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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I doubt that since a lot of it has to do with fan voting
  2. Why give up a lot for a #1 Type pitcher when we have MB and E-Lo right now?? Thats stupid.. 28 - 19, that doesnt look like the record of a team that is in dire need of a #1 Stater... So roll your eyes all you want but giving up too much to get a #1 type pitcher when we have 2 capeable of that and the numbers show is just ignorant.. if you can prove to me that we do, then please, explain
  3. Yeah you think that Uribe is gonna get selected ahead of Garciaparra, Tejada, Jeter?? Hell be lucky to get selected as a bench player dont get me wrong, he deserves to be an all star so far... but the way things work could prevenmt him from being one
  4. I think we need to get Victor Zmabrano.. I doubt that would cost us a lot and he is a solid guy who can step in and pitch for us... We dont need a #1 type pitcher, we need someone who can come in a give us a solid outing when he pitches and Zambrano fits that mold perfectly.. I think it would be a smart acqusition
  5. Unfortunatly, I dont think Uribe will be an all star even with his amazing start... its sad but thats just how it works... Personally I dont think fans should be able to vote, the best players need to make it, not the most popular
  6. I thought he had personal problems?.. and now he just says nevermind I wanna play for anaheim, that shouldnt be allowed but oh well
  7. Crede is younger and has a better upside.. Im sorry, but I dont want to hand KC a solid 3B who will be there for a long time, who we will have to face.. bad trade
  8. Dear god thats his wife???? and another thing, just because we trade for Benson doesnt mean hes the 5th starter... so just because hes makin 6 mil doesnt mean were paying a 5th starter that much
  9. Crede is better than Randa.. Unless they were giving us one hell of a prospect, who is damn near MLB ready, I would tell KC to f*** off :fyou if they came to me with that offer
  10. Zambrano is like 28-29.... thats not too young, and they are going nowhere anyways.. Im sure that if we offered them like Rowand and a mid level prospect or two, they would accept it... and yes i know they have outfielders but they may not be too high on Jose Cruz
  11. I agree with you man, that is stupid... You go to the GAME to watch the GAME... not to go do something else I think it would have been better to put a HR poarch also... why do you want GREEN seats??
  12. A few things... ABoz.. last time I looked Borchard was En Fuego (on fire)... now hes stats have improved and hes just "simmering".. wouldnt On Fire be better than simmering? Because simmering is like, a low flame just hangin out.. While on Fire is tearing it up, just wondering.. Second.. why would we give a RIVAL our best power prospect whose healthy and putting up numbers, our 3B of the future, a possible pitching prospect, and our only LH power hitter for an average OLD 3B and a SS who is not putting up the same production as last year?? Seems a bit much Besides, we have Uribe and Harris to look forward to.. we dont need to worry about bringing in SS/2B type players.. Crede always turns it up in the second half, and I am hoping we get rid of Rowand to make room for Borchard to give us another power hitting LH If were gonna trade for anyone I think we need to ship some mid level prospects for Victor Zambrano.. he could easily fit in as the 5th starter and produce for us and i doubt he would cost us a lot
  13. Also, WE dont think PK and Lee were bad signings... that would only be a few of you who like to complain when they do bad yet praise them when they do good... Bad CONTRACTS yes... Bad signing, no..
  14. I wouldnt call it the worst signing ever, he just hasnt worked out for them..
  15. witesoxfan.... it really doesnt matter if you care about ERA or not Koch is saving games, period..
  16. thats just stupid.. used jocks cant play LF or pitch
  17. I shall defend someone who is producing ANY day of the week and besides, do you know how hard it is for a reliever to bring his ERA down, they dont get as many chances and it takes a lot longer so one bad outing can f*** you for a while.. ala the KC outing for Koch Koch has been a B this yr... his Job isnt to have a low ERA, its to get saves, and he is 7 of 8...
  18. uh everyone doesnt have to be a power hitter to be high on?
  19. Clemens is 7 - 0 with like a 2.57 ERA I dont think Randy Johnson is much, if ANY better than that..
  20. Koch a C? Koch has been a B this year and you know it!! 7 of 8 with a 4.67 ERA and 19 K's in 17 IP Compared to last yr, he is a B this year... no doubt
  21. Thats because Beltre has been in the majors since he was like 17... the Dodgers got in trouble for that I believe...
  22. T R U


    you damn right 2K4
  23. better yet... could you imagine giving the Royals Borchard, Anderson, Honel, and one more so so prospect for Beltran, letting Maggs walk, and then signing Beltran long term and having Lee, Beltran, and Reed in the outfield... I think its possible
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