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Everything posted by T R U

  1. ahhh... you are right... Diaz and Grilli are going to have to come up HUGE for any chance.. It can be done, but WILL it is the question
  2. T R U

    Hey, i'm new.

    Phhh my dads from Minnesota... I just love hearing his stories about life on the farm and walking miles to school and all the other weird ass minnesota stuff they did... Texas owns, no doubt about it
  3. It doesnt matter what kind of person you are treating an animal like that is complete bulls***, and she should get everything that comes along with that.. Just because you dont like cats you seriously dont care that she tied a rope around its neck and was swinging it around and slamming it into things? I love animals, and nothing pisses me off more to see something like this.. That is just sick
  4. Thats right, and to get rid of him would be a stupid move IMO... One that will come back to bite us in the ass
  5. Your right... They shoulda done something, Hunter could have easily scored on that without running through Burke, but insted he chose to run him over.. They should done something, but they didnt, which is weak
  6. Obviously its Aaron Rowand guys... come on... any fool could see that
  7. T R U

    Hey, i'm new.

    hey why is that in green Texsox!!!
  8. I didnt mean it like it was easily going to happen... I think I just stated it wrong
  9. T R U

    Hey, i'm new.

    im feelin the school thing... Im sitting in the library waiting for the cyber cafe to open so I can get a damn coffee.. Dont have any class till 1130 so I got some time to kill
  10. its just funny how everyone says no chance and its over when we can easily come out of this 4.5 games back, with 6 to go against the Twins...
  11. Hey im with you man, it can be done
  12. T R U

    Hey, i'm new.

    Hey man.... Texas is cold, we represent
  13. Knock yourself out, thats YOUR opinion I could care less what you like or dont like.. I think soccer is stupid and he doesnt, so what
  14. McCallister only scored 8 TD's last year I believe, where I think Harrison had more than that... Harrison is a LOCK for 1400+ and 12+ TD's
  15. Its just not something I would be interested in... If I wanted to know about it im sure I would know it back and forth and everything about it... but it doesnt strike my fancy, to say...
  16. I liked him.. dont know what happened to him though.. got banned for something, thats about all I can tell you
  17. No prob there... if theres anything else I can help you with just let me know
  18. I dont have a problem with that... your a soccer fan and I am not... doesnt make me nieve though... I didnt call you a dumbass for liking Soccer did I?.. Its cool man, its cool
  19. Pretty easy.. Soccer = Crap Hockey = Sweetness Pretty easy to understand there... no?
  20. NEVER!!!! HOUSTON COMETS ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Yeah... Branch has little to no fantasy value due to the fact they spread the ball out a lot in NE.... whereas Harrison is the main target in Indy
  22. Hockey is the s***... I cant wait for that to start up again... hopefully they actually have a season
  23. and yet I still think it sucks ass... but of coarse your a Soccer fan so that makes me nieve for not liking it.. screw that soccer s***... ide rather watch the WNBA
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