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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 08:54 PM) This Raw is entertaining... Making fun of their own product with paint references. Jeff Hardy saying the IC champ Milena and her in-ring muscle Nitro was like watching paint dry. Hardy/Nitro was a good TV match with a poor end but sets up the feud for the PPV. Somebody with a pulse get the strap off of the Squirrel Ghost Faced Killa, Nitro. When Masters was cutting a promo, a flash to Maria watching paint dry...Masters look so much smaller now since he's come back. I'm not sure I'm buying the full nelson as much with him being so much smaller. Super Crazy is now on the A show! (granted with some terrible music that includes a lawnmower and weedwhacker noises) But still, Raw is Super Crazy! And he beat Masters in his first match! Can we be watching a Super Crazy push in the midst? An hour into the show and no DX/McMahons on the screen for idiotic promos outside of what happened last week in a brief vignette? Holy crap -- this is gorgeous. ... One hour down and one more to go. But really a solid program so far from an entertainment standpoint given the WWE's current product. God lets hope not
  2. QUOTE(Felix @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 10:10 PM) Any logic to this at all? Just my personal opinion that he doesnt get to .240
  3. YES!! Hopefully he can tack on 6-7 more and then pass Aaron next season.. Bonds is the man
  4. Theres no chance you win that bet
  5. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 04:30 PM) That be one of the biggest upsets of the year. I assume he is ineligible until next season? Nope.. Bomar can play this season if the NCAA restates him which I assume wont be a problem.. If Texas struggles with a new quarterback ide say we have a shot, but chances are we will not win the game.. You never know though, were getting a guy who started as a freshman on a powerhouse program..
  6. Rhett Bomar just transfered to my school (Sam Houston State) today.. I am calling it right now (If he can play) we will beat Texas at Texas
  7. watchin my wrestlemania anthology.. man, the Brett Hart v Stone Cold submission match at WM13 was just great
  8. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 11:07 AM) Meltzer was saying Foley was going to take time off here again. Hey I told you guys that last night before the whole thing even happened!!
  9. According to Wrestlezone Foley will be off TV for a while after tonight.
  10. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 12:48 AM) True, but Vince still kind of likes to play that game with the fans that other leagues never existed when it comes to "his guys", so the whole mask thing could get played up a little bit. And personally, I hate the ending to the Flair/Foley match. They're really screwed up on who is supposed to be the "good guy" and "bad guy" in this feud. If Foley is the heel, why would he sacrifice himself to save anyone, and if Flair is the babyface, why would he attack a woman with a baseball bat? It's stupid, lazy booking, the kind that I've come to expect from Vince's band of sitcom and soap opera writers. Once again, what could have been a really great program is being botched by the braintrust over at WWE. Flair while a face is still kinda of crazy, so I can understand him going after Melina with the bat and Foley trying to protect her, since shes heel as well, also makes sense in the situation however I dunno about him quitting just to save her..
  11. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 04:19 PM) Didn't you say you like Orton, too? Orton and Masters? That's terrible. Ok? I f***ing like them QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 10:21 PM) The first four matches were decent. Sabu/Show wasn't special but it was what it was. Rey's mask fell off in the middle of the match. He picked it up, slid out of the ring and quickly put it back on. I'm sure pics will be all over the net soon. Orton/Hogan also was what it was. Hogan can't do much and like last year vs. HBK, Orton sold well and made moves look "big". Hogan got his foot on the rope after an RKO so they didn't make Orton look too weak but he did get pinned after the big leg. Hogan takes so much time between the boot and leg. Thought for sure Orton would move and get the win. Wouldn't be surprised if we see a WM re-match. The ending to Foley/Flair was awful. Flair about to hit Melina with barbed wire baseball bat and Foley started yelling "I Quit". Best part of the main event was hoping Lita would pop out of her top. I know that sounds bad. Booker and Batista was awful. No timing what so ever. DX/McMahons was the match we thought it would be. Rey fought in WCW without a mask for a good amount of time, what he looks like under it isnt much of a mystery to most fans
  12. I am a delivery driver for pizza hut.. I dont think I need to explain anymore about how much my job sucks or other s*** that goes with it
  13. MAN I was wondering where the hell Masters went.. he was one of my favorites
  14. T R U

    Happy Birthday Tru

    QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 14, 2006 -> 01:17 PM) Gotta give love to someone who recognizes Kalapse's greatness. should be everyone
  15. T R U

    Happy Birthday Tru

    tim always comin through in the clutch
  16. qwerty is the greatest poster that has ever graced this site
  17. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 08:24 PM) Fitz will. Chambers is possible, but Culpepper won't be back until midway possibly. You trust Joey Harrington getting him the ball? Culpepper has already been cleared and has been participating in camp 100% The only thing I can see is POSSIBLY missing the opener if they hold him out of Pre Season but as of right now Culpepper is ready to go right now as far as I know..
  18. What the hell, how did Konerko not score?
  19. QUOTE(jenksd @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:31 AM) 'twas the clincher. ahh.. see I got kicked out of one of my classes for talking s***. The Professor told me to just leave after I walked in and said "how bout them Astros?" after the Podsednik walk off
  20. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 02:13 AM) You're a Dolphins fan so you have a bit of a biased view, but we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I dont really see where I was being Biased in my post.. Chambers has been putting up good numbers for years now with nothing at QB, and now he gets a pro bowl calibur guy throwing to him. He should have a huge year, watching their training camps has me already pumped to see them put that in the regular season. Ronnie Brown is a good recieving back, equal to Robert Smith also which I thought was fair. Randy McMichael is way better than Byron Chamberlain and thats not biased, thats fact. Go compare career stats if you need reassurance.
  21. QUOTE(jenksd @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 01:49 AM) I didn't show up to one of my classes to watch the world series parade and subsequently failed the class, lost my scholarship and dropped out. So missing one class caused all that? The Grand Slam was awesome.. I was at home watching the game with my mom and she said "Hes going deep right here" and the next pitch it happened and we went nuts. It was badass.
  22. QUOTE($I Need Money$ @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 01:42 AM) why because you dont think the white sox will win this year? the text is stayin. nice sig btw lolz, this should be interesting
  23. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 12:16 AM) 90+ catches from Cris Carter is lackluster? Robert Smith was a great pass-catching RB. Byron Chamberlain had 50-some catches in 2001. His weapons in Minnesota are way better than anything he has in Miami now. Randy Moss was an absolute beast while in Minnesota. People fail to realize how many bombs Culpepper threw to Moss for TD's. Wow, Minnesota did not have better weapons than Miami does now.. Chris Chambers has put up good numbers without EVER playing with a real QB, and now he finally has that. He could have easily been putting up Randy Moss numbers with a QB and now well all get to see that. I guess youll see how many bombs Culpepper throws to Chambers for TDs now. Ronnie Brown is also a great pass catching RB, not only that but he can run AND block. Hes just as good as Robert Smith was. Byron Chamberlain? Um ok, Ill easily take Randy McMichael over him. Even Teyo Johnson should have a solid season as a recieving tight end this season. Marty Booker, Derek Hagan, Wes Welker (Slot), Kelly Campbell (Slot, also played with Culpepper in Minny) thats 4 more WR's who should be solid and better if anything equal to what Minnesota ever had with Pep Not to mention the fact that Miami actually has a defense, which in turn will help the offense. Im sorry, but the team he is on now has more talent than what he had in Minnesota.
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