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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 12:41 PM) And I am done with ECW. Absolutely done. WSX isn't perfect, but it's better than that train wreck. I agree, the only problem I had with it is that it was only a 30 minute show..
  2. They just need to end ECW for the good of everyone.. its crap, it has to go eventually here
  3. WSX was very entertaining I liked it, I am gonna try and watch it every time it comes on now.. I was very impressed. Is its usual time Tuesdays at 930?
  4. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 11:54 PM) Yeah, still think it will be Cena/HBK. Looks like what its setting up to be.. but then you have to look at it like this.. How much does Undertaker and HBK have left in the tank? I mean, why put the strap on them (or just one for that matter) when its obvious they are almost done. It could happen, and then they just quickly drop them in an upcoming PPV, but the way I see it right now its gonna be Undertaker/Batista and Cena/HBK and I am willing to bet that Takers streak is ended and HBK loses. Which would piss me off beyond belief.
  5. MOTHER UVGHIOUAVTYEFUD I HATE John Cena so much, I seriously cant stand him in the LEAST little bit. He BETTER lose that title at Wrestlemania man or I am gonna boycott WWE till he loses
  6. Man those lucky SOB's They dropped 100 and 50 dollar bills from the ceiling.. Real money
  7. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 08:02 PM) Saw Wrestling Society X's first show. So, that's what a show with ADD looks like. Holy crap. Talk about the no-sell spotfests. I did love how Teddy Hart no-sold so much in that match. isn't that supposed to be premiering tomorrow night? Should I watch it? Or am I going to be wasting my time?
  8. Ugh... I despise John Cena and I dont want Undertaker to lose.. I have a feeling this is going to be a s***ty wrestlemania
  9. Undertaker better not have the streak snapped by fn' Batista.. that would be a travesty
  10. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 01:28 PM) Well, if we're going to move to GM's that are incompetent/don't offer much, yeah, Lime would probably be candidate number one, and I have another GM or two in mind, including a certain league founder... If we can get more people it would be nice to be able to eliminate the morons
  11. QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 12:09 AM) News & Notes.... Rumored matches for 'Mania Cena v. Edge v. Orton for the belt 'Taker v. Batista Hogan v. Shane McMahon w/Great Khali in his corner (This is going to be the showstopper) and rumored will be HBK w/Donald Trump v. King Bookah w/ Vinny Mac in his corner this 'Mania is looking like the best yet CM Punk is supposedly getting heat from the boys for making out with Maria while on the Iraq trip... Also seems none of the boys are really fond of Batista...shocker Anything with Orton is gold.. sadly the rest of that looks like crap, I hope they get this fixed because it really is going down the crapper
  12. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 08:55 AM) Yeah, I agree with that, Vince definitely botched the angle. Kane probably is gonna be out of the business in a few years and wants to be known as the unstoppable monster before he goes out. From what I have read, his body has taken quite a beating in thepast few years and you can tell he doesnt get the same pop that the masked Kane gets. If he has to put the wig on to accompany the mask I will be extremely dissapointed though. His body has taken a beating for a while, hell he has been in WWE forever.. im sure most of you know he was Isaac Yankem back in the day
  13. T R U

    Name My Dog

    QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 26, 2007 -> 11:23 AM) the f*** kind of math they teach you down there at Sam Houston? it sucks I shoulda been more specific.. I included their dad in the total counting, who wasnt actually ours but someone elses who lived in our neighborhood, my bad
  14. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 26, 2007 -> 03:16 AM) Just what I needed - more proof that no one reads my posts.... I posted on Wednesday afternoon that TNA was running iMpact! on a different night for one week only. Catch the replay if they show it on Saturday night, it was a good episode. Haha, I didnt check this Wednesday and there was a new page when I checked last night.. I am not the biggest TNA fan so I dont really keep up with it however I was bored last night and figured I would watch some wrestling regardless of who it was.. Sadly, UFC was on instead.. but ill have to check it out Saturday Night then, whens it come on.. 12?
  15. T R U

