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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    More Idiots

    I dont understand the big deal about bad language... Everyone will use it some time in thier life... There is no avoiding it, its just a part of life... I remember when I use to be scared to cuss when i was little but now im in college and my parents dont even care... I dunno but starting a fight over it is not the answer
  2. a Stretch? Buehrle owns the Twins Garcia's record is because of less than 2 runs of support from Seattle Offense... If we put up 5, hell even 4 I think we have that game.. Garland is due to come in the clutch for us this series and I think he will... Our players are going to be jacked for this series.. I just have a feeling, thats what im saying
  3. The Sox have beat Minnesota 4 of the last 5 beating Silva and Santana in that stretch not to mention they have all been blowouts... I never said that this division is the Sox, what I did say is that this is our year and the Twins cant just expect that since they won it the past two years they have it for a third without worrying about our team which is playing much better than last year... Buehrle, Garcia, and Garland... I expect nothing less than 3 wins from them this week in the Homer Dome (Where the Sox are 3 - 1 this year)
  4. A man was sitting on his couch watching TV one day when the doorbell rang.. He went to answer the door, looked around and saw no one, he then looked down and saw a snail.. The man picked up the snail and threw him.. 10 years later the doorbell rings again and the man again answers the door.. He looks around and no one is there, he then looks down and sees the snail again.. The snail says "What the f*** was that about??"
  5. T R U

    Hair-do from hell

    hoey.................. that sucks
  6. Man I wish I had teachers that looked like that She looked good from what I saw.... but hey, kids are maturing faster these days
  7. T R U

    Worst Humans of 2004

    How the f*** can someone be so sick? There are some f***ed up people in this world, some real f***ed up people.. Namely all those mother f***ers over in Afghanistan, its people like that that make me want to join the army and f*** them up (sorry for the language, but this s*** pisses me off )
  8. SO because they won the division LAST YEAR they can talk s*** for this year?? Its a new season, no one is the Central Division Champ yet... No one cares what you did last year, thats LAST YEAR... You gotta worry about this year, and this year is the Sox year.. We dont need to talk s***, let Minnesota talk s*** about last year... As far as I can see we are the only team in the division making the moves to make a run at not only the Central Title, but the World Series.. Minnesota on the other hand hasnt done anything yet, and they have a lot of weak points... but they won Last Year so its all good for them
  9. Oh I thought that I saw that KW said Reed was untouchable? maybe im wrong
  10. Yeah I checked it out, hes not starting... I want to see him play though... its sad hes gone but hes a great player and guy... I wish him well
  11. The Royals are going to sell off more of their players come the deadline... we should be happy we have them 7 of the last 10 because that could easily be 7 victories ending out the year...
  12. so what are you 12 and a half now? I have seen nothing but moronic posts from you...
  13. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL...... WHAT THE ROCK.... IS..... COOKIN' lmao... i know i suck at editing pictures
  14. If I could add them on the same I would but I have no clue
  15. Your joking right? Teahen was the A's best prospect.. Mark Wood was like 11 - 3 with a 2.87 ERA in AA... and John Buck was hitting like .338 with 19 HR's in the Astros AAA KC got everything they wanted, and they are all good prospects...
  16. I feel like someone died... This is seriously the worst Sox moment I have ever been through.... I didnt know adding Freddy Garcia was going to hurt this much.. MO was and WOULD HAVE BEEN a huge part of this team for years... and we trade him away... MO couldnt even comment he was so upset... this is horrible..
  17. "Olivo was too upset after the game to comment, a team spokesman said." "It was one of the hardest conversations I've ever had with a player," Williams said. Thats what I read on CBSSportsline.com, and reading that just kills me... I cant believe they traded Olivo
  18. Im not joking either... i seriously just cried... this is a sad sad day to be a White Sox fans... yes we get Gracia but he could very well be gone next year while MO is in Seattle becoming a stud...
  19. your crying on the inside? well after seeing the trade and then reading this goodbye Olivo thread I just got all teary eyed due to the fact that I cant believe we traded away Olivo... and I thought Kryptonite was my only weakness... i was wrong
  20. I didnt mean hold on to EVERY prospect nice sarcasm you jackass
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