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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 23, 2007 -> 09:59 PM) as you should never grow out your hair like someone from South Dakota...unless that person is me. I want my hair to be like yours was back in the day before you sold out and cut it
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 23, 2007 -> 09:41 PM) I take offense to this. As do I Im growing my hair out like Mike Millers at the All Star game
  3. T R U

    Ever been on TV?

    Ive been on TV a couple times.. most of them were from High School football highlights, and in June when we played Cleveland me and my mom were sitting in front of a bunch of kids that had GO WHITE SOX painted on their chests and we were shown up close on ESPN..
  4. Never been a fan of the 2K games Its a shame that EA isn't making MLB games anymore
  5. QUOTE(knightni @ Feb 21, 2007 -> 10:38 PM) Better than Anthony007. No way
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 21, 2007 -> 08:58 PM) 'Shadows' would be much cooler. Agreed Shadows it is! Kalapse shoots.... he scores
  7. can I get a name change to Avenged7Fold por favor
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 19, 2007 -> 08:36 PM) Is it harder for a 7 footer to dunk or someone 5'9" ? Is it more rare to find a guy under 6 feet who can dunk, or someone who is 7 feet tall? Based on their heights and wing spans, I would say the difference would be 3 feet or so. Its much more impressive to see someone with a 40 inch vertical than someone who can touch the rim standing flat footed. Lets keep in mind here Howard wanted to dunk on a 12' goal which he WOULD have been able to do if they gave him the chance.. It should be about the dunks, not how tall you are
  9. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 20, 2007 -> 02:54 PM) I bet its Orton Ide assume he will be in it, AND win it
  10. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 19, 2007 -> 08:11 PM) Prediction: Shane vs. Umaga. Shane gets the crap kicked out of him at WM, Vinne throws in the towel saving his son but losing his hair. My prediction is Trump chooses Mic Foley
  11. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Feb 19, 2007 -> 01:45 AM) I wish there was some way you could bet on WWE, I'd be filthy rich. It's so damn predictable. I don't watch that much, but when was the last time Cena lost? Well since most of the stuff leaks, I dont see any way of that possibly happening but yes even when you DONT hear whats gonna happen its a very easy call
  12. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 10:36 PM) Yeah, he batista-bombed taker and left him in the ring to get beat on. Im wondering if Lashley retained the ECW strap since he was disqualified for using a chair. And that brings me to another question, why would an ECW match end in disqualification for using a chair? Isnt using a chair considered "extreme"? Apparently you haven't been paying attention to the new ECW, but they aren't the same no rules matches they once were.. So yes, Lashley remains the ECW Heavyweight Champion. Further proving the disappointment that is WWECW
  13. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 03:57 AM) Dwight again; Haha man that sticker is hilarious
  14. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 02:17 AM) Charles and Kenny certainly acted like it was. Hey, it was impressive. No doubt about it. But some are acting as if he should've gotten a perfect 50. That's all I'm saying. Im not sure they thought it should have been a perfect 50, I think it was mainly because of how low they voted it. I know I heard them talking about just how impressive it was that he slapped the sticker up that high while doing the dunk. But I agree with you, it wasnt a perfect score but for a 6'11 guy I thought that his two dunks were good enough to beat out Robinson to get into the finals, and I really would have liked to see what else Howard could have done. A little piece on Howards Dunk
  15. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 01:55 AM) I'm not sure Howard got robbed. I mean, let's be honest, the overall dunk sucked. Yeah, the sticker thing was cute. But the dude is, what, 6'11, with alligator arms? I don't think that dunk should've gotten a 10. The conest sucked overall, though. Yeah, hes a 6'11 guy who jumped up.. slapped 12'6 on the backboard WITH a sticker while catching the ball in the other hand and dunking it, first try. Was it the greatest dunk ever? No, but it was creative and he also planted it. He should got a higher score for that dunk. Not a 10, but higher than what he did get, it was pretty impressive. Aside from Tyrus' and Nate Robinsons continuous misses in the finals I thought it was a solid dunk contest. Gerald Green is awesome, I am still pissed that Orlando selected Fran Vazquez instead of him
  16. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 12:25 AM) That dunk contest was PATHETIC, and the 2 best dunks (Tyrus jumping over Ben and finishing lefty, who is 6'2 to Nate Robinson's 5'8, and Dwight Howard's 12'6" sticker thing) didn't even make the finals. That contest is the kind that sends the thing into oblivion, simliar to 1996 when the white guy in his Clipper warm ups, Brent Barry, won. That would have ended the thing all together if not for Kobe and Vince Carter coming around. Tyrus' dunk was not one of the best.. he didn't even jump clear over Gordon it was more to the side.. He was easily the worst dunker in this years contest.. Dwight Howard got jobbed, the sticker dunk was awesome.. I also loved all of Gerald Greens dunks.. Nate Robinson is still a pretty good dunker for his height, but Gerald Green was just filthy tonight..
  17. QUOTE(Cali @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 09:21 PM) City of Evil is good, but Avenged Sevenfold were way better in the Waking the Fallen days. His scream was so intense on that CD, it's a shame he decided to go another direction. I saw them the day of the California Recall Election in '03 and they blew me away. I had gotten Waking the Fallen a few weeks earlier, btu had only given it a few spins, but the second I got home from the concert I put the thing on and gave it a proper listen. Second Heartbeat with screams is so much better than the way they do it now... They came in a close second to best band that night though, because Poison the Well were f***ing AMAZING. I can't wait for their new CD. Yeah, I love Waking the Fallen.. He has such a powerful scream its great, but he did have to get surgery on his vocal chords and despite what he says I still believe that if he continued screaming as hard and powerful as he can that he would most likely lose his voice. Regardless, I still like City of Evil and am looking forward to their new album which should be out on Halloween this year.
  18. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Feb 15, 2007 -> 10:30 AM) Someone has some faith in Mean Gene. I'd think KState is on teh way up if I wasn't so sure Prince will eff it up somehow. Mangino can't get over the hump. Mizzou is and always will be Mizzou. I sure hope the future of the North is ISU and Nebraska. I'm getting we'll see a little bit of what Chizik is made of this year. Stop slurppin the Cyclones heads! KState is on the way up, and after Prince's first year there, I dont see why you think he would mess it up somehow. He did a great job year one, they got young players in key positions as well, Freeman looks like he could turn out to be an excellent QB
  19. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 16, 2007 -> 01:04 PM) Well thank you for the info, I stand corrected then. Just shocking to me he thinks he can still play. Why is that shocking.. Basketball has been his life, and hes 41 not like late 40's I see no reason why he shouldn't give it a shot, he has plenty of playoff experience he may be able to help someone in some way.
  20. I cant believe how any of you like TNA, I have tried to watch it and its just lame. I guess I have a hard time getting into the recycled WWE guys.. and then the original guys they have just dont impress me at all (I do like AJ Styles though, wish WWE could get him.)
  21. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 13, 2007 -> 07:10 PM) With that gimmick, didn't he lose to the Ultimate Warrior in about 30 secs at Wrestlemania though? Yes. At Wrestlemania 12 sadly
  22. QUOTE(Spod=Ratings @ Feb 13, 2007 -> 12:53 PM) How cool would it be if HHH came back as Hunter Hearst Hemsley lol i always loved that gimmick Well he still is Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but I liked that music
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