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Everything posted by T R U

  1. You Koch haters need to shut the hell up and quit b****ing W - Shingo (2 - 0) L - BJ Ryan (0-1)? S - Koch (5) thats all I need to see right there Hes getting the saves, where is your argument? You have none, shut the hell up and accept the fact that he IS our closer and IS closing games out
  2. Dammit, i wish that would have gotten done
  3. Hey Dylan, what deal was in place for Wunsch before he faked an injury?
  4. I wouldnt mind seeing Willie in CF because its clear Rowand has sucked it up.. ALSO Willie has no errors this year, the mans playing some good baseball
  5. Heres a thought... 16 - 9 why come in and take away the fastest player on the team who IS batting over .280 right now and bench him??? I say, if the Sox are smart, Valentin is out of luck and benched.. theres now way you f*** with this teams chemistry right now.. were on a tear and if you mess it all up it could be costly.. The teams playing good, Valentin will have to sit till there is reason to bench either Harris or Uribe, and right now I see no reason to do either... Whats that gonna do for Willies confidence?? Hes starting to hit and then gets benched, it would hurt his progress, definatley
  6. Seriously this is ridiculous.. The man went out and got the job done, he did what was asked of him... Thats all he is supposed to do dammit.. Why jump his ass? Its pointless... When you look at the final it says... W - Schoeneweis (2-1) L - DeJean (?-?) S - Koch (4) Thats all that matters, and sitting here b****ing about him is doing nothing but running you a greater risk of getting carpletunnel syndrom from wasted typing
  7. BS????????? he got the damn save, bottom line.. i dont care how ugly it is... game over sox won.... geyt over it and be happy
  8. did Koch get the save? yes.... case closed... he got the job done It doesnt matter what happened he got the job DONE he was pitching good they kept fouling them off and staying alive, he K'd two men i mean cmon.. bottom line is, until he stops getting the job done, leave his ass as the closer
  9. Ok when I clicked the chat room link, its just blank... so I tried to just go to WhiteSoxCentral and that wouldnt go there either... just blank.. I dunno what the deal is
  10. I tried it, and it isnt working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Willie Harris is a badass, theres no need to say we dont need him.. Look at hows he doin so far he came into tonights game at .273 and hes already got a walk and a hit.. Not to mention hes almost impossible to throw out on the base paths.. 5 SB 0 CS
  12. when i click the link to go to the chat room it doesnt go.. its a blank screen
  13. Dammit the chat isnt working for me, someone help me out
  14. We dont have a problem at 2nd base.. so it doesnt matter if Beltran an play 2nd or not.. Willie Harris is doing a great job, and will continue..
  15. Its really good to see Reed hitting at such a high average again... Im glad he didnt come out hitting like .220 to start the year, it makes me feel even that much better about him becoming the future of CF in Chicago... Just think in a few years its gonna be Reed, Anderson, and Sweeney... Thats going to be a badass outfield that we can keep together for a long time... and Uribe and Harris in the IF... We have some good young players... I cant wait to see MB, Garland, Cotts, and Honel in the starting rotation.. Adkins is gonna be solid out of the pen.. I like the way our minor leagues look and the way were set for the future.. And since the central is weak, we are a contender every year
  16. You know, I really dont think it matters WHO is producing or WHO is pitching good or what Ozzie is saying for that matter... the fact is, a Win is a Win... it doesnt matter if Maggs is 0-5 and Dransfeldt his 3 HR's... If Koch sucks all year again and we win the division who cares? Olivo is in his 2nd year... why would you say IF they decide to be Major leaguers again?? And Ozzie has been nothing but positive for this club, look at how many bases were stealing, Frank and Konerko even out there runnin, and its easy to see there is more fire in the team.... Shut up Ozzie??.. If anything I think he needs to keep on going
  17. Can someone fill me in on this Trade rumor? I saw someone post something like this having to d owith Boston DLing Brad Thomas... Just wanna know what it is, thanks
  18. T R U


    Yeah the Yankees dont have much in their system so I doubt that these guys are going to be able to shut down our offense we have shown so far this year.. we are a much better team
  19. Agreed... again if this was last years team I wouldnt be surprised if TB took 2/3 from us... but this year seems different I have a diff a feel about the game, it just looks like we are playing harder and having a good time.. its awesome.. I can see another sweep!
  20. Hey if we keep playing like this the attendance will go way up.. the 10-9 win was great for me.. i felt like if that was last years team they woulda gone 1-2-3 game over and I especially love seeing BIG HURT try to steal a bag, and Kong too... Man, this is going to be a fun year
  21. hahahaha holy s***.. i thought that was serious too
  22. First off.. Jimenez was good, but no one liked him around here so he got bashed constantly.. and second.. Uribe is gonna be awesome for us.. He has allready shown with his playing time that he can get the job done, and that he is a hard worker.. he is WAY better than Miles, and with Miles in Colorado theres no telling how inflated his stats are due to the playing conditions.. To me Uribe looks like a guy, who on a regular starting season, could hit .300 with 15 HR's 60 RBI's score over 100 Runs and steal at least 30 bases
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