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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Jury duty

    Shake your head all you want
  2. Yeah they are an embarassment as far as I am concerned
  3. I havent played 05 online either... but if you wanna play ill play you
  4. T R U

    Open Challenge...

    Anyone wanna play some Online Madden??... Im looking to play some people from Soxtalk, I think it would be fun.. PM Me, Respond Here, IM me at T R U Perfection on AIM
  5. T R U

    Jury duty

    Im planning on dodging Jury Duty till the day I die... im 20 and havent seen a thing yet... but when I do I will claim racists against everyone or anything, I dont wanna have to do that crap
  6. T R U

    Jury duty

    Pretend like you never got it... unless you wanna do Jury Duty?
  7. Someone play me online in Madden... I am waitng for a response since I was supposed to play MinnesotaBearsFan but he dissapeared! So please, someone up for a game??
  8. Still doesnt make them enjoyable to watch... I cant stand womens sports, boring...
  9. You're so good at reading what did it mean He called the time out at 1:20 but the officials didnt actually call it till :20 Brown tried to call it off but under the rules the time out stands he didnt mean to show them up, thats just the way it was made out to be by the rules... Thats what it meant
  10. so what? Those years are on the shoulder of Lee and Konerko?
  11. I dont see why we just cant keep Lee and Konerko???? Why give up the two most productive players on our team this year??? Maggs and Valentin... those are who need to be let go
  12. T R U

    Jon Garland

    I cant see us trading him and I hope it doesnt happen... Garland has been a solid pitcher like him or not, just look at his numbers... His numbers are not much worse than Dontrelle Willis this year, would you trade him too if he was here??
  13. Way to go guys, I know youll do a great job just like the rest of the team..
  14. Oh yeah, I just noticed this.... I was wondering if I could get "Meter Maid" taken off and replaced with what I had 1/2 Man 1/2 Amazing Thanks guys
  15. He's only batting like .263 yeah he has 31 HR's and 30 Steals but I think he is WAYY over hyped
  16. Ide rather have Rowand than Torii Hunter Rowand is way better offensively and Rowand is no slouch in the OF
  17. T R U


    you can take Harris off that list... At least his avg is respectable and he has a high OBP
  18. Yeah way south TX around Brownsville. I had a customer call from that location a few weeks back...very interesting people there. There was a City Confidential (A&E show) about a murder in the brownsville area - my company also has a warehouse outfit there and the mfg is on the Matamoros side... the city confidential show was about the currandera (spelling?) who had a client's daughters ex-boyfiend murdered. The murdered boy's father worked in the same industry as Queen and I, he is a salerep for Kemet capacitors. Very sad. Yeah no kidding man, its like a damn oven in Texas... Its so hot, I sweat in the car driving to school... I for the AC crankin too!!! Walking across campus is a killer too, specially with books and what not... Dont worry, it will be cold for 2 weeks in december then its back to HEAT DAMN YOU TEXAS!!!!
  19. T R U


    I dunno man, that 87 MPH heater hes grooving in there is pretty threatening
  20. Stewart is terrible... I hope we are serious about adding another solid pitcher in the offseason.. If this season hasnt made them see they need a top notch guy, then I dont know what the deal is
  21. Yeah and it just so happens, after years of doing nothing, Beltre.. in his contract year mind you.... hits 40+ Homeruns and is batting .334 Insted of spending a ton to get one guy who hasnt proven that its gonna happen on a yearly basis I think we need to go for some more proven players and a stud pitcher.. Beltre IS having a great year, but he hasnt done anything in the past to warrant us to give him a big ass contract...
  22. I want my sig and avatar back the way it was the other day... If there is any way that is possible I would GREATLY appreciate that!!!! It was the best sig ever, and now its gawn... You dont know how much something means to you till its gone...
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