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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(Goldmember @ Jul 4, 2006 -> 11:14 PM) **SPOILER AT LINK** http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing.as...==197373&nbc1=1 I didnt understand what was given away here? Wanna PM me what it is
  2. T R U

    Xbox 360

    Im sorry but the 360 is not THAT much better than the current gen IMO to warrant me spending $400 dollars for it.. I have seen the NCAA vids, they arent leaps and bounds better graphics.. so I dont see any reason for me to worry about getting a 360 till the current gen is almost phased out.. Ill own one in prolly a year, but for now I see no reason for me to shell out the cash for something I dont see as a drastic difference
  3. T R U


    QUOTE(MinnesotaSoxFan @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 01:01 AM) I love Julian McMahon in a non-homosexual way. And I'm not afraid to say I love Charmed. I too share the love for him, but I would never watch charmed.. he gets my heart from Nip/Tuck would also like to throw in im thrilled that Dr. Doom will be in the sequel... he was the best part of the first one
  4. All time: Razor Ramon Others: HHH, Randy Orton, Trent Acid, Kanyon, Owen Hart, HBK, The Rock (When he was a heel)
  5. I said what I said
  6. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 01:16 AM) Vince is going to run into a wall soon and not know a way out. He's gotten lucky a few times with gimmicks and its made him cash (i.e. the original DX run, post-Ringmaster (not Chilly McFreeze) Austin etc.) but something is going to give and the market may go elsewhere (TNA, ROH, CZW, etc.) /Damn Vince and his damned ego //Joey Styles isn't good enough to call Backlash? BACKLASH!? I agree with you on a lot of what you have said, however TNA, ROH, and CZW have no chance in hell of taking the market away from WWE.. Despite it not being as good as it was back in the day, it still heavily rules all forms of wrestling and will most likely continue to do so as long as they have the money to draw and keep the real talents.. Hell they usually signing away the better talented wrestlers from those other organizations anyway
  7. I guess ill be the first of the 5 votes to come out and say I dont respect them and still see them fading away, im in the minority on this one
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 10:04 AM) In fairness to the starters, we knew thay wouldn't all have '05 years again, that's why the offense was improved. Garland has been pitching better.. April: 7.11 (5 starts) May: 5.40 (5 Starts) June: 4.50 (5 Starts) Hopefully, he keeps improving
  9. T R U

    Dougly Returns

    QUOTE(Brian @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 09:12 AM) That was like me this year. I looked at the calendar and realized my birthday was the next week. That was back in May though. Goes to show how important your own birthday is as you get older. Well im gonna be 22, which is meaningless 16,18,21 is all you got.. then its all downhill from there
  10. T R U

    Superman Returns

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 11:26 AM) Well, I did watch The Hulk. I missed your post. As it turns out, I thought it was a decent enough film. I doubt I will ever sit down with it again though. But now that they spent 3 hours on nothing but character development, I would be interested to see him in a second film and see where they go from there. Or he should be brought into one of the already established franchises. I take that one over Daredevil anyday though, and I like DD quite a bit. I still need to check out The Punisher. My neighbor has it, so maybe I will grab it from him. You mean the new one, not the old Lundgren version, right? Right, the new Punisher.. it was real good Also, the next Hulk they are making is supposed to have a whole new director and stuff and I thought I read they were gonna try and make up for the shame that was the first Hulk
  11. T R U

    Dougly Returns

    4:30am and I am posting in the Dougly thread my life has hit rock bottom
  12. T R U

    Dougly Returns

    QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 02:06 AM) Dougly, noticed it's only one more month until your birthday. You going to whore it again for attention? You know, sort of like this thread is accomplishing. BTW, I sent your picture to a few girls I know and it moistened panties. True story. Holy s***, that means its only a month till my birthday too! Did not know it was so close, thanks for the heads up
  13. T R U

    Dougly Returns

    QUOTE(MinnesotaSoxFan @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 02:05 AM) very retro. best hope we dont get you in a chatroom and fire up the memories
  14. T R U

