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Everything posted by T R U

  1. The longest playoff appearance drought in the NFL right now is 13 years. (Jets) Its then Broncos (8), Panthers (6), Falcons (6). Every other team in the league is at 3 or less. So outside of 4 teams, everyone in the league is routinely making the playoffs. The longest playoff appearance drought in the MLB right now is 9 years (Tigers & Angels). Its then Pittsburgh (8), Kansas City (8), Colorado (5), and Washington (4). Everyone else is at 3 years or less. I would say they are pretty close to equal in terms of competitive balance if you want to measure by playoff appearances.
  2. I can't even recall going to a game where the roof was open.
  3. This is laughably bad. Last year, the Bears traded the #1 pick for the #9 overall pick, the #61 overall pick, a 2024 1st round pick, a 2025 2nd round pick, and a pretty good WR. This article thinks the Patriots would trade the #3 overall pick for the #9 overall pick, Justin Fields, and a 2025 6th round pick. If Justin Fields was worth the equivalent of a 1st round pick, 2 seconds, and an established good player at a skill position the Bears wouldn't be trading him because they would already have their QB.
  4. T R U

    The 2024 Blizzard

    Hell, even we got some snow during this thing and im in Houston. Luckily, were back to the 65-70's this week
  5. I don't get it, but im also not a huge basketball fan, how does Doc Rivers keep getting head coaching jobs? This is his 5th head coach job now, doesn't that kind of tell you hes not the guy.
  6. Yeah I saw Balta post that in the minors forum and just shook my head.
  7. I think there is very little chance this team wins 70 games. Is the roster as of today 10 games better than last years team? I don't think so. Yeah, the defense will be better but now were just losing games 6-3 instead of 9-3. And 3 seems generous with the projected lineup at the moment. The starting rotation stinks, the bullpen stinks, the offense stinks. This roster is no better than the 61 win roster of 2023. If Cease is traded before opening day, our entire rotation is filled with question marks. There is not one reliable starter outside of Cease on this roster or in the minors.
  8. I treat this just like I did when there were a handful of people who thought Giolito was going to return a bag of balls at the deadline. You will be proven wrong once Cease is inevitably traded, and you'll be happy about it.
  9. He should set the bar high, that's how you get maximum return. I do think he doesn't make it to OD on the roster, I just changed my stance from the Sox not getting good offers to its more likely Getz just isn't budging on his initial asking price. I think you can only play that card for so long before it starts getting too dicey. With a vastly improved defense, as long as he doesn't get hurt, I think Cease will be fine if he has to pitch for the Sox the first half of the year.
  10. Well that's the problem, no one knows what has really been discussed or offered. I just tend to believe that if the options are no one has offered anything fair for Cease OR Getz has a ridiculous asking price, I would lean towards Getz having a ridiculous asking price. I don't recall seeing anyone in MLB circles as far as reporting goes report anything along the lines of Cease not returning a "haul" so I really don't think this has to do with subpar offers.
  11. You're right, we don't. You can use common sense and history to tell you that a durable SP that is cheap and under control for 2 more seasons with Cy Young potential doesn't get the cold shoulder when put on the market. The only reasonable explanation, or assumption, at this point is that the asking price by Getz is probably outside of the realm of reality at this time.
  12. I can recall seeing posters who know people as well as articles posted in this thread that have said the Sox asking price is sky high on this. I think no one has met the price because the price is absurd. I just don't see a reality where no one has offered the Sox a fair trade package, there is obviously something else that has prevented this from getting done by now.
  13. I would love to know what has been offered for Cease from other clubs. For most of this thread, I have been under the assumption that there haven't been strong offers and Getz has been waiting it out to improve on that. I am now starting to feel like they have gotten good, strong offers and Getz is just not budging from some kind of ridiculous ask he is staying firm on.
  14. If the Orioles can't trade Westburg and 3 prospects who are in their 8-15 range then they just aren't serious about it. That's not unreasonable at all.
  15. That was a dump trade, this isnt even close to similair in player talent/value
  16. Meh, that's not enough for me and I would hope Getz feels the same. If they aren't budging on their top 50 guys the package has to be 4 players.
  17. I think I would do Westburg, Beavers, McDermott & Horvath for Cease. I am not thrilled with a 25 year old 2B as the big piece here but its a solid overall package IMO.
  18. I don't want to hold him at all, I think it would be stupid to take that risk when you are clearly not attempting to compete this coming season and you will not resign the player. I don't see a worthwhile gain from waiting until the deadline to trade him, its not moving the needle enough to hold him. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
  19. By scouting reports/general prospect rankings. I believe the trade will be for 3-4 prospects and be structured something like this 2 high end guys, 1 mid tier guy OR 1 high end guy, 2 mid tier guys, 1 back end guy Listen, its going to happen barring an arm explosion from Cease. We just saw Giolito get traded for a top 100 guy and another of a teams top 5 prospects. This was for 2 months. There really is no scenario where the return for Cease is a light as some of you guys are making it seem. When it happens, no idea. Its going to happen eventually.
  20. They will absolutely get 2 pcs definitively better than Ortiz when he is eventually traded, no doubt about it.
  21. With that win, the Miami Dolphins now take over the longest post season winless drought in the main 4 major american sports. Last win happened in 2000, and even that one was lucky. Between the White Sox and Dolphins, I have 2005 and thats pretty much the only good thing that has happened in my sports fandom existence.
  22. Didn’t you hear? All their prospects are guaranteed to work out and no one will have regression. Why add anything?
  23. This guy is a dope, I don’t know why people continue to entertain him.
  24. I’m trying to reserve judgement because they were missing 6 defensive starts and playing in crazy weather BUT they were 8-3 and folded last season, 9-3 and folded this season. If it happens again next year you have to fire him. Also, not so sure Tua is the guy anymore. He’s a one read guy with no stand out traits or athleticism. I wouldn’t extend him.
  25. If I had two options and they were Cease gets injured and craters his value or Cease gets traded for Ortiz+Povich+Beavers I will take the trade of Ortiz+Povich+Beavers. Again, what I said was just a hypothetical and am not advocating to just give him away to avoid injury.
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