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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Anna Kournakova is still better looking IMO
  2. SSI Let it go man, Aboz just re-opened this and even SAID no more of that crap and the FIRST THING YOU POST is in retaliation to something last night... get over it man and quit ruining this post for other people... let it go
  3. Yes Hawk is the one that died
  4. Exactly. You obviously mis understood what me and SoxAce meant, because to sit there and accuse us of wanting a Mariner player to be better than a Sox player was wayyyy off... Borchard should have already been in the majors by know and NO ONE can deny he has been a bust so far... So what am I supposed to be excited about? Reed hadnt been dissapointing at all for us... He hits for average, he gets on base, he steals bases.. Hes just a regular guy, and thats why I liked him.. I am not hoping Reed is better than Borchard, I hope im wrong, but until Borchard shows me something to make me believe he is going to be a successful player, than I am sticking with what I said... Reed>Borchard
  5. IM NOT ROOTING FOR HIM TO DO BETTER... I THINK he will do better... It doesnt mean I am gonna become the biggest Jeremy Reed fan in the World.. I think Reed would have been a better fit for our organization than Borchard, and I think we are going to see that sometime down the road.. If Borchard comes up and hits .270 with 35 HRS GREAT! Awesome! Then I wont think that this was a bad decision... but Borchard hasnt done anything to get me excited about his future career...
  6. LOL WOW.... your ridiculous man
  7. Get it through your head man... The Statement "Come back in 3 years and see who is having a better career" is to back the fact we should have kept Reed insted of Borchard..
  8. Yeah I am going to be rooting for Jeremy Reed to be good... He WAS in our organiztion he USE to be a White Sock (correct usage?) Its not like he came up with Seattle and I am rooting for him to be better than Borchard, thats not the case...
  9. You act like I am going to get mad if Borchard hits a HR, or does something good because I want Reed to be so much better than him.. Bottom line is, I think we should have kept Reed because I think he will have a better career than Borchard, and again, would have really been something we need.. Another power hitter with a low average is NOT what we need...
  10. Yeah it is picking sides... its saying we think we should have kept Reed.. What has Borchard done to warrant me to think he is going to be a superstar? He hasnt done anything.. I want him to be a good player for us, but so far it hasnt been shown... Neither myself nor SoxAce said we hope Borchard sucks and Reed blows him away in the majors... We both stated we THINK Reed will have a better Career than Borchard as reasoning for why we should have kept Reed...
  11. are you insane? Making that comment "Come back to me in 3 years and see who is having a better career" Is to back the statement WE SHOULD HAVE KEPT REED AND TRADED BORCHARD!!!! I was in no way saying I hope Borchard sucks and Reed is god...
  12. Here try to understand this SSI... I wish we would have traded Borchard insted of Reed because I think Reed will have a better career than Borchard, and be more of an asset to our club.. Edit: I meant WOULD have been a better asset to our club, since he obviously is no longer here I am not rooting for Borchard to suck, I hope he does come around but so far that has not been the case..
  13. Dude you dont understand or you wouldnt be making the foolish comments you are..
  14. I fail to see what your getting at here... Are you telling me that if we trade Maggs you are going to be anti maggs as well and Wish Borchard to be better than Maggs in RF?? I liked Reed, and I wish we would have traded Borchard insted... Im gonna cheer for Jeremy Reed to do good in his career as he most likely will.. Borchard on the other hand was labeled as so much, and he hasnt done anything and now he is drawing near the line of not being a prospect anymore and just a huge BUST.. I can cheer for who I like, wheather they be on the Cubs, Twins, or Yankees... Doesnt change the fact that the Sox are my team..
  15. Your point means we have to like Borchard more than Reed because Borchard is in our system?? When Borchard gives me a reason to like him I will, but so far he has been a dissapointment where as on the other hand Reed has done nothing but impress..
  16. I agree with you there, I think Reed is an above average runner as well
  17. Just because I am a sox fan doesnt mean I am restricted to cheer for ONLY the Sox and support ONLY the Sox players... I am a fan of the game, and if I like someone I am going to cheer for them
  18. yeah im sorry that I support someone who was OUR minor league player of the year and potential star who was traded like a week ago? Reed will be better than Borchard... thats my opinion
  19. Looks like they got you there CWSguy406...
  20. If you wanna get excited about a Sox Prospect go look at what Gio Gonzalez is doing so far.... he looks like he is going to be something special
  21. SoxAce Im with you.... Come back to me in 3 years and lets see who has better numbers... HELL lets see who is actually in the MAJORS... because Borchard might not even be there if he doesnt turn the corner soon..
  22. ok?.. when did I ever say you were on one side of the fence You said "If he can get his s*** together" All I did was say how long are we gonna have to wait... I READ your post, I know where you stand... I wasnt even talking about YOU I was using the potential line thats all... :headshake
  23. So are you trying to tell me that they play people in OF posistions based on thier power numbers??
  24. and how long are we gonna have to wait for him to "Get his s*** together" 3 more years?? He has been a bust so far, not ONE person on this board can deny that.. If he doesnt change that soon everyone is going to give up on him.. I dont want another .240 hitter that can hit 30 HR's... We dont need that.. What would be nice is a #2 hole hitter who can hit.300 and get an OBP around .380-.400 and steal some bases... that woulda been nice
  25. Who says you have to play a posision based on how many HR;s you can hit? Ichiro in RF, he has little power Your ability to hit HR's has nothing to do with where you play in the field.. its your defense abilites
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