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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Yeah I would do that, but thats not what Arizona did... Are you telling me you would trade Uribe, Rowand, Borchard, Rauch, and Diaz for Richie Sexson? (I tried to make that fit somehow )
  2. Junior Spivey .272 AVG 7 HR's 28 RBI's 33 Runs 5 SB (You are right though, he is out for i think a month with an injury) Lyle Overbay .337 AVG 9 HR's 61 RBI's 44 Runs 1 SB Craig Counsell .262 AVG 2 HR's 15 RBI's 41 Runs 9 SB Those are the top 3 hitters on the Brewers right now, all on Arizona last year, now helping the Brewers keep pace in the NL Central with 44 - 39 record..
  3. Yeah true, but where is Richie Sexson now? And still 7 players for one is a bit extreme, you mean to tell me if they wouldnt have made that trade they would still be as bad?? I wasnt meaning to say Spivey is like all world or anything, I was just trying to say that 7 players for one is quite a stretch... Also, look at Milwaukee now, they are in the race for the division and wildcard... of coarse it all depends if they can keep it up or not, but do you think they would be in that posistion if it wasnt for the trade?
  4. I understood what you said, I wasnt the one who said anything to you... and chisoxfan14.. people do wanna catch a HR ball, but im pretty sure that they would much rather have a ball hit by thier team than a ball hit by the opposing team, which is why they would throw it back.. Unless of coarse you are the idiot who threw KGJ #501 back.... what a fool
  5. I think telling everyone to STFU might have led people to believe that we couldnt have an opinion, and we should, well, STFU... I dunno, I didnt feel like insults were getting thrown around.. We were just discussing throwing it back or not, and some people agreed with it and against it..
  6. LOL this was taken from CBSSportsline.com's Summer Bummers non all-star team....... First base: John Olerud, Seattle Mariners. The voting was especially close here between Olerud and Jason Giambi of the Yankees -- who, coincidentally, is on the actual All-Star team for some strange reason. Giambi certainly doesn't deserve to start Tuesday's game in Houston. He was hitting just .241 with 10 homers and a pitiful 32 RBI through midweek. Plus, he has parasites -- you think the extra-innings tie in Milwaukee two Julys ago was a fiasco, what if the rest of the AL All-Star team contracts parasites?
  7. Like I said, the All Star game is a joke
  8. T R U


    Boozer is a jackass If you tell a team its ok for them to NOT pick up your option because they want to sign you long term you need to honor that... Because they could have picked up the option and kept you there, but you said you wanted to play in the place you were drafted and given the opportunity.. but then you do handshake agreement and then say "f*** you Cleveland" at the first opportunity that comes along? Thats wrong, especially after all the BS he filled them with.. He shoulda atleast said "If you dont pick up my option we can negotiate a long term contract but I will also listen to other teams offers, and I am going where the best offer/fit is.."
  9. Yeah I do realize it was a joke... I wasnt pointing my displeasure at the poster.... but at the All Star game.. I knew it was a joke
  10. wow.... that is exactly why fans dont need to vote PK's numbers are WWAY better than those, and he didnt make it? Ridiculous :headshake
  11. haha Loaiza... no way ARZ is trying to rebuild because they were dumb enough to trade 7 players for Richie Sexson.... Two being Junior Spivey and Lyle Overbay, morons.. Loaiza wouldnt be accepted by ARZ, i think it would be more them asking for Garland
  12. Honestly, Ive never done it... Ive never even gotten a foul ball...
  13. cant give up Gio anyway.... just drafted him, gotta wait a year
  14. im pretty sure he was being sarcastic due to the ammount of people on this board who have said stuff about how special catching a HR ball is and how "once in a lifetime" it is
  15. How can anyone argue that??
  16. be that as it may, I still wouldnt see the need for someone to be arrested for throwing the opponents HR back onto the field... Its not like they throw them at the players (Obviously not because YOUR team would be in the field) They arent trying to harm anyone.. I just think arresting someone for that would be a little extreme where as I can see being escorted from the park..
  17. Ide still go if I could... I wouldnt care if we were the worst team in the majors, ill go see my team play live any day... I dunno, its just something that wouldnt matter to me, I would enjoy myself at the game live no matter what..
  18. T R U


    Hey im just glad that we won the game and actually HIT the ball and scored some runs today... I dont care if he was trying to hit the ball out of the park... we came back and won, and when you lose 5 in a row, and havent score more than 2 runs in the last 6 games, a comeback win is huge
  19. I can see escorted from the park, but arrested??
  20. People are going to do what they want in that situation, that doesnt mean you should pass judgement on someone you dont even know by calling them heartless and only care for themselves... Thats your opinion, but you dont know me man, and I dont see where you can say something like that.. :headshake People have diff opinions on things, doesnt make them a bad person... after all, its only a GAME
  21. You said "Yes, he is" and then quoted my statement about how that makes me heartless and only caring about myself.... then you went on to say you would throw it back on the field too if criteria were met.. I just dont understand what the "Yes,he is" meant...
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