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Everything posted by T R U

  1. On a lighter note.... Lets all imagine that people were skunks, would we be playing in US Smellular Field?? Eh eh.... get it?????
  2. When my aunt lived in Seattle a few years back she saw Ken Griffey Jr who at the time was my favorite player.. Well my birthday was coming up and she asked him for an autograph for my birthday because he was my favorite player and he said no... Thats when he no longer was my favorite player... that and the fact that he didnt come out with anymore cool shoes
  3. The more and more I look at it the more and more I want to trade Maggs to get peices for this year insted of giving him 14 - 17 mil a year
  4. T R U

    Spiderman 2

    It really was good, or at least I thought it was... Better fight scenes than the first one
  5. The Avalanche are my favorite team, so I follow them a lot... and from what I hear they might keep Kariya
  6. THE greatest tag team Soxtalk has EVER seen
  7. T R U

    Spiderman 2

    Ok you know what.... When you enter a thread titled "Spiderman 2" maybe you should EXPECT that people are talking about the movie.... just maybe?? If you didnt wanna read anything about it you should have never entered the Thread... use some common sense.. And on another note, I was asked to apologize to you for "lashing out" which I am going to say right now I WILL NOT DO.. Sorry, I just dont like you Steff.. Ever since ive joined this board ive had a problem with you, maybe because its the fact that you think your some badass who everyone has to like or your just going to be rude to them.. Ive seen you do it to lots of people.. so no, I will not apologize to you, I would rather take the suspension.. I guess you take pride in having a war of words with a 20 yr old over a message board? I dunno, but if I am going to be held responsible for "lashing out" and your not gonna be told anything for your response, calling me a prick or whatever, I guess thats how it has to be. I have nothing more to say
  8. T R U

    Spiderman 2

    go watch the f***ing movie, I said like one thing.... It didnt spoil anything, insted of being a b**** about it you could just keep your mouth shut?? I mean, is that possible?
  9. And if we win by one game lets all remember the game winning 2 run HR he hit and admired... quit your b****ing people...
  10. T R U

    Spiderman 2

    The Next Spiderman they make is going to have Harry Osbourne as the Hob Goblin (The same thing as The Green Goblin, just orange) In case you didnt pay attention, Harry stumbled across his Dad's (The Green Goblin) secret room with the Human Growth things and all the bombs and Glider... Harry turns into the Hob Goblin and thats what the next one is going to be about... Its true to the comic
  11. Buehrle is 8 - 2 and Loaiza is 8 - 3 How much better do you think they are going to get I am pleased with BOTH of them this year, I think they are pitching to their potential
  12. You damn right... Thats where we are going to make some SERIOUS ground
  13. Im gonna say that we win this Division by 10 + games Minnesota is an average team, thats all they are... period
  14. Seriously quit b****ing Not only did he hit a HR today, he won the damn game GET OVER IT! I dont give a s*** if he does a little dance at home plate, we SWEPT the Twins and you can thank Carlos Lee for that one
  15. We are a much better team than last year... we havent even had MAGGS in over a month... Our bench players are actually GOOD this year compared to Daubach and Rios The Twins arent going to add anyone, their owner already said that he is not going to raise the payroll due to the fact that they didnt get a new stadium deal They are an average team, maybe even below average.. Last year they had people like Milton, Guardado, and Hawkins... All Gawn.. Shannon Stewart is hurt, and they have a tough August and September
  16. Send Garland to the pen?... I hope they wouldnt do that, Garland is better than Show
  17. I believe it was aboz who started some thread that was like "A Realistic look at where we could be by the All Star break" and he had us "realistically" looking at being back by 5 -6 games or so Plus im seeing a lot of people saying "blah blah blah dont count out the Twins, blah blah blah" Wake up guys, the Twins are an average team.. They can sneak up and steal one from you IF you make stupid mistakes.. They have had an easy schedule so far this year and we have OWNED them (6 - 3 Overall, 5 - 1 in the Metrodome) Take a look at August and September White Sox August Opponents KC (5) DET (7) BOS (6) CLE (8) Twins August Opponents ANA (6) BOS (1) NYY (3) OAK (4) TEX (4) SEA (3) CLE (6) Thats just August, now look at September.. White Sox September Opponents MIN (6) KC (5) DET (6) OAK (2) TEX (4) ANA (3) SEA (3) Twins September Opponents NYY (3) CLE (4) CHW (6) BAL (6) TEX (2) KC (3) DET (4)
  18. I called it before the series and im sticking to it... WHITE SOX SWEEP I am not gonna back down from what I felt was gonna happen... and im also pretty sure what I say doesnt effect the way the Sox play.. win, lose, or draw
  19. Im an eductaed baseball fan and I do like our lineup better than theirs... We have out produced them so far this year, so where is it valid to call theirs better? And our top 3.. I think they are better than their top 3 Vasquez, Mussina, and Brown Vs. Buehrle, Loaiza, and Garcia And the only reason all thier pitchers are 10 Million Dollar men is because thats the only way the Yankees can get them, overpay (Except Brown, he was overpaid for by the Dodgers.. And he isnt even as good as he once was)
  20. Jones is just as good as Maggs offensively NOT to mention he is in a pitchers park, put him in a hitters park like the cell and he goes off like a light switch at bedtime
  21. Well see where they both lie come August... I doubt either of them are anywhere near contention
  22. The best thing I got from the Rumor Mill..... Carl Pohlund, the Twins GM, said they will NOT add payroll due to the fact they did not get a new stadium deal
  23. Freddy pitched outstanding tonight 9 K's... 0 BB's I am excited about the rest of this season
  24. Maggs is not that much better than Jones... Actually I think Jones is better than Maggs overall due to the fact hes a GG fielder who can also steal a lot of bases.... He has better power numbers and with the right people in front of him his RBI #'s would soar... He plays in a PITCHERS park... put him in the Cell for one year and look at his numbers I can guarantee you they will be better than Maggs.. Oh yeah, hes 27... and will be sticking around for a while..
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