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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Brand Loyalty

    QUOTE(SnB @ Apr 9, 2006 -> 06:06 PM) Which brands own your soul? For cookies, chips ahoy or nothing. Not even the variations of chips ahoy, it's gotta be the original ones in the blue cover. Hot dogs: Best's Kosher. Maybe it's the white sox fan in me, but all others taste like crap. Whatcha got? Man if you dont like the red chewy kind, you are missing out my friend
  2. QUOTE(juddling @ Apr 8, 2006 -> 01:28 PM) saw this this morning..... The PWTorch Newsletter reports that Randy Orton has been fined by WWE multiple times for using the "C-word" to insult women behind the scenes in WWE, however has not taken it seriously. His attitude towards WWE's rules and punishment is said to be what got him suspended this time. "He's lucky he didn't get fired. He has a lot of growing up to do. It was just stupid - disrespectful to the boys and the company." Says one WWE source about his latest incident. "Undertaker despises him, and Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, and even Triple H have grown tired of his act. They noly tolerate him." Orton's disrespectful treatment of women is said to be what has turned most people backstage against him. As previously reported, he is the most disliked person in the locker room right now man I f***ing love Orton.. what a badass
  3. T R U

    Mlb 2k6

    Ugh.. this game is terrible It would take forever to type out all the problems after just 4 innings of play.. heres a little recap.. - Konerko and Uribe are basically rated the SAME. - If you get a single, the runner rounds first base no matter what (I was thrown out twice) The computer also does it to, very poor baserunning AI. - When the players swing their entire bodies turn, they do not look at the ball what so ever. - Lineups and rotations are completely screwed up. - The commentary had a few glitches. Not that big of a deal, but I am just saying. Save your $40, its not worth it. Rent it and youll see. Its a pretty poor game, I will now finish my updatement of MVP and start with Tony's sliders.
  4. T R U

    Mlb 2k6

    QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 9, 2006 -> 12:03 AM) Game Options Fielding: Manual Strike Zone: Off Hot/Cold Zones: Off Pitch Cursor: Off Hitters Eye: OFF Catch Circle Assist: On Variable Strike Zone, 'Stuff', and Blown Calls: On Vibration: On Gameplay Tuning User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -37 Pitch Speed: -15 CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 11 User Pitcher Fatigue: -17 CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 6 User Pitch Control: -50 CPU Pitch Control: -50 Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0 Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0 User Batting Contact: 40 CPU Batting Contact: -11 User Batting Power: 20 CPU Batting Power: -19 User Bunting Ability: 0 CPU Bunting Ability: -14 User Foul Ball Frequency: 50 CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50 CPU Swing Frequency: -33 User OF Speed (Manual): 2 CPU OF Speed: -11 User IF Speed (Manual): -4 CPU IF Speed: -13 User Throw Speed: 3 CPU Throw Speed: -8 User Throw Accuracy: 0 CPU Throw Accuracy: -23 User Catch Errors: 15 CPU Catch Errors: 40 User Dive Difficulty: 0 CPU Catch Effort: -15 User Baserunning Speed: 4 CPU Baserunning Speed: -1 User Runner Aggression: 0 CPU Runner Aggression: -10 User Runner Steal Speed: 4 CPU Runner Steal Speed: -8 User Runner Steal Delay: -8 CPU Runner Steal Delay: 5 CPU Steal Rate: 5 Runner Injury Frequency: 0 Pitcher Injury Frequency: 0 Batter Injury Frequency: 0 Fielder Injury Frequency: 0 Pitching MG Difference: 0 Adjust as you will. Thanks man Also, I just rented 2K6.. I will play a little and be back with my opinion.. Im pretty fair when it comes to video games so I will do my best to let you all know what the deal is with this game if your on the fence about it
  5. T R U

    Mlb 2k6

    QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 8, 2006 -> 11:06 PM) The one thing I didnt do is create rookies. BTW, just made a SWEET deal. I traded Freddy Garcia,Crede and Anderson(He is in the game) for David Wright and Carlos Beltran. Beltran is signed for 7 years at 18 mil, thats why the Mets wanted to dump him. Moved Mac into the rotation, won 111 games simming the whole season(just wanted to see how good they would be) Nice. I am probably going to go through and adjust some player ratings that are way off. I havent played it in a while so im gonna have to get some warm ups in.. Also, I know its been a while but has anyone figured out how to set the sliders to make the game somewhat realistic? The best I could do was insane low scoring games.. like 1-2 runs max, Ide KILL to have realistic play
  6. T R U