    Superman Returns

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 30, 2006 -> 08:05 AM) I loved it and was absolutely fine with the running time. My only complaint is I wish there was more action. But the thing is, I am not so sure I would have shortened it for more action. I actually would have added a little more to it. But I am crazy like that. For the record on how I feel about superhero flicks: Spider-Man: Loved it. Spider-Man 2: REALLY loved it. Batman Begins: Loved it. X-Men: Liked it. X-Men 2: Liked it a bunch X-Men 3: Liked it more than 1 but not as much as 2 Dare Devil: f*** Ben Affleck. He ruined a cool character. Superman The Movie: REALLY loved it. Superman II: Loved it, but it has not aged well. Spawn: Dropped the ball on what could have been great. The Crow: REALLY loved it. Batman: Eh, it's O.K. Batman Returns: Better than the previous. Batman Forever: Eh...I guess it was fine...I guess... Batman And Robin: Didn't like it. Judge Dredd: It was actually much more faithful to the books than people will have you believe, and if they had kept on the helmet there would have been much fewer complaints. Fergie was all wrong, but Schnieder was O.K. in it. Mean Machine was great. There are some I haven't seen, obviously. I have yet to see: Superman III, Superman IV, and The Hulk...but I will be watching all of them over this weekend I am sure. I have Elektra awaiting a viewing...but...yeah... Wow, I do not advise you to watch The Hulk Worst.Movie.Evar HOWEVER, I do suggest that instead of wasting time watching the crappy hulk, you watch The Punisher.. I think that was by far the best Marvel Movie that has ever been made.. its f***ing badass on so many levels
  15. T R U

    Dougly Returns

    QUOTE(qwerty @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 01:59 AM) They all knew who you were... but were scared of the odor that emits from yourself. haha
  16. With Atlanta being sold, the new owners from what I have heard are going to want to slash payroll by a lot.. I think Andruw Jones could be a possability, and man I would love to get him..
  17. I saw on ESPN the other night Cassell was resigning with the Clippers
  18. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 04:21 PM) Whoa, buddy. I was tearing Buehrle apart the whole first half of this thread. I'm not giving anyone a free pass. This game's on Buehrle, Ozzie, and Politte. They all contributed a lot to this s*** fest. This game is more on Mark than it is on anyone else
  19. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 04:17 PM) Well, Politte gave up 4 runs, we lost by 4 runs. That was some great managing, Ozzie. Some of the finest we've ever seen. Uh Buehrle gave up 7 first inning runs and we lost by 4.. it cant all be ozzie and cliffs fault
  20. QUOTE(atrain081 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 04:17 PM) well, thanks Ozzie..... This loss is all on Martha, not Ozzie
  21. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 02:54 PM) Hypothetical? How many threads would ABOZ have created if this outing was a JG outing? When does MB get a clever nickname like Judy? After all, he's the pitcher who allows the truly big innings, and never pitches over the defensive lapses behind him. I call him Martha when these starts happen, maybe that nickname will catch on
  22. Well looks like I could be wrong, hopefully we can scratch a few more across and get Zambrano out of this game.. or at least get him flustered
  23. Were not gettin 7 runs off Zambrano, better hope their bullpen implodes again or were toast for today
  24. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 01:04 AM) What the f*** does beleaguered mean? Does it really matter as long as it comes from the mouth of Kalapse?
  25. T R U


    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 10:00 PM) I have no problem with criticism of any player but when you single out Anderson because he's hitting .170 I have a serious problem with that. People are totally ignoring what the guy has done recently: .250 BA | .425 SLG% | 1 HR | 6 RBI | 7 R | 5 2B | over last 12 You want him gone because he can't get a bunt down and is batting .170 well guess what he's not going to have a very good batting average by the end of the year, that's just the way it works when you start the year as s***ty as he did, he could hit .250 for the rest of the year which would be awesome and his BA will still look like s***. I have no problem with warranted criticism but this IMO is just ridiculous. Kalapse I usually agree with you, but not here.. a .250 batting average over the past 12 games doesnt really make me feel all that better, thats not the greatest stretch, however, if he can show something like that over a stretch of a month then I will feel somewhat relieved with the situation.. Theres no denying that his defense is fantastic, but his offense leaves something to be desired and as long as he can keep it up like hes been doing, then we will more than likely be fine with him hitting in the 9 hole.. Honestly, at this very moment I dont think we need a replacement but like I said earlier if this goes on all through this month were gonna have to get some kind of replacement for this season because a sub .200 avg from him is going to cost us somewhere down the line IMO
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