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Everything posted by T R U

  1. What the hell does that mean? Because I say I would throw the HR ball of an opposing player back onto the field it makes me a heartless person who only cares about himself? ....interesting
  2. Fans should not be allowed to vote, bottom line... Thats what ruining the All Star Game... People get on the internet and vote a million times for their favorite player rather than stats... The All Star game is a popularity contest, its pathetic, and I never watch it.. I watch the HR derby, but the game itself, im not interested... If I wanna watch the Yankees play Ill wait till they come on ESPN
  3. YOU think thats what you should do with it, but that doesnt represent everyone else... Everyone has their own opinion, and whatever they choose to do with it is what happens.. It is what it is
  4. Are you saying this because Cubs fans do it and you dont want Sox fans to do it because of that or do you just not like it?? Im with Brando, why the f*** would I want a Ron Belliard HR ball?? I dont care what you call me, if I am at a game and the opposing teams hits a HR and I get it... that b**** is going back on the field I didnt go see my team play to take home a f***ing HR ball from the other team, take that s*** back to the umpire
  5. Brandos right.... plus Blaylock has an uppercut swing.. When he makes contact with the ball its a violent swing
  6. How can you sit there and say the All Star game is a joke... The Winner gets home field advantage!
  7. I dont think the Sox have a say in scheduling... i think thats all MLB
  8. If Thomas doesnt need surgery you dont agree 15 days off, and a lot of treatment, wouldnt help out any? Ide rather have him take the 15 off now then play on it and f*** it up even more
  9. which is good because you usually face more RH pitchers.. I think its time to give Borchard a shot to prove to everyone why Jeremy Reed was expendable and JB was not given away..
  10. If Thomas gets the word from the Dr that he doesnt need Surgery, then I say we send him to the DL and let them make that ankle as good as possible and call up Borchard to take his place.. Let him get some time with the club and see if he can do it this time, and if he cant well Thomas will be back soon anyway but if he goes nuts, damn what would we do then?? Maybe it Makes a Maggs trade even that more inticing
  11. I thought Thomas situation was a "MIGHT" go to the DL
  12. LOL. MSF I thought when that said "Team Status" I thought that meant our team.. haha...
  13. In reply to reading those nit picking "Mistakes" all i have to say is... Its a f***in movie you nerds, who gives a crap? It was still good (Those comments are directed to those people who found those "mistakes" which are for the most part really detailed ones, and not to who started this thread)
  14. Yeah i noticed that one too... not the other day but one of the times I have watched that movie
  15. I was just about to start a thread asking when did we get Reggie Taylor... but you guys are all over it
  16. Damn youd think we'd be a lot better with all the 10 - 2, 12 - 0, 7 - 2 and all the nice records I see... lol
  17. T R U

    NCAA Football 2005

    I pre ordered tha game back in june... I cant wait
  18. Well when Willie was a full time starter he was over .300 When he was benched, why I dont know, and now playing every few days he has lost it.. He needs to be left at 2nd base, and he will produce
  19. T R U

    Garcia In

    Explain why Maggs deserves Vlad money
  20. I also agree with you that I dont like what we gave up after seeing they wanted Borchard, but lets just hope it all works out for us..
  21. I had to vote alright because even though we got Freddy, which I love that we did.. We cant rely on Sandy and Burke for the future, and we dont have any catchers we could bring up... so now we need a catcher.. We will be fine for this year but im talking down the road, if we improve on catcher, then the deal was great
  22. too good looking that she is now bad looking?? Anna could never be labeled as bad looking
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