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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Hey shuf do you ever go to K State games or are you just a KU fan? My mom use to go to KU, she had a class with Greg Osertag.. lol
  2. Muscular Women are gross... They need to be soft and sweet to the touch to tickle my fancy
  3. Yup especially since the Illini lost NONE! Cept for some bench warming Seniors.. Hopefully Dee Brown will be able to play, if not we are still throwing a good team out there
  4. T R U


    Stick in there.. I felt the same way when I asked for sig help and no one responded for days, it made me sad but then all of the sudden I go to check and BAM! I got a badass sig... Be patient, your time shall come
  5. haha man I loved it.. And I hope OU is ready... It will make for a better game... K State has always played OU tough, its always a good game.. But looking back at the past two years K State could have EASILY been in contention for a National Title shot both years... Out of all the games they lost in the past 2 years which is 6 IIRC, none have been by more than 7 points.. When they lose, they lose a close one... EDIT: I think they have lost 7 games the past 2 years, one being the bowl to OSU
  6. Nebraska was not a very good team last year despite the 9 - 3 record... I am not saying Mizzou cant surprise some weaker teams, but K State is not a weak team Thats 12 years... Mizzou hasnt beat K State in 12 years... Cant beat them at home, cant beat them in Manhattan... I dont see it happening again this year due to what I have already said in previous posts
  7. Why couldnt it happen?? Last year I was prolly one of the ONLY people who said K State would beat OU in the Big 12 Title game... I even won $20 off my friend because I bet him K State would not only win, but beat their ass and I was right.. My man Sproles tore through that "Untouchable" defense like it was nothing... Look at what K State did to OU with an Average QB (Yeah he could run, but throwing wise he was not that great.) and a Poor recieving core (Terry was the only standout) Darren Sproles only added to the embarassment that was OU in the Big 12 Title game... Not much has changed in Manhattan, Ide say the QB situation has gotten a little worse with Dylan Meier stepping in, but not that worse.. and I actually think that the WR group has got better.. The defense by far is going to win them a lot of games this year... I love defense, and K State has one hell of a Defense.. Oh yeah and they have a QB waiting in the wings thats going to be a STUD in Nick Patton
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaha..... but seriously Why dont you go check out when the last time Mizzou beat Kansas State was, LOOONGGG time ago there my friend.. I am not worried bout it in the least little bit K State has a STUD RB and a Defense that is top 10 in the nation year in an out...
  9. uh oh... that would make me a fake Texan I was born in Chicago, ive only been in texas for 12 years happy b day Tex!
  10. Last year H Towns defense was pretty good, they were about in the middle of the NFL but that was because thier offense was dead last and the defense spent so much time on the field.. Jamie Sharper led the league in tackles last year and the Texans added TWO first round picks who are going to start on their defense in Jason Babin and Dunta Robinson.. The Chargers are either going to be starting Drew Brees, who sucked it up last year.. OR Phillip Rivers, who is a rookie.. If I were you I would pick up the Texans for this game, the Texans are playing at home too which should help them out.. The Chargers are veryyyy poor on offense and LT isnt someone to not worry about, but I think the Texans are going to be able to shut their offense down.. So yes, I think it would be a smart move P.S. I live in Texas and follow the Texans so I am a credable source
  11. Damn right.. Kansas State also shut him down, which will happen again this year as Kansas State wins the Big 12 North again... They have the leading heisman Candidate in Darren Sproles, who is going to go absoloutley nuts this year and break Ricky Williams Big 12 Rushing Record.. Kansas State has one hard game this regular season, and its against Oklahoma WHO Kansas State b**** slapped in the Big 12 Title game.. God I loved watching that.. The Big 12 North is so weak this year, and K State is going to run all over them.. Mizzou is the most over hyped team in the Big 12, they arent going anywhere
  12. haha holy s***, for a second there i thought you were serious because i didnt see the faces at the bottom...
  13. I think the amazing thing is even after this guy screwed his face up, he still felt good enough to pose for that picture... what a champ
  14. what exactly does euthanized mean? Ive never heard it
  15. T R U

    Hey, i'm new.

    Ok but what part of Texas do you live in... because where I live we dont get snow and as cold as it gets is about 50 degrees
  16. I bet he doesnt give up a run in the first inning
  17. There is only 3 people from Texas on this board so I think our chances of winning is slim to none...
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