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Everything posted by T R U

  1. lol yeah I saw the LF Unknown someone must have switched places with Lee and made an error
  2. E Lo is looking sharp tonight well from what i can tell on CBSSportsline.com
  3. Dont get too happy, this happens all the time We score like 1 run then we score 10+ im use to it
  4. Yeah I know about the game chats, all I was trying to get out is that I am getting sick of seeing people pick on Beastly im not saying its you, but I have seen it.. Mainly from Steff Its uncalled for... Yeah I have heard of Brownsville... I live in Katy
  5. interesting... well i can see your points and i think you might be right about it being a good signing I just wanted to hear some opinions
  6. Why do you think that its such a great signing when the man was getting pounded pitching for KC? Does him going to Boston make him that much better of a pitcher? Just wanna hear your thoughts on this
  7. or atleast made that special taco have rat poison or a cinide pill in it and no, thats not supposed to be in green
  8. Wait a minute, I just looked at MoTown04's PPD and it says 12 Im talking about the little thing that says Posts Per Day qwerty is at like 46 a DAY... MoTown04 is at 12 a day I am just saying that I think most of that has to be useless posts... so before you start jumping all over beastly, which most of EVERYONE does on this board, think about other people too Beastly is a cool guy i have talked to him over AIM and I have seen some of the s*** he gets, he doesnt deserve that and qwerty has been here like a month and already has almost 2000 posts... ive been here a year and im only almost at 1000.. Not trying to start anything, just throwing out some things ive noticed
  9. well im just saying off the top of my head... and btw, where do you live in Texas?
  10. How can you guys b**** at Beastly when you got people like qwerty who post 50 times a day?? Thats spamming... there is no way you can come on this board EVERY SINGLE DAY and post 50 times without over half of it being useless bulls***...
  11. Are you insane? If you cant see that it would kill the Sox for the cubs to win the World Series this year then you must be blind... I dont think you really know what it would be like and I would like to not find out
  12. Ide be worried... we need to make some roster moves and add what we need because we can win this division... we just need to add in some places
  13. Im sorry but I do not want to send Munoz out for another start... wins are becoming too important for us this year and.. as sad as this is.. Im pretty sure that the 0-8 by the 5th starter is going to cost us the division I hope im wrong
  14. Dude dont even blame the bullpen Munoz sucked ass... 11 ER in 3 ip This loss falls RIGHT on his shoulders, all of it... Dont blame the bullpen at all... Its Munoz fault And hey, it was his debut and he blew... it happens... but everyone knows that because of him we lost... not the bullpen, but Munoz
  15. YOU DAMN RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME Im sick of seeing this unproven pitchers who have no business being in the majors.. Its time to get a proven pitcher I say we trade Borchard, Reed, Honel, and one more Stud Prospect to get PITCHING... We dont need any offensive help, we are fine on that end but this is ENOUGH
  16. Get this b**** out of here... he isnt ready, this is why you dont bring up someone from DOuble A to pitch in the Majors 5 runs in 2 innings off the WORST OFFENSIVE TEAM IN THE LEAGUE f***ING SUPER (I am pissed as you can tell)
  17. Ive seen enough... and im also sick of hearing DJ say "Its ok he can give up three runs we just need to offense to bail him out" um yeah... maybe if he gave up 3 in 6 innings but its the bottom of the second... and from what ive seen im pretty sure he isnt gonna pitch 4 shut out innings.. We NEED a proven pitcher.... Freddy G baby, get it done
  18. By the way, yesterday was my one year anniversary here at Soxtalk and my moms 40th Birthday It is a special day in my life...... I cant believe ive been here for a year
  19. The DH is awesome.. its the symbol of the American League
  20. If he can be a great hitter at 1st base maybe we should give him a look there?? I mean we drafted plenty of quality arms in the draft, and if he has great power then why not?
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