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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE(Reddy @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:31 PM) to add that much bulk when you're in your upper 30s just through doing the same things as EVERYONE ELSE and to be in better shape at 41 than when you were 21 is not naturally possible... but see heres my point - there IS proof in Game of Shadows. thats why its such a huge f***ing deal. ok, and if you dont want to call it proof, it's the next closest thing to bonds just saying he took steroids. if you want to make informed opinions you should have all the information about a subject... I do have all the information, there is no failed test, and there is no PROOF that Bonds has taken steroids or he would have been suspended or banned from the league. There is a reason neither of those things have happened, they cant proove anything.. Like I said, if it comes out to be true and Bonds is PROVEN to have taken steroids I will gladly eat crow and you can flame me all you want.. The only person who knows 100% about it is Barry Bonds.. but I guess admitting to taking steroids is far worse than lying to a grand jury, losing everything, and going to Prison.. EDIT: Also, there are plenty of people that are in better shape now then they were in their early 20's.. You cant just assume that everyone is doing the same thing, people do work harder than other people..
  2. QUOTE(Reddy @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:17 PM) dude have you read that excerpt from Game of Shadows in SI? if not you should. he's a horrible person who needed to "be the best" whatever means necessary. He pumped himself up so full of HGH and all those others that he'll probably go the same route as Caminiti. He also had a way to avoid having his tests come out positive... again... in SI... Look at the numbers, look at his head, look at his body, it's OBVIOUS. i dont know what there is to even like about the guy at all... even if he didnt cheat i'd still not want him to break the records, he's a f***in jag. Like I said, thats your own opinion.. If he fails a test, I will be the first one on here eating crow about it.. Feel free to blast me all you want, thats fine, but I dont agree with everyone elses opinion.. I dont need to read excerpts about people who write for a news paper claiming Bonds has taken steroids. There is no failed test, there is no proof aside from saying "Well he hits a lot of home runs and is big, hes on steroids" Thats all it ever is anymore.. Someone doesnt do good, they must be off steroids.. Someone does good, they must be on steroids.. Did it ever occur to anyone that 20+ years of personal training, growing, weight lifting, supplements.. The guys job is to take care of his body year round, has been for decades.. Its not as impossible as you make it seem
  3. QUOTE(Reddy @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 07:09 PM) why were you banned again??? jesus... thats like asking for a flame war dude... Why because people THINK that he has taken steroids? I should be banned for liking someone and not agreeing with other people? Makes sense.. Where is the failed test? There is none, and you know they have tested his ass on more than one occasion..
  4. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 06:59 PM) Wow, uh, yea, sure. If being an arrogant, insecure, cheating, snide asshole punk is being the man, then yeah, he's the man. Thats just your opinion on him. I fail to see where he has "cheated". There is no proof. Most of you are just pissed that hes the greatest player to ever play the game and use that as a scapegoat to make yourself feel better about it.
  5. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 06:53 PM) I watched the first 30 minutes, had to turn it off after that. I just couldn't take another second of him. He is absolutely intolerable. Disagree, Bonds is the man
  6. QUOTE(rangercal @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 09:07 PM) hitting one off of unit > hitting one off a mopup scrub mr on cle Im really not in the mood to debate though. Each hr counts the same on the stat book. ? Mop up Scrub middle reliever? :rolly
  7. QUOTE(jenksd @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 12:40 AM) Wait, Uribe a C? Thats what I was thinking.. played good D and drew 2 walks.. Ide give Uribe a solid B
  8. QUOTE(Young Gun @ Mar 31, 2006 -> 08:53 AM) I've noticed that the amount of Dolphins fans now have increased since last. Nice Sig. As far as I know its increased by 1 Me, Rowand, and now Soxpranos
  9. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Apr 1, 2006 -> 11:25 AM) http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/ Im not buyin that
  10. Sorry it took a while, im a lazy f***er Oddly enough your name was the hardest part about this
  11. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 08:48 PM) T R U cant wait to see that sig ... Ah I forgot, Ill do it right now while im sittin here..
  12. T R U

    Young Gun

    QUOTE(Tmar28 @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 08:24 PM) boooo ^^^^^^^^
  13. QUOTE(SnB @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 04:27 PM) career mode is where this game is at. I simmed 30 years once, started at W. Illinois and finished at IU, a 3 time champion. My only beef in the game is the RIDICULOUS upsets I worked my way up to Duke, ide get to the dance as a #1 seed and lose usually in the first or second round almost every year I simmed till the career mode was over, I had like over 800 wins and I had ONE National Title.. This was with like 16 years at Duke pullin in top recruits every year. I would get ousted in the first or second round the majority of the tournaments
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) It was a mistake the White Sox made. A big mistake. The same reason guys like Bobby Jenks got released by the Angels or how Johan Santana got away from the Astros. True, I can understand on Bobby Jenks but I doubt at the time anyone knew Santana was going to become what he has today.. How did they let this happen? Just werent payin attention or are what?
  15. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 26, 2006 -> 07:50 AM) I just started playing this recently, what is the key to recruiting on this game? Can someone please help me out with this? Basically this is what I did.. Well I started in Career mode so I had to pick a crappy team and it took about 11 years before I started gettin good players and got to move on to a better program, anyways.. I use a phone call as much as possible.. if your doin career mode work on getting your charisma as high as you can so your recruiting actions have a bigger impact.. I sim a week and then go to the recruiting page and use everything possible on the guys I really want.. As you get through years it becomes a little easier but the biggest thing is having your charisma high so the impact is bigger when you use the actions.. If your not doin career mode and just runnin on open mode you cant change anything and just have to hope your coach is already a good recruiter cuz their ratings dont change..
  16. QUOTE(squeezeplay @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 01:02 PM) Could you use the word "shellacked" a few more times??? Personally, I wish the guy nothing but the best whatever team he plays for. The Sox should have protected him, but they didn't, so deal with it. Now he has a great opportunity to prove himself. Good for Fabio, and good for the Rangers for giving him the chance. Thats what I was just going to ask.. If Castro is so great and has all this potential why wasnt he protected?
  17. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 11:55 AM) If it was a Vegas bet, I can see Logan making this team about the same as George Mason making the final four. Slim to basically none. Welcome to the sox Logan and I know he'll hold his own in the show. Cept there were about 1800 people on ESPN that had George Mason in the Final Four in their brackets.. I do not know how that many people had them beating MSU, UNC, Wichita State and UConn
  18. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 09:31 PM) Cool, best one I seen was Broncos vs Phins .. Monday night.. we were down and came back and beat Elway and the Broncos. Was pretty cool, got to see Elway and Marino on the same field, loudest game I have ever been to by far. Haha yeah I remember watching that game, that was when the Brocnos were like 13-1 or something at the time
  19. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 05:36 PM) Thank you .... I make a game every year in Dec. Dolphins fan for life. Im gettin tickets when they come to Houston, the only other Dolphins game ive seen was when they beat the Oilers in the Astrodome
  20. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 01:32 AM) I'm all for real pool. It's just hard to play it in the middle of an Economics class. With that attitude it is
  21. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 04:12 PM) Yes, Big Dolphin fan. The one on top rocks , if you can just put my name in there somewhere.. or one with Ronnie Brown would be cool as well.. pretty much anything you can come up with will be awesome.. thanks T R U Awesome, its a pleasure to help out a fellow Dolphin fan.. Ill see what I can put together
  22. Haha, and the Patriots just keep getting weaker.. muwhahahaha
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