    Mlb 2k6

    QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 6, 2006 -> 09:01 PM) I took about 2 hours on a Sunday and updated MVP myself. MVP 05 is timeless. How in depth did you update it.. because I was going into hour 3 before I finally had to go to bed and im still not even close to done.. I am currently working on teams Bullpens.. for the most part I have people were they need to be.. but I still have to finish that, then set lineups, then make sure the pen is in order THEN create guys that arent on the game.. I might play as Florida when its all said and done, might be fun
  7. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Apr 6, 2006 -> 02:52 PM) Dolphins in town Nov. 5th can't wait! Yep we also got the Jets on monday night, the Steelers in the NFL opener, and the Lions on Thanksgiving.. If all goes well Ill be able to for sure see all the primetime games, possibly go to the Texans game, and then MAYBE cbs will pick up a few of their afternoon games
  8. T R U

    Mlb 2k6

    QUOTE(beautox @ Apr 6, 2006 -> 06:55 PM) Mvp2005 is still awesome, how do you go about updating your rosters? as for MLB2k6 its pretty indepth the pitching system they have is pretty awesome, and the swing stick takes a little time to get used to but you can basicly hit to all fields, id advise everyone to at least rent it to see if they like it. I go through and edit everyone personally.. and then move them all to their right teams.. rangercal, im pretty sure thats what I will be doing.. and youre right, nothing beats MVP
  9. T R U

    Mlb 2k6

    Funny you made this thread I have been reading up on it all morning debating whether to get it or not.. The graphics still look like crap and I have been reading a lot of complaints on IGN.. Can anyone give me a good reason to buy this game ($40) instead of just updating my MVP 05 rosters to current ones?
  10. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 01:44 PM) Hmm, I wonder why. :rolly
  11. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 01:36 PM) Heh, I just wanted to cover all bases. Yep, but the overwhelming majority will be on dislike/steroids
  12. haha, sadly its not too hard to see where this poll will go
  13. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 01:21 PM) Just because there is no proof Bonds didn't use doesn't mean he never used. That is the worst argument ever. So pretty much what you are saying is that since there is no positive test (this would be for any player in MLB) that no one ever took steroids. Yea, makes a lot of sense. Maybe one day in your education you will take a logic class. Bonds took, everyone knows it. It's pretty much a joke for you to say that since there is no test that he didn't. He is just about the most hated athlete on the planet and once the MLB investigation is done I am guessing he will be suspended. I guess grand jury testimony and 200 sources don't hold as much water as Bonds' so called "word." f*** you Barry, you're a piece of s***. No one said you had to like him, believe he took steroids all you want.. I really dont care what your opinion is on it.. it makes sense to me and thats all that really matters No Im not saying that if there is no failed test then they have never taken steroids.. but if there is no failed test you cant prove s*** Just because my "logic" isnt the same as yours doesnt mean im wrong
  14. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 08:39 AM) RKO wrestled at Smackdown Taping against Rey-Rey and lost last night so on the 60 day suspension who knows what the hell is going on. Yeah what I had understood was he was supposed to win, but I guess since the suspension happened they had to change the plans.. He is fabulous
  15. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 09:39 AM) How about a pin with this image? That would have to be a huge pin if you expect to spot them in a crowd of thousands
  16. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 12:59 PM) Bonds has been like this since the beginning of his Pittsburgh days though. Yeah thats true, but hes much more of an ass now
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 5, 2006 -> 09:44 AM) Ok...so let me ask you this in reply... Let's say you're a police detective. You head out one morning to a rather grisly crime scene. Murder. Someone shot several times. You find the gun lying on the ground. The gun is owned by a guy, let's call him Fred. You check into Fred, and find that he lives 50 miles away, but the night of the crime Fred filled up his car at a gas station 2 miles from the crime scene. You take fingerprints off the gun, and Fred's are the only one on it. Let's also assume Fred knows the victim somehow, and that his alibi was being at home alone after driving back from some mall (which is why he was at the gas station). No one saw Fred do the shooting, nor is there video or DNA which would prove 100% that he was the killer. Fred proclaims his innocence. Do you believe Fred? Simple question here...without a direct, 100% witness, or incontrovertible proof...are you willing to convict a person based entirely on circumstantial evidence? I don't have Bonds having taken a positive test. But I do have a metric ton of circumstantial evidence. I would vote to convict Fred if I were on that jury and I was presented with that case. That's about how I view the Bonds case. I didn't stick the needle in his ass myself, and i haven't seen a positive test, but given all the other evidence in the case, I'd vote to convict. Someone could have easily had it out for Fred, got a hold of his gun with some latex gloves on and shot this person in an attempt to put Fred away.. If there was no DNA or any physical proof I dont think you can sentance someone to life in prison for something you dont even know if he did. If Fred proclaims innocent then he is innocent until proven guilty. Also, yeah Bonds is an ass but he has the right to be that way. What if you had worked hard all your life to accomplish what he has and have everyone hate you because they THINK youve taken steroids? Everyone treats him like s***, ide be an asshole too if it was like that..
  18. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 08:57 PM) Difficult for Orton to drop when he's been suspended for "unprofessional conduct" for up to 60 days. And I agree with your assessment about Mysterio getting the strap. It is a f***ing travesty that RVD hasn't gotten a shot. /shakes fist about Vince's love of hosses. Perhaps the "Cena Sucks" and "Die Cena Die" chants on Raw might make WWE a bit more apt to take the title off him and not give it to Mr. 20 Minute Promo (not a knock against HHH's ability in the ring...just the fact that goddamn man, cut a promo in under 15 minutes) Yeah I just read that on Wrestlezone SUCKS because Orton is the man
  19. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 08:43 AM) All I can say is that I hope Rey Mysterio loses the belt as soon as possible. The whole thing concerning him has felt dirty since everyone and their brother knows that he's only getting this chance because Eddie Guerrero died. It was nice to see Mysterio win the Rumble, and I honestly enjoyed it a lot (mainly because he eliminated HHH and Orton). But, this has been enough. Mysterio isn't someone who should be carrying the title. I only hope they have him lose it soon. Mysterio is dropping the belt to Randy Orton friday night on Smackdown.. Also.. Addy what your dad heard could possibly be true except for I dont believe they go through the matches and rehearse.. I think it would be kind of hard for Edge and Mick Foley to practice going through flaming tables till they get it right.. A lot of things are prolly talked about in advance but I dont think they would risk injury just practicing before the actual event.. My aunt works for a cable company in Chicago and she got to meat Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury and got to hold one of the tag titles.. Im one of the biggest wrestling fans there is btw, but I agree it has gone downhill since its prime.. I miss Razor Ramon
  20. T R U


    QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 08:07 PM) Put them anywhere. They once again have a solid core that a place like Portland, San Antonio,Vegas, ect. True, but I wouldnt wanna go to Portland.. The Blazers might move as it is.. Portland just doesnt seem like a good place for a professional team San Antonio or Vegas, I think those would be the two best situations for them
  21. T R U


    QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 08:01 PM) Its really a shame for the entire franchise. The players. The city. The fans. They cant get anyone out to the ballpark, the die hards have to suffer through years like this, yet they seem to know how to make a small $$ team into a great one within 4-5 years. If they stay the course with the kids they have now, while adding some vets, they could be great in 4, 5 years. Its too bad a team like Cinny or KC cant be run like this. The Marlins are a very solid franchise in my book. Its a shame Miami cant support them. Miami has terrible fan support for all sports but, if they move to San Antonio.. I think they would thrive
  22. T R U


    QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:51 PM) They have very little proven major league talent, so I doubt they're going to be very good this year or next. They're depending on youngsters like Hermida, Willingham, Jacobs, Ramirez, and Mitre to play fairly big roles, and few of those guys are really ready. However, they have some pretty good young players that might make them a threat in a few years. They seem to be hot right now, so they might rack up some wins before they fall off the face of the earth, like a more talented version of the Royals a few years back. Thing is unlike the Royals their young talent is actually talented.. They have some good prospects playing now, plus better ones in the wings.. They wont be good this year, but they will surprise some people and eventually here they will build something nice, wherever they will be.. Also, they should have beaten Houston yesterday too.. I watched the game and Houston did not deserve to win that game at all
  23. QUOTE(Reddy @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:42 PM) out of pure curiosity what do you think about sammy and mark mcgwire? I dont know about Sammy, but Mcguire couldnt even say that he hadnt taken them.. he refused to talk about it all together, so its going to raise question marks.. If your gonna be man enough to step up and say that you have never taken steroids then I am not gonna hold it against them.. however if a failed test show up, youve not only just ruined your career, but you have lost a tremdous amount of respect.. Its a serious issue, thats why I refuse to believe that Bonds has taken steroids until its 100% proof He is putting so much on the line for what? To protect his career? If he lied to the jury he could go to jail, lose everything.. Hed be away from his family for who knows how long.. I just think there is way too big of a risk involved with just flat out lying about it to protect your career
  24. I am willing to give myself up to benfit the fight against cancer if thats what it will take..
  25. Oh wow..... Your score is 54 If you saw me in person there would be no way to know that I spend about 8-9 hours a day sitting at my computer.. That I play video games like they were goin out of style.. That I like Starwars and Lord of the Rings.. I am one of the biggest geeks at heart that you could know, but you wouldnt be able to tell by looking at me..
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