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Everything posted by T R U

  1. If Soroka bounces back and is a solid #3 starter than you can probably kiss his ass goodbye as he will either be traded or let walk to FA, I can't see anyway they give him a contract comparable to what he could get on the open market these days.
  2. Last years team was more talented than this years team and they won 61 games. I have a hard time seeing a path that is over 65 wins, especially when you consider anyone who is doing fairly well will most likely be traded halfway through the season.
  3. Thompson is 23 years old, hes still a prospect. Just because you aren't a top prospect doesn't mean you aren't a prospect. I admire your outlook on this team, at the same time I read most of your posts and whisper "wtf?" under my breath as I read them.
  4. I agree with all of this, it's like they aren't picking a direction and committing to it. I loved the Santos trade, and then the Mena trade was like the total opposite direction.
  5. There's no way he makes it past this season. Were going to lose 95+ games, I don't think there is any way that you can bring him back.
  6. Its hard to judge him honestly, he has been developed in a minor system that really hasn't proven they can develop anyone. If the Cubs can get his control in order, hes probably a back of the rotation guy.
  7. Don't agree at all with your assessment that Thompson is extremely likely to never make it while Horn has a decent chance to be on this team for 6+ years. And even so, I still would rather have the roll of the dice of the starting pitcher than a reliever for the position that this team is in right now. My gripe is why are we trading SP prospects for low upside, not that we traded Matt Thompson the specific player. Fletcher has less than 100 AB's in the majors and can't hit lefties. To me, and to most of what I have seen reported/projected, he is a platoon player. We'll see about the 2 WAR floor, that seems pretty ambitious to me.
  8. Im not upset about losing Matt Thompson, im upset that our organization that is rebuilding is trading away prospects for low upside situational players. The upside of a prospect clicking and figuring it out is way more valuable to this team than a lefty reliever. I don't care what his name is, I care more about what he could be for this team in the future. Rebuilding teams don't need to be trading prospects for low level middle relief. Its absurd. And if you are of the belief that they are just clearing out guys they don't like or don't think will make it, I have a problem with that as well since the guy now in charge was responsible for developing and bringing those guys up in his previous gig. Not very inspiring to me. We have now traded away two SP prospects and in return have received two low ceiling players. I don't understand the logic.
  9. Hate this one. Yet again the Sox, who are hurting for starting pitchers, trade a young prospect for a marginal return. One platoon outfielder and now a low leverage reliever. In what world is that in the blueprints for a rebuilding team?? This organization is just run by clowns, starting at the very top with Bozo.
  10. We have 6-7 reasonable rotation options in AAA? We don't even have 5 reasonable rotation options on the MLB roster, much less in AAA.
  11. Its sad that my memory of TA is now of him being one of the worst players in baseball and getting knocked out on the field after trying to be a tough guy.
  12. Seriously, Eloy is a DH who has to run max effort maybe 1-2 times a game. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be playing 150+ if able.
  13. I appreciate the effort in your post, we’re all fans or we wouldn’t be here. That being said, this is easily one of the worst rosters n baseball top to bottom. We also have a manager who openly admits he isn’t playing for development. This is going to be a long season of trash veterans getting way more rope than they should, and the result of that is going to be a very depressing product. I can’t even squint and see a scenario where this team sniffs .500 ball by game 162. It’s not going to happen, because even if they all play over their heads they’re getting traded come mid-end July anyways.
  14. You're way off base here man. If it was just his opinion, then he would have just said he disagreed. You don't put "..............I disagree" if it isn't alluding to something he heard. And anyways, he came back later in the thread after the fact and said the Orioles circled back to Cease the other day. That's a little more than opinion based.
  15. This organization was left in such disarray that I cant really blame Getz for having to do quantity deals to try and at least get some competent baseball players into this system. The MLB team severely under-performed and the cupboard was bare in the minors. The real eye test to me is going to be what he does with Dylan Cease. That's the first real value chip he has to play. I understand what he is doing with what he has to work with today, I care more about what its going to look like when the Hahn stench is rinsed off and now its Getz team.
  16. Absolutely, I just meant the return was fair for a rental player making $15 million.
  17. Especially when you consider he is a 1 year rental and you are paying him 15 million for this one season.
  18. Completely agree, the Seattle trade was great. A loser team has no use for a good reliever outside of trading them. The Arizona trade, that's the type of deal I would have been completely happy with going into 2021 when there was a need for that kind of player to fill a hole on a contending team. For the 2024 White Sox, it makes no sense to me. Especially when you consider we have no major league pitching and need all the bullets we can get since we wont be signing any high priced FA pitchers.
  19. You called Fletcher an All-Star OFer for the next 6+ years. Go away.
  20. The White Sox today have exactly 1 quality starting MLB pitcher and they are trying to trade him. It makes zero sense to me to trade a potential future option for a low ceiling outfielder considering the state of the franchise.
  21. This trade sucks. We have no pitching, why are we trading pitching prospects for mediocre OF talent. Who can say “I’ll trust the Sox judgement on Mena” with a straight face? This organization hasn’t earned the trust of anyone.
  22. Ok I can accept that, thought you were trying to downplay ceases value
  23. Huh? Byrnes is on a 1 year $15 million dollar deal. It’s not that comparable.
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