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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I just don't get how everyone can choose Erstad as the bad guy here when no one in this lineup is hitting outside of Thome.. I just think we should give it some more time and see if he remains a .200 hitter or not
  2. Erstads been pretty clutch this series, how about we wait a little while before we start throwing players away.. Dye and Konerko next to go? They aren't hitting any better
  3. QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 05:24 PM) As much as I like the guy, you are right. They could send him down to OVW like they did Paul Wight to get his attitude straight. How dare you There is nothing Orton could do to make me think he needs to get his attitude straight, Orton is the man period.
  4. QUOTE(BearSox @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 12:59 PM) I wouldn't mind taking a flyer on Lidge if he won't cost too much. He still has the stuff, I think... He does still throw 97-100, right? and does he still have the good curve? I haven't seen him pitch in a while... To me, it sounds like his problems right now are mental, and that maybe a change of scenery would help him out. He was around 96 the other night in the brewers game, and its his slider that is his best pitch, prolly one of the best sliders in the league.. And I think its definitely a mental issue, not a talent issue. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Apr 21, 2007 -> 07:43 PM) Lidge had went 4 games (3.0 innings) without giving up a run, and then was tagged against the Brewers, walking two and then giving up a 3-run bomb to Fielder in the 9th. Is this guy done? No hes not, for some reason Garner left him in even though he had been getting touched a little, but that really looked like he just got down on himself.
  5. QUOTE(BearSox @ Apr 21, 2007 -> 12:21 PM) Vs. lefties this season, the White Sox have only hit something like a collective .140 with only 10 runs scored... Odds are, that was ballgame. Whats your point? vs anyone this year were batting a collective like .219 anyways I dont think it mattered if they were LH or RH we cant hit right now regardless
  6. I hope this isnt true, that means Brian Anderson will prolly get to play now
  7. I cant believe they fired him, what a joke this pisses me off
  8. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Apr 12, 2007 -> 12:46 AM) That's the problem with America right now, and it's true to a certain extent. The only black person lately that has been outcasted was Tim Hardaway, but that was with sexuality, not on being racist. With all the complaining the Rutgers coach did about the remarks being racist and degrading women blah blah maybe they haven't tuned into some of the rap/hip hop songs that have been played on the radio for decades.. The same stuff that Imus said has been said for years and years and this is like the first time I have seen it blown up like this.. I don't see them complaining about rappers or comedians, so why is it getting huge air time now? Because an old white man said it as a joke.
  9. I didn't find anything wrong with what he said.. Mainly for the fact that is absolutely RIDICULOUS the way they are handling this. First of all, it was in jest. Secondly, if a black person had said it there wouldn't even be this big of an explosion over it. This stuff only becomes a problem when a white person says it. Dave Chappelle, Carlos Mencia, etc make racial jokes all the time yet they are on Comedy Central all the time. Same with all the other comedians who do the same thing, what makes Imus trying to make a joke any different? I just don't like the fact that people hardly make a fuss over when someone of that race makes a crack about their race but when it comes out of the mouth of someone who is not of that race its the end of the world. I am tired of turning on the TV and seeing this story all over the place because he said "nappy headed hoes" give me a break
  10. Man, what a steal for the reds if he turns into a badass for them
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 6, 2007 -> 08:47 PM) Aside from Dan Patrick, he's my favorite sports show on the radio. Agreed. I like the guy. lmao.. this is some of the nerdiest s*** Ive ever read
  12. I guess I am in the minority but I prefer to watch my team play with announcers that are going for them as well.. I love watching the Sox games on WGN because they are fans of the team just like I am
  13. Man, this is a crushing blow to K State
  14. QUOTE(kwolf68 @ Apr 5, 2007 -> 03:10 PM) Wow...we have two hitters in our entire lineup hitting over .222 (Uribe at .250 and Erstad at .300+). That is pretty pathetic. Its game 3 of the season, who cares they will come around.. If its like that by the end of this month, then yeah we got a problem
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 4, 2007 -> 04:09 PM) yes Good inning you f***tards damn
  16. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 4, 2007 -> 04:07 PM) Hahaha, f*** this I have less faith in Pods getting an RBI here than I did in Aardsma getting out of that last inning. Can I punch you in the face if he DOES get an RBI?
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 2, 2007 -> 02:14 PM) Where were the Indians ranked in runs scored last year? Also, I've said this all along, but Masset will be back in AAA by June. They only scored 2 more runs than we did
  18. QUOTE(SnB @ Apr 1, 2007 -> 02:51 PM) having mono is no fun. Thats what you get for kissing men That was a dare!
  19. Did you not get my PM? I basically said everything that was posted in here
  20. QUOTE(Brian @ Mar 30, 2007 -> 08:39 PM) They don't dare. P.S. See below for the nest Mr. Money in the Bank. You f***in know it
  21. Haha oh man, I was looking for this thread earlier and couldn't find it.. Now I see it was pinned, whew, I had thought maybe it was deleted
  22. Aside from you comparing an EXPANSION season to Vince Youngs first year, I stand by my statements that I made earlier.. And from not only playing against Vince Young in high school, to having to watch Texas every single weekend on TV, and all the Titans games they showed here due to all this.. I have seen and studied plenty to know that Vince Young is terrible at reading defenses. I have to watch the Texans every Sunday, sadly, and their offensive line is god awful. They are not all on Carr, but the greater amount is on that line. Carr is a good QB, a better QB than Vince Young, but it doesn't matter who the Texans have at QB they would get the same treatment as Carr did. Carr has started every single game for the Texans except 5, and that was back in 2003. You cant compare him to other QBs when they are getting a fraction of the total snaps he is getting per year. The Texans have NEVER had a good OLine, and they have never done anything in terms of fixing it besides signing cast offs from other teams, they have drafted very poorly on the OLine front as well. Just the fact that you try to say Carr isn't an athletic QB but more of a pocket passer just puzzles me. I don't expect you to know everything about the Texans and it sucks that I am forced to watch this garbage every Sunday, but Carr is a very athletic QB and has some mobile ability. He is not a stationary pocket presence (Much like I think Schaub is going to end up being now) As far as Young goes, the guy runs around and makes plays that make you ooh and ahh yet most people wanna look past the fact that he completes about 50% of his passes and makes dumb throws. He is a lesser version of Michael Vick and Vick is not a good QB.
  23. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Mar 30, 2007 -> 03:05 PM) I dont know if I said it on this board or another, but I guarantee there are posts where I say that the Texans are fools if they dont draft Vince Young. It wasnt about talent it was about building a franchise and getting fans, nothing would have solidified Houston more than bringing in an in-state hero. Yeah lemme tell you, having the worst rated QB in the NFL would have done wonders for the Texans.. Never gonna win s***, but at least the fans have a hometown guy to like for a few years before they get pissed seeing this team NEVER get any better.. Vince Young is garbage in the NFL, sure, he may be able to win a game or two with his legs.. but in the overall he is going to cost the Titans more than they win. The guy cant read a defense, he couldn't read one in college and he damn sure wont be able to read on in the NFL.. At Texas it was call the play, designate ONE WR, if he wasn't open dump it off or run.. you cant do that in the NFL. I cant see the Titans ever being better than 8-8 or 9-7 with Vince Young at QB and thats if the rest of the team plays strong. The DUMBEST thing Houston did in this situation was not drafting Mario Williams, but not getting at the least a decent offensive line. David Carr is a good QB, but its kind of hard to be any good when you are getting beaten up right off the snap almost every play.
  24. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 24, 2007 -> 04:18 PM) Time to update the ol' sig Flash.... Yeah, they got the Rangers on here.. BMac got rocked
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