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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Maggs, Borch, and Rauch for Jones, Ortiz, and Cruz good bye Maggs is all I have to say.. That would be a GREAT deal.. Maggs is gone after this year, no matter what you believe, and Jones would be SOLID for a long time.. GG CFer with speed and power and can hit between .270 - .300 its what we have been lookin for, a CFer who can play! Not to mention adding two arms, we win that deal hands down
  2. To all of you who falll under these guidlines :fyou and someone drop me some props for the prediction YRD MEH!!!!!
  3. your all a bunch of non believers and as soon as the final score is like Sox 5 - Cubs 3 you will all be singing a different tune Why cant you just hope the Sox win insted of talking about guaranteed losses and bulls*** like that?? come on.. thats pathetic.. I hope our TEAM doesnt think the same way all of you do
  4. Drew has been healthy all year what makes you think he will get hurt?? Hes putting it all together this year, its nice
  5. Why would we take a PR hit? Maggs is not the ICON of the White Sox.. Yeah he is a loved player but if you can get a LH power hitter in Drew... a pitcher who won 20 games last year in Ortiz and a solid man out of the pen... you do what you have to do everyone on this board is a Sox fan and realizes how that benefits the team better... why wouldnt other people see it that way?
  6. How do you know that they dont have someone they feel can come in and take the place of Ortiz (6 - 6, 4.00 + ERA)? Not to mention that Maggs is coming back any day now AND is better than JD Drew and a reliever and we give them Maggs and a prospect? I never said Smoltz.... BUT, that seems very fair to me and could still keep ATL in a race
  7. I dont know if they will give up Smoltz BUT if we can get Smoltz, Drew, and Ortiz I would give them Maggs, Rauch, and a good prospect
  8. I just hope its Maggs for Ortiz, Drew, and a reliever That seems fair to me
  9. JD Drew is a LH Power hitter who also hits for average... He would be a GREAT pick up and could go right into RF Plus we then get Ortiz who can be a #1... and another reliever.... it would make us better since we have already been hitting well without Maggs... and adding Drew?? Man it would be awesome
  10. If it can land us Ortiz, JD Drew, and a reliever that would be the great
  11. LMAO! I hope the Braves dont think its gonna be Maggs for Ortiz?? Man if that happened I would personally kick KW in the sack
  12. Yeah so what are you going to do when you sell the farm to get some rental peices to TRY and make a run and it doesnt happen? Thats right, the pieces leave and your left with lost talent in the minors.. If the Sox are going to trade away some top prospects with huge upsides they better get some people who are going to perform and that they can keep around.. No Carl Everett, no Robby Alomar.. If Maggs is leaving next year and we trade top prospects to get some rental players to try and win this year and then they all leave and maggs leaves... and then we have lost talent in the minors... we are screwed.. Yeah there are some things that fall under what Kruk said.. but we arent the Astros.. We dont have the pitching, although we are good, but if we put our best three against the Astros best three..... yisa
  13. no f***ing way.... If we give the Braves Rauch and Sweeney or Anderson I am going to boycott the rest of this season... If your going to give away a TOP prospect and a major league ready pitcher who just threw 5 ip with ONE run for RUSS ORTIZ your insane.. For god sakes if your going to give away that much get Freddy Garcia or Ben Sheets even if you have to wait a while to get them... This is definatly panic mode for the Sox.. I swear, if they do that deal, im going to put my attention to the Astros.. Dont get me wrong, I will always love the Sox.. but that deal will not only give away two peices of the future puzzle.. it is giving us a .500 pitcher who is struggling in the NL in a pitchers park... get the f*** outta here
  14. T R U


    Isnt it not all Garland who is responsable for what pitch he throws? I mean you never know what the call from the dugout was? If Garland chose to throw the curve to Hollandsworth then yeah its his fault but if it was called in then you cant really blame him.. I dont know if thats the case I was just saying it is a possibility... and anyways, I have a weird feeling about Diaz going against Zambrano.. I think we might pull it off
  15. Teahan was the A's best position prospect.... and Wood is an A's pitcher so you know he must have something good in him Buck was the Astros top prospect
  16. Dotel LICKS... 0 - 4 with a HIGH 3 ERA and 14 of 17 Saves Houston made out BEST on this deal
  17. KC Gets From Oakland: 3B Mark Teahan, P Mark Wood From Houston: C John Buck and now I get to see Beltran play whenever I want!!!!! Welcome to H Town C Beezy
  18. Butter Parque what the hell is wrong with you? 5 ip and 1 run and you complain about it? Not a surprise.. you were the fool who last night said Screw the White Sox and you were sick of them and all that...
  19. Houston has Brad Lidge to be closer now, who has been better than Dotel this year Houston is getting better from this deal by far... And now I get to go watch Beltran play
  20. Rauch needs to get out of this with no runs allowed, i think if he does we are in for a good day
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