    Name My Dog

    We have 3 boxers, use to have 10 but we gave 6 of them away.. ide say depending on the colors (brown, brindle, white) for names.. we named ours Boss (Brown) Chloe (White) Duke (Brown) Dutchess (Brindle) Hemmey (White) Capone (Brindle) Niner (9th born) Ella (White) Bruiser (Brown) If its brown with like the black mask look around the eyes how about Bandit? Also, Boss is my dog and he has a big mouth and a long tounge so sometimes his lip gets curled under his teeth and he looks like Elvis my mom always says we should have named him that.
  16. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 25, 2007 -> 05:16 PM) Another good episode of iMpact! last night. AJ masquerading as Raven to attack Rhino was good (and not having to watch Raven wobble around the ring made it that much better), Jim Mitchell's promo was VERY good, Christian is ALWAYS good. Even the Angle/Joe buildup was effective. The Eric Young skit was lame, the VKM stuff sucked as always (OOOOOOH, tease a split....barf), and the X Division match looked TOTALLY fake. I thought iMpact came on thursday nights?
  17. I would LOVE that trade It means that there is better likelihood that a QB falls to us at #9
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 10:40 PM) My God, that offense was beautiful under Cam. Cam's problem at IU had absolutely nothing to do with the offense. I was a student with season tickets during Cam's years, and except for the occasional Michigan or Wisconsin game, Cam always made it entertaining. But after a few seasons of Cam's dominant offense, I think everyone at IU was begging for a defensive player or two, and Cam just couldn't recruit them. A top 50 defensive staff would have probably won the big 10 as good as Cam's offense was, but he couldn't even get top 100. Maybe he'll be better if he just ignores the defense and hands it off to Thomas and Jayson Tayler and their coaching staff, but it's hard for me to explain how abjectly bad Cam was in recruiting on defense. Thats the beauty of the NFL, he doesn't have to recruit per say because for the most part the NFL isn't structured like college football where you can be at a bad program and never be able to get the big recruits to come. Dom Capers did an excellent job as defensive coordinator last year and they should be a good unit again next year. As long as you have the money to pay the players, they are gonna come. Also, they aren't going to be giving him total control like the past coaches have been given here (At least I haven't heard that, Finheaven has been down today and I haven't got the full details yet.) Which means Randy Mueller is going to be able to make the personnel decisions as far as looking for talent and what not so I am very excited about having Cameron here and I think hes going to finally be the guy to get us back on track.
  19. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 10:09 PM) I agree with you there. It'll take a long time before we're talking about IU competing for Big Ten championships, if ever. However, Coach Hep's done a good job improving this team from year to year in his two seasons, and it will almost be a disappointment if the Hoosiers don't get a bowl game this year. That's saying a lot, considering what kind of football program IU has (or doesn't). I can take solace in them at least taking steps in the positive direction. Yep.. basically what I was getting at was a lot of things I heard from Dolphins fans was they didn't want Cameron because he failed at Indiana (something like 18-37 IIRC) but I don't see how any coach could go there and be successful (Like contending for titles not just 1-2 games over .500) What I was impressed with was the offense he was able to generate there, they had a top 10 rushing attack and he was able to do some inventive things with his offense (Randle El)
  20. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 09:56 PM) They've got some decent recruits coming in, and they were one win from a bowl this last season. We didn't lose much from this past season's roster. The Hoosiers are bowling this year; book it. They were one win away from being bowl eligible, but, I am pretty sure that we aren't going to see any coach turn Indiana into a very good football program, and I am only saying this because of the competition in the Big 10 not as a knock against Indiana. They got crushed in a lot of those games.
  21. Man this is crazy and also a little scary because I remember one time I was bored and wanted to see if I could chug a gallon of water without stopping.. I chugged half of it and had to stop because it felt like my stomach was going to explode, then I started feeling sick and had to lie down.. crazy
  22. T R U

    Raw Eggs

    QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 01:46 PM) Containered egg whites are fine, it's just they are more expensive. I'll use my two dollar dozen eggs and 50 cent egg separator. can't beat it. You should go check out Walmart, down here I can get a box of 5 dozen eggs for 4.50 its a pretty sweet deal considering the insane amount of eggs I eat.. Also.. red is right, its better to mix 1 or 2 regular eggs in with your egg whites.
  23. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 09:03 PM) So, after that rainy last game with Cameron where we won the ol' oaken bucket, as a Bills fan, I'm not going to enjoy rooting against Cam. But hey, he couldnt' do jack sh*t with the defense while he was at IU, so I guess I can tolerate it. Thats why we have Dom Capers as Defensive Coordinator, Cameron isn't going to have to mess with that and we will still be a top defense like we are almost every year. The thing I like best about Cameron is the offense that has come with him as a coach. Sure, Indiana sucks but they always suck and chances are they always will. However, he had that offense going. He was responsible for turning Antwaan Randle El into an all american. He has also helped develop guys like Brees and Rivers and Gates and so on. Defense is not an issue here, Capers is running that and doing a damn fine job at it. Were going to have a competent offense now though, and Buffalo is most likely losing Nate Clements which brings a smile to my face.
  24. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 07:25 PM) Everybody slobbing on the Bears? Who? We're the worst 13-3 team ever. That's what the experts say. I was talking about the Saints, thought that was pretty clear if you would have read the entire thing.
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