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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 11:31 PM) lmao thats awesome
  2. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 12:25 PM) I once got a Jury Duty notice... I just tore it up... I wonder if their's a warrent out for me now... Haha I got a parking ticket about a month ago.. took it off my windshield, wadded it up, and threw it on the ground.. Wonder what ever happened with that I also got a ticket for running a red light in February and I also ignored that but they finally sent me a letter tellin me I had a week to respond or further action would be taken so I had my mom take care of it for me..
  3. haha, and we got him for Esteban Loaiza
  4. QUOTE(daa84 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 08:40 PM) haha yep i blame you How was I supposed to know, HOW DAMMIT
  5. QUOTE(daa84 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 08:38 PM) yeah man you really blew that for jose...you owe him dinner or something Yeah, Ill write the Sox a letter.. they can explain that a 21 yr old kid in Texas cost him the no hitter
  6. OH MAN they were so close to the complete game no hitter.. If only Grudz wouldnt have doubled ironically seconds after I mentioned the perfect game
  7. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 07:11 PM) JC still hasn't allowed a hit, the one is on T R U. Ill take it, at least that run didnt score.. keeps my ERA at zero on the year
  8. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 07:10 PM) If Mientkiewicz leads off next inning with a homer, you ought to be suspended for a week. Why? Then I can say.. "Hey at least were still winning!!" Ide like to see that one fail me, it couldnt possibly happen 3 times
  9. At least he still has the shutout!!
  10. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 07:07 PM) I was going to give you one of these :finger until I saw that your favorite moment was when the Sox traded for Parkman. Any Major League 2 reference gives you a break in my book. haha yesssssssssssss That was a great moment, im not gonna lie
  11. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 07:06 PM) ^^^ Naturally. :headshake Damn, have you ever been on a baseball team? Yes, I have been on plenty
  12. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 07:05 PM) Cuz its true Well it was before Grudz doubled
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 07:05 PM) Why would you say such a thing? Cuz its true
  14. Contreras keeping the perfect game alive
  15. There is a difference between having long hair and looking like Johnny Damon.. Now, I do agree that AJP really needs a haircut, the long hair looks ridiculous on him.. but Crede, Freddy, and Cotts do not look unprofessional in any way. Everytime Ive seen Crede off the field with no hat, his hair has been kept and styled. Hopefully, they just need to trim.. It would suck to have them have to lose it all
  16. QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 11:18 AM) I'm with you. Although I liked Christian in WWE and believe he was never given a shot. Rhyno was bad in WWE and he goes to TNA and they mark out for him big time. Orton will be back. We have seen guys like Big Show and others have attitude problems and they send em to OVW or suspend them and they come back better. TRU, I'm with Orton could be on top of the wrestling for YEARS to come and Vince knows that. He isn't going anywhere. Exactly, letting Orton go would be a huge mistake
  17. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 09:30 AM) Full schedule of classes, then work from 4-9. I loveeee Good Fridayy.... Haha, I dont have any classes but I also work 4-9
  18. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 04:44 PM) He is a third gen wrestler? Who else besides Bob? Did his grandfather wrestle as well? My opinion on Orton is that WWE wont let him go until he literally forces them to. He is a pretty damn good wrestler, he is cocky, good looking, and incredibly athletic. I dont think Vince wants to drop him and watch him waltz over to TNA and help make even bigger competition. Basically I think Vince is freaked out by another Monday Night War scenario. There has been quite a large contingent of out of work WWE wrestlers making their way to Florida to play in that little tent they have set up down there. Dixie Carter has been rumored to be trying to get a regular touring schedule for TNA, which will make more money for TNA, which means more money for the wrestlers. TNA is absoloute crap All it is, is WWE/Out of Wrestling castaways... STINGS BACK!!! WHOA SCOTT STEINER!!! NO NOT JEFF JARRETT!!!!!!!! Point in case, WWE doesnt re sign Christian.. he becomes TNA World Champion like 2 weeks after he is out of WWE.. Yes, the same Christian who was jobbing in WWE is now the TNA Champion.. That should be enough right there. The WWE will continue to pump out young talent to replace people they dont want.. BUT, I hope they see that letting Orton go would be a mistake, hes my favorite wrestler and I dont want to see him on TNA.
  19. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 07:53 PM) Crede has almost twice as many AB's w/ RISP though. That's not to say I don't like Crede, I'm pleased with how he's been playing. Yeah I am also not tryin to say I dont like Crede, but he had a good game yesterday
  20. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) Josh Reed isn't much of a 3rd receiver. I think it's pretty much set in stone that Buffalo is gonna friggin suck next year. ^^^ And for everyone who doesnt know, he is a Bills fan The Dolphins sig is for miami being better than them last year.. we had a sig bet
  21. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 06:04 PM) You haven't spent much f***ing time here yet have you? Take a step into the first few pages of the gamethreads. Some of those entries would make Duke Lacrosse players blush.
  22. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 01:15 PM) Randy Orton's suspension is considered an indefinite suspension at this point. -wwe.com NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 02:00 PM) I agree. And I don't even know what that is. Gotta listen to some Dane Cook Origin of the SuFi
  24. This thread deserves a major SUFI and not the nice one either
  25. I keep all my anger inside, never really been the type to let it out.. Im sure that one day its going to be violent when I lose it, but for now, I just keep it in
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