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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Yeah I guess being a competitive Franchise for almost 20 straight years means nothing... Chicago hasnt been competitive since the days of Eric Kramer And please, i dont wanna hear about the Fluke 13 - 3 season they had Dont get me wrong, I like the Bears.... but Miami is my team, I take them over Da Bears
  2. oh yeah.... Only NFL team to EVER go undefeated... and the only team that WILL ever be undefeated...
  3. 2 whats your point? and PLEASE dont tell me your a BEARS fan... wow, they have 1... oh yeah and who stopped them from being undefeated that year?? DAMN STRAIGHT
  4. Its not as desperate as you think... Playoff appearances with Lamar Smith - 1 in 1 year Playoff appearances with Ricky Williams - 0 in 2 years SOME MORE interesting miami facts...... Hasnt had a season below .500 since 1986 All time win % leader for ANY team in ANY professional sport
  5. Um... Actually for the first time in a long time it looks like Ogunleye is going to sign a long term deal and stay with Miami PENDING a trade... Personally, I would rather see them land Onterrio Smith or Michael Bennett... A Train isnt that good and Terrell isnt needed in Miami... They have Chambers and Boston with Derrius Thompson filling in nicely in the 3rd spot...
  6. Miami is my favorite team and let me be the first to say I cant believe Ricky Williams did this, this is the saddest day in my history of sports... Im shocked and BTW.... THe Dolphins wouldnt be stupid for doing this because their defense is always solid and they have people who can step in and perform at a good level for them without having to shell out big bucks for O Gun.. They can trade him and get what they need, I think they will be alright, but they would be a lot better with Ricky... Respect the Dreads or Dread the Disrespect 2002 - 2003
  7. i gotta agree.... Cotts does not belong in the majors right now.. he should be in AAA learning to be a starter.. Jackson?... yisa
  8. Hes not that good? Hmmm, no errors is pretty good... I never said he was a badass
  9. yeah i know, i was just really trying to point out no errors...
  10. C Lee has a fielding percentage of 1.000 No errors this year so far... hey he might win a Gold Glove
  11. T R U

    NCAA PS2 Online League

    This is for PS2 right?
  12. its ass.... you guys are way off
  13. T R U

    NCAA PS2 Online League

    Im gonna try ASAP.... If im too late its cool to go ahead without me but I would really like to join up..
  14. T R U

    ESPN NFL 2K5

    f*** off Tony... Yes, I do hate playing Madden... NCAA Gameplay is so much better than Maddens, but I do buy the game because I like the Franchise mode.. Ill play it occasionally but not as much as NCAA because I just cant stand it..
  15. T R U

    NCAA PS2 Online League

    Hey if you can give me some time to set my internet up in my room i will join as Ohio State..
  16. T R U

    NCAA Football 2005

    Can someone give me a better discription of those sliders and how they effect the game.. I dont wanna use them and then play some crappy school and have them get unrealistic yardage and what not..
  17. T R U

    ESPN NFL 2K5

    Your right man... I HATE playing Madden, it sucks ass.... but simming it is badass, its the only reason I ever get the game.. I buy it every year just to sim Owner mode.. I cant stand the 2k series... $20, I still wouldnt buy it NCAA is by far better gameplay than madden
  18. Frank Thomas? there are plenty of people who played college football and went on to play pro baseball.. its not everyone..
  19. 6/10 Math is my worst subject....
  20. T R U

    NCAA Football 2005

    What effects do those sliders have on the game Soxnbears?
  21. T R U

    NCAA Football 2005

    I think im the only person in this whole forum who can say that they have played against Vincent Young (Starting QB for Texas) Courtney Lewis (Starting RB for A&M) and Selvin Young (Back up RB for Texas) Vincent single handedly beat our team in the second round of the Texas 5A State Playoffs in 2002.. He ran all over the place and returned an INT for a Touchdown, which my friend threw, lol, so I always give him s*** and say "Hey at least you can tell your kids you threw Vincemt Young a TD pass in High School" Courtney Lewis was on Vincent Youngs team that year as well as the starting RB (They Played for Houston Madison) He also tore apart our defense.. Selvin Young played for Jersey Villiage and they sucked ass, but he was good.. We beat them 34 - 14 in the second game of the year... Playing High School Football in Texas, I have played against quite a few high profile college athletes
  22. Mr. Cleo?.. I was speaking for myself and the other poeple who like rap when I said NOT everyone thinks rap sucks... You are the one who likes to find ways to single me out, I dont even see where you get off saying I lump everyone who doesnt agree with me into one? The guy said Rap sucks, I responded and said not everyone thinks it sucks..
  23. At least someone can come out and give a reason to why the dont like rap, insted of just saying "Rap Sucks" I like rap, but I also like rock and 80's too.. And actually you have to be pretty damn talented to come up with some of the lyrics like they do... Eminem, 50, and Ludacris... Those are my 3 favorites... I like Mike Jones too... Paul Wall, Chamillionaire... good stuff
  24. Yeah, I didnt mean it like EVERYONE.. Im sure you got what I was saying but insted just decided to do your usual routine
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