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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Xbox 360

    QUOTE(chimpy2121 @ Jul 18, 2006 -> 12:33 AM) Same here nice man so happy right now
  2. T R U

    Xbox 360

    QUOTE(SnB @ Jul 17, 2006 -> 11:51 PM) Just an update, i did end up buying a 360 on friday, and I really am loving it. Bought call of duty 2, which is one intense game and really shows off the system. I'm loving xbox live, the whole downloading demos scene is really cool. NCAA comes out tommorow, pumped. EB Games had a midnight sale Im playing NCAA as we speak!!!!
  3. What about something like.. Linebrink, Carillo, Cameron for Garcia, Fields, and a spect? haha, I wish.. but theres no way sadly
  4. He was great last year, but it was definately time to move on.. good luck Clifford
  5. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Jul 15, 2006 -> 12:23 PM) I hate Champaign, we get the Cardinals-Dodgers today on Fox. This sucks. At least you get a game, this is the second week in a row Houston decides that they arent going to show Fox Saturday Baseball AT ALL.. Im so pissed
  6. I guarantee a Podsednik Slam here Kalapse does too
  7. QUOTE(loltrain @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) .253 .285 .456 .741 .261 .342 .351 .693 Monroe v Podsednik Podsednik certainly gets on base alot more, but I would still stand by my comparison that Monroe is pretty similar, except instead of a good obp and crappy power he has a crappy obp and good power. As you can see Podsednik's OPS isn't higher, but I'll agree he's a more valuable player since at least he brings steals to the table on top of his obp. I dont know where you got those numbers but they arent right.. not according to ESPN Podsednik .276 AVG .353 OBP .391 SLG .744 OPS Monroe .245 AVG .279 OBP .451 SLG .730 OPS They are really not similair at all
  8. QUOTE(AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 11:25 PM) Especially how bad defensively that Huff is at 3B? They both will be in the lineup once Ensberg gets his swing back after his DL stint. Ensberg has been hittin in the very low .220s since may.. that cant all be contributed to his injury.. hes not getting the job done and I think Huff plays adequete enough defense to allow him to play third a lot while also playing other positions in the lineup. The Astros already have 3 automatic outs in the lineup in Ausmus, Everett, and the Pitcher.. they cant afford to keep a slumping Ensberg in there
  9. QUOTE(AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 11:06 PM) Do you really think Huff is going to play the rest of the season at 3B when Ensberg gets back from the DL and have Ensberg on the bench? Yes. Ensberg has been terrible lately, Huff will cut into his 3B time.. thats almost a fa sho QUOTE(Felix @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 08:24 PM) Man, how can you like him? He's worse than how Podsednik is viewed on this board, and thats saying something. Because I like him? I dont care how people view Podsednik on the boards, a lot of people are going overboard with it Pods is actually doing better than last season I just like Wily Tavares, I like watching him in the field and I love the speed.. hes a good player, I do not care what others think about him
  10. QUOTE(loltrain @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 09:26 PM) To answer the earlier question: Guillen has batted 5th all season, to protect Ordonez mostly I guess. Shelton is batting 8th, because despite all the "Shelton is playing way over his head..." crap from the big media, the fact is he totally sucked in May and June. He seems to have heated back up to his more normal self from late june into july, and I would definitely move him to 7th ahead of Craig Monroe who is definitley our worst regular player. (Think Podsednik except with power instead of speed) Podsednik is better than monroe in every category except HR's and RBI's, which are both understandable.. Comparing them in this situation isnt much of a fair comparison.. Monroe has an OBP of .280 :puke At least Pods is keepin it good at .351.. his OPS is also higher
  11. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 09:17 PM) In Rosenthal's column on foxsports.com there is a GM, and although he doesn't use the word ass rape, he thinks the Nationals got the better of the deal. I'm sure he follows at least as much baseball as you do or anyone on this board does. Majewski is a journeyman, he's average. How is Majewski a journeyman? Hes 26 years old and has played for two teams, with a career 3.27 ERA He has proven that he is a good reliever thus far in his career
  12. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 08:15 PM) Hell f***ing yes you are. They got ass raped. Pure and simple. They basically set the Nats up for now and the future. They can now trade Soriano for some stud spects or another solid player if need be. They didnt get raped, but they definately got the short end of the trade.. However, they got assets they need in bullpen help and a defensive upgrade.. so I dont see it as an "ass rape"
  13. :drool I absoloutley love Chris Burke.. he is my favorite player on the Astros not named Wily Tavares The guy is a solid player, I would LOVE for us to get him
  14. I actually thought this was a good deal for Cincy.. I see that I am in the minority on that though
  15. How many times as he been picked off first? I really hate that its counted as a SB, IMO I dont think getting picked off is getting caught stealing.. but I know that it goes down as one in the books anways.. So just curious as to what the numbers are on that.. EDIT: Hammerhead, you can PM me those pictures
  16. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 12:23 AM) BTW, TRU...JUST BECAUSE IM A BILLS FAN DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO HATE ME Come on now, you know youre my brotha from anotha motha
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:34 PM) Isn't Alan Grant the same guy who called Ricky Williams a "breathe of fresh air" and wrote about 20 articles calling Notre Dame racist for firing Ty Willingham? I could have sworn Alan Grant was a Paleontologist who got sucked into going to an island with dinosaurs on it not once, but TWICE for the record, Bobby Jenks is now my hero after reading this stuff..
  18. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 07:58 PM) I'll bet he won't be better than Santana. Liriano is fantastic but Santana is and will be better. I dunno man, Wite is usually the smartest guy I know not named Kalapse.. I think he might have the edge on you.. However he is a Bills fan and we are Dolphins fans.. I dont know who to believe
  19. Haha thats hilarious.. i got banned from Oshmans Sporting Goods back in like 1996 but that place has since closed.. My mom and grandma tell me that I was so bad when I was little that restraunts told us not to come back
  20. I dont care what anyone says.. that Headbutt was the most badass headbutt ive ever seen in my life.. that was so badass
  21. With this team I dont see anyway that we arent at least 10 games over in the second half, I didnt know that we could basically play like crap and still win 90+ games.. makes me feel real good about this second half
  22. If Anderson haters need to let up because of his ".333" july average I think the Pods haters need to let up with the current hot streak that hes been on.. Hes been hitting well as of late despite the sub-par defense.. can we cut the guy a little break yet?
  23. Funny thing is we are all on here complaining about it yet we are still watching
  24. QUOTE(whitesox91403 @ Jul 10, 2006 -> 11:02 PM) I really didn't have many expectations for The New ECW anyway. What it boils down to is that it's a 3rd brand owned by the same company. And, as any wrestling fan knows, Vince will never keep his nose out of anything he owns, he will always have a say. The main problem I have with The New ECW is the fact that Angle and Big Show were out in it and now Show is the champ. That is what sucks bad about it. I have no problem with them putting Test and The Bashams and such in there or any of the new guys like Knox or Punk, but why Angke and Show? To me, that is Vince rubbing it in Heyman's face that is still under The WWE umbrella. I also hate the cross over Raw?Smackdown into ECW crap. Let it go on it's own with new faces and see if can make it. One last thing, why they haven't put Super Crazy, Psicocis, and Simon Dean (Nova) in there baffles me. Merge Raw and Smackdown back together and put the guys that belong in ECW there. I like you find the roster split ridiculous as well I have never been a fan of it, Smackdown is terrible.. they need to merge them back together and like you said put the ones who belong in ECW in ECW
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