I actually don't think its going to be anything, what are they gonna rip them about?
  22. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 02:57 PM) And my dream come true. :rolleyes
  23. QUOTE(briguy27 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 02:54 PM) On another report, they say that he sent Chavo the texts while watching Vengance (sp?) with his kid. I wonder if they said something like, "Chavo, I have to do something about this. I can't take it anymore." Something of that sort, where so Chavo knew something was wrong with Chris. Then, since he killed his wife first, his wife was dead in the other room, while his son probably didn't even know it. In that case, the texts could of said something like "He's next, Chavo." Ok ide like to know where you got that report from, it looks like total bulls*** to me and completely made up.. Especially since CNN pretty much just said they believe she was killed friday, daniel was killed saturday (a day BEFORE the PPV) and benoit killed himself sometime Sunday
  24. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 02:47 PM) No s*** sherlock. But at least try not to make an ass of yourself by posting bulls***. And no you didn't see anything about a gun because from the start the reports have said "NO GUNSHOT OR STAB WOUNDS". Exactly Since the very beginning there was never a report of a gun used in this
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