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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Sandy cant catch and now the runner is in scoring posistion... too bad he wont get home
  2. ONE DOWN!!! Cmon Koch, prove all these jackasses wrong
  3. how bout you all just back him anyways?? ever think about that one... its not like hes doing bad
  4. you want to win now.... well so do I.... but I dont want to win this year and then fall off the map.. I just think there is better things out there to acquire
  5. Maggs isnt getting traded... the talks are pointless but they will still go on
  6. also... Schmidt is getting overused on the pitch count.. Ide hate to get excited about an ace and then have him burn out
  7. Maggs for Schmidt and Grissom?? You must be joking... I dont wanna trade our best player for two other players OVER 30 If we trade Maggs I want to get some players who will stick around for a good time.. and not already be on the decline
  8. I really doubt Marte lost sleep over that.... He didnt mean to hit him but he isnt gonna haunt his dreams, it happens...
  9. T R U


    I dont know about that one, Ide wait till closer to the deadline before thinking about trading PK.. Hes one of our more productive batters right now
  10. players come and go.... if someone doesnt want to be a Sox fan anymore because Maggs leaves or is traded, then maybe they arent that big of fans in the first place..
  11. T R U


    its clear that PK is back to form, im also glad that we kept him around
  12. If hes pretty much made it clear he wont be coming back I dont think many people would hate the organization for bettering the team when they can insted of lettin him walk and we get nothing but a crapshoot pick in the draft... You never know what we could get.. Hell we could prolly send him to LA for some of those top pitching prospects that are ready to step in and play now
  13. again..... I would trade him at the deadline... if you let him test the market then again you could get stuck with a comp. pick. A Trade for some major league players would benefit us best
  14. If he came out and said he wasnt gonna stay here no matter what I would trade his ass before the deadline for the most we can get... its better to get a sure thing then a comp. draft pick on someone who you dont know will even pan out
  15. what a b**** too bad $70 MILLION isnt good enough for him sometimes baseball makes me sick
  16. Man those are some good prospects, but theres no way we can make that trade while in 1st place... Unless Borchard is ready to step in... but still, I wouldnt do it.. its tough
  17. I doubt the Mets would trade anyone right now Same with LA
  18. and just how did Billy Koch cost us anything last year? He wasnt even the closer the entire year
  19. How are you gonna start a post on someone who is our hottest hitter right now?? ignorant
  20. Seriously, this is getting out of hand.. A trade has to be made, it has to..
  21. NO!!!!!! Ive had enough of that! Something has to be done to bring a proven player into the organization, its a MUST by now.. THink what our record would be with a legit 5! It must be done, asap
  22. Oh no Rauch is gone! cry me a f***ing river... the man has had his opportunities and he has SUCKED.... goodbye, fairwell, and dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
  23. most of everything on the site is about the sox, but somehow I dont think songs fit in with this board.. thats what im saying
  24. Couldnt agree more, im sick of seeing us toss people out there who are unproven.. its time to get someone who can do the job because this is ridiculous
  25. Im sure this belongs on a different board